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John Kerry's comments


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I could quote alot of you people and put your words as my sig for the rest of my stay here at mvpmods. Whether I agree with any of you or not, there's some great comments from a lot of you.

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Holy crap, really?

The brown throwback one or the yucky aqua or the modern black one?

NZ actually have a big game against Australia tonight in the semi-final of the Champions trophy, which I'm pretty excited about, as cricket is second only to baseball as my favorite sport.

As for politics, NZ is pretty liberal and tolerant, I like to say NZ is the Canada of the South Pacific (Australia is the USA), the equivalent of the US republicans in NZ are to the left of many American democrats, i.e support civil unions (gay marriage) and don't deny climate change.

Of course, it's pretty easy to be liberal and tolerant when you live in paradise.

I have the brown and green one. Being Indian, cricket is also one of my favourite sports. I'm assuming NZ vs. Australia is the equivalent of India vs. Pakistan.

I could quote alot of you people and put your words as my sig for the rest of my stay here at mvpmods. Whether I agree with any of you or not, there's some great comments from a lot of you.

Mind giving us some examples?

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I have the brown and green one. Being Indian, cricket is also one of my favourite sports. I'm assuming NZ vs. Australia is the equivalent of India vs. Pakistan.

Well, almost, but not quite the intensity of India vs Pakistan, which imo is the most heated rivalry in all of sports, outdoing even RedSox-Yankees

I went to a India-Pakistan game in England, and they were some of the most crazy rabid fans I've ever seen.

For NZ, Australia is the biggest rivalry, Australia seem to view NZ as the retarded younger step-brother that every so often will get lucky.

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wow, some of you are real jerks when it comes to politics. I still don't understand why Kerry is so bad. I guess it's just because he's too smart for alot of people. But what I don't understand even more is HOW THE HELL CAN YOU LIKE BUSH? i just don't get it. he's not done ONE THING in office that's not to only help himself and his rich business tycoon friends. name ONE MAJOR THING THAT HE'S DONE TO HELP NORMAL WORKING CLASS AMERICANS. he is the worst president ever to be in office. seriously. people even like bush sr. at least did some "decent" stuff, like maybe donating a couple of bucks to unicef.

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Lincoln was a good president, but I heard on Paul Harvey's "Rest of the Story", that before he was elected to office, he was a lawyer for some politician, and thay they had drawn up a plan to enslave americans, and sell them to South American farmers. The farmers would then sell America goods at a discounted rate.

So, if that is true, Lincoln was actually for the thing he was fighting against.

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nah, ive studied lincoln too much to believe that.. but he did work for some democrats... so that might explain it... just cause he drew it up doesnt mean he believed/supported it...

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I have the brown and green one. Being Indian, cricket is also one of my favourite sports. I'm assuming NZ vs. Australia is the equivalent of India vs. Pakistan.

Mind giving us some examples?

Almost the entire page one. I was laughing too much to be mad or drawn into the political debate re: Scary Kerry.
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I'd rather take the corrupt Republicans over morons like John Kerry.

You're calling John Kerry a moron with such pathetic comments? You are such a child.

Bush has single-handedly turned the entire world against us because he is completely incapable of handling his job. He started a war for no purpose whatsoever that has cost us a trillion dollars, he's shredding the constitution on a daily basis, is attempting to destroy the military, public schools and the judicial system, and Kerry is the problem?

The fact is, because we've wasted such a ridiculous amount of money on this war instead of providing college scholarships or decent jobs for youth, many uneducated people are going into the army. Why do you think the army keeps lowering its requirements for enlistment? Do you think that's just some sort of coincidence.

Get in touch with the real world sometimes, then come back and post. Until then, keep your idiocy to your parents' basement where it belongs.

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Sean O... the war bush started does have a purpose... it is to help eliminate terrorism and to help out countries in the middle east who cannot govern themselves. it's a worthwhile cause. my american history teacher last year is a vet of this current war and he said that while he did not like being over there, the people that he was helping appreciated it alot.

he is trying to tear apart public schools though (no child left behind thing)

and the reason that the requirements to get in the military are getting lower and all that is because they need people in the military and nobody wants to join the military in a time of war... they need more people to choose from so they can have enough.

i believe Kerry should apologize to the troops and military about his statement.

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Sean O... the war bush started does have a purpose... it is to help eliminate terrorism and to help out countries in the middle east who cannot govern themselves. it's a worthwhile cause. my american history teacher last year is a vet of this current war and he said that while he did not like being over there, the people that he was helping appreciated it alot.

he is trying to tear apart public schools though (no child left behind thing)

and the reason that the requirements to get in the military are getting lower and all that is because they need people in the military and nobody wants to join the military in a time of war... they need more people to choose from so they can have enough.

If that was the real reason for the war, then yes, it is a noble reason. But it's not. Bush went in to Iraq to try to acquire the oil that is there. And to get revenge for the hit that Hussein put on Bush Sr. when he was in office.

You don't put a whole country at risk to get personal revenge.

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If that was the real reason for the war, then yes, it is a noble reason. But it's not. Bush went in to Iraq to try to acquire the oil that is there. And to get revenge for the hit that Hussein put on Bush Sr. when he was in office.

You don't put a whole country at risk to get personal revenge.

we got the oil we need... so why not pull out?

maybe i'm nieve... but i like to believe that he is there to help eliminate terrorism and to help out those countries who need help

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why not pull out now? he's save a damn lot of money. (yes... i know the money he saved wouldn't go to him... atleast not directly)

i could name 100 people that would like him better if he pulled out right now... wouldn't some one who cares only about themselves "dig" this (like those snotty "popular" girls at school...)

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why not pull out now? he's save a damn lot of money.

That's where his ego comes in. He knows pulling out is the right thing to do, but he also knows it's what everybody else wants. And he's bound and determined to do it his way.

He doesn't give a **** about the people of Iraq. Hell, how can he when he doesn't care about his own people.

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Sean O... the war bush started does have a purpose... it is to help eliminate terrorism and to help out countries in the middle east who cannot govern themselves. it's a worthwhile cause.

Have you bumped your head, or did you miss the memo that terrorism in the area has risen since he started his war?

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i get how he knows this is what everyone else wants... a made an edit in my other post that said this "i could name 100 people that would like him better if he pulled out right now... wouldn't some one who cares only about themselves "dig" this (like those snotty "popular" girls at school...)"

i'm not understanding how staying there until he leaves is "his way"... i don't think he had an exact time table. i think his plan woulda been more like "get the oil... get out"... but maybe i'm wrong

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Cheney's company Haliburton is given a big portion of the "rebuilding" work that is going on there. His friends that are tied into the oil companies make money off this.

The longer we're there, the higher the gas prices, which comes from oil. Again his buddies make money.

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I thinking "pulling out" is a relative term,

With all the military bases and installations that have been built there, the US is going to have a presence in their conquered territory for decades to come.

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this is from my bro... double major in math and aerospace engineering at PSU, with a minor in somethin business... is goin for a MBA...

"bush will not make money off the war. american business, even in big oil, does not see the profits of it's conterparts... this is like sayin that google gets profits from yahoo doing well... just is simply outlandish... the middle eastern companies may make money... this is because they can produce less oil and charge the same price as in a monopoly demand is set and also happens to b the price... so there is actually a maximum profit point as both cost and income are functions of output so to make most money a monopoly can make is when producing at a certain output.. if they were making above this output that is set by what the going price for oil which is probably not the case because this is not a new theorey and is definately known by people working in those companies. this sentament of a war for oil is such an ignorant stance... ecspecially when a very liberal media has sacked the idea dispite its awesome catch phrase... cuz simply it's not founded in anything but spite for a man that dispite being dumber then the general public somehow got elected by them, but saying that he knew he would reep benifits from this gives him a brain... somethin the media doesn't like the idea of dispite his ivey league degree (yes dad got it for him.,.. but this is the way most ivey degrees are earned and they still have a fantastic reputation). in reality the only way this is helpin america in the economic veiw point is through it's manufacturing industry (for war supplies and other things that nedd to b produced for times of war)... big oil as a whole is not makin money off this war. those arguing that bush's buddies make money are most definately liberal (which in the academic economic community means u don't understand what's being said, because economic policy is most definately conservative at it's core. therefore a liberial individual prolly get C's and/or will switch to poli-sci) and their only research prolly invovled googling and anti-bush site."

and now it's time for bed...

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As of today (2006-10-31), I'm enlisted as a Private in the South Carolina Army National Guard. I was informed that on the ASVAB test, a grade of 110 in any specific section is an excellent rating. My processing officer showed the results to me, my lowest section was a 115. I am absolutely not stupid. I have already started earning college credit through Anderson University at my high school, so that when I complete high school I have a better chance at getting in university. I know for a fact that if John Kerry is referring to soldiers as "stupid", then I beg to differ, as I am going into the Tactical Satellite Communications Systems Operator-Maintainer job.

However, I do not like President Bush, just as I do not like John Kerry. Bush is a liar, and Kerry doesn't even make any sense half of the time. I go with who has the best policy, and from what I have seen recently, I would surely vote for Barack Obama. He wants to bring everyone together, and that is the only way we're ever going to make things better. It shouldn't be split up.

I may not like the reasons for the war, but I will serve to protect my country and I will put my life on the line, as so many others have done for us.

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In 2004, on a Face the Nation interview

"And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs."


While campaigning in California yesterday for gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides, Kerry said: ``Education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq.''

I guess the Democrats may never have power ever again with these kinds of comments.

People who enlist in the military are stupid because it's their only option. American soldiers are akin to terrorists. CONCLUSION: John Kerry is a Republican's best friend.

Your thoughts?

WOW, what a piece of ****. Thank god Bush was re-elected.

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