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John Kerry's comments


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josh... ur a stud well put (i'm the brother in the previous post... i graduated from PSU w/ honors in 2 majors... and had a supply chain minor) i also am not stupid... i don't know much about politics but i do know about econ... and the statement that some oil company is making money off higher prices is a very poor assumption... god bless u man... i hope ur life in the armed forces is far beyond your wildest dream!

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this is from my bro... double major in math and aerospace engineering at PSU, with a minor in somethin business... is goin for a MBA...

"bush will not make money off the war. american business, even in big oil, does not see the profits of it's conterparts... this is like sayin that google gets profits from yahoo doing well... just is simply outlandish... the middle eastern companies may make money... this is because they can produce less oil and charge the same price as in a monopoly demand is set and also happens to b the price... so there is actually a maximum profit point as both cost and income are functions of output so to make most money a monopoly can make is when producing at a certain output.. if they were making above this output that is set by what the going price for oil which is probably not the case because this is not a new theorey and is definately known by people working in those companies. this sentament of a war for oil is such an ignorant stance... ecspecially when a very liberal media has sacked the idea dispite its awesome catch phrase... cuz simply it's not founded in anything but spite for a man that dispite being dumber then the general public somehow got elected by them, but saying that he knew he would reep benifits from this gives him a brain... somethin the media doesn't like the idea of dispite his ivey league degree (yes dad got it for him.,.. but this is the way most ivey degrees are earned and they still have a fantastic reputation). in reality the only way this is helpin america in the economic veiw point is through it's manufacturing industry (for war supplies and other things that nedd to b produced for times of war)... big oil as a whole is not makin money off this war. those arguing that bush's buddies make money are most definately liberal (which in the academic economic community means u don't understand what's being said, because economic policy is most definately conservative at it's core. therefore a liberial individual prolly get C's and/or will switch to poli-sci) and their only research prolly invovled googling and anti-bush site."

and now it's time for bed...

ask your brother about this: http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=1029991

Record profits for oil companies. How is "big oil as a whole" not making money off of the war? True or False, Bush has friends in the oil industry. :)

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ur article just proves big oil is lucrative... which is true... it does not show direct growth from the war... because it's not possible... once again u sued google and didn't do any real research

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i'd like 2 clarify... that i don't support bush... but i am anti dumb statements... the statement this is a war for oil is dumb, the idea that soldiers are dumb is also stupid... the fact that ppl that make typos are dumb may not b (ya ya ya... u didn't sue google... hahahaha... alright i'm goin 2 bed too... have fun bashing my posts)

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ur article just proves big oil is lucrative... which is true... it does not show direct growth from the war... because it's not possible... once again u sued google and didn't do any real research

Can you prove that oil prices have not been affected by the war? I'd like to see you try.

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and the statement that some oil company is making money off higher prices is a very poor assumption

In 1998 oil was $13 a barrel and many oil wells in Texas were shutdown because they could not make money, here lately all wells are in action because they could sell it for $72 a barrel

explain to me how that is not making money off of high prices

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well... u'd have 2 read the first part about monopoly econ... and understand that... price is set by the market... and there is actually a shut down point in econ when the marginal profit curve is below the marginal cost... it makes sens they would do that... the price is affected by the total supply and demand of the entire market... i'm done discussing this... if u wanna understand it take a macro and micro economics course... it's not so complicated... honest...

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in parting... who discusses politics on a forum on a site dedicated to game updates? seriously? i mean i have an excuse... i had a younger brother ask me for an explination... and then wanted me 2 argue... i don't like arguing b/c i'm used to an academic setting where what i'm talkin about is common knowledge... i'm sorry for any confussion... please don't take my explination as the end all b all... but at the same time don't take what ur told in the media as the final answers either... think about what your being told, ask questions... use more then one source... (online forum with a guy that has a business typ minor does not count)... in the end i'm not ganna change ur minds... my comments about economics are correct... u can look them up... please do... but unless u've taken some calc and some econ courses u may not understand it... and to reference one of our leaders: that's how you end up in iraq! ;)

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A Freudian slip, or parapraxia, is an error in human action, speech or memory that is believed to be caused by the unconscious mind. Some errors, such as a woman accidentally calling her husband by another man's name, seem to represent relatively clear cases of Freudian slips. In other cases, the error might appear to be trivial, bizarre or even nonsensical, but shows some deeper significance on analysis.

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For real, if you think the purpose of this war is oil, then your ignorant.

If you think bush's friends and the oil industry haven't benefited, your ignorant as well.

But really, do you think Bush is so inhumane that he would sacrifice his presidential legacy and American lives only for financial gain? While I'm not an avid Bush policy supporter, I do respect him as a man, as I know several people who have known him personally for quite some time. I'm certain Bush wouldn't put America into war for the sole purpose of oil. And if you really think that, then you need to do some real research rather than basing everything on what you're fed by the media. And virtually all truly educated people (democrats and republicans alike) will tell you that the media is full of crap from both sides.

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For real, if you think the purpose of this war is oil, then your ignorant.

If you think bush's friends and the oil industry haven't benefited, your ignorant as well.

But really, do you think Bush is so inhumane that he would sacrifice his presidential legacy and American lives only for financial gain? While I'm not an avid Bush policy supporter, I do respect him as a man, as I know several people who have known him personally for quite some time. I'm certain Bush wouldn't put America into war for the sole purpose of oil. And if you really think that, then you need to do some real research rather than basing everything on what you're fed by the media. And virtually all truly educated people (democrats and republicans alike) will tell you that the media is full of crap from both sides.

I give everyone 12 months to get this mess fixed. If it isn't happening by then, it probably never will.

And John Kerry just needs to shut up because he's not very funny and its really scary looking at the man's face. :werd:

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Exactly right.

What's the difference between a Democrat and a Republican? Answer: Nothing. They both tell you the same lies but from a different angle.

As Jon Stewart said: (paraphrased) Behind closed doors, both sides are best friends, laughing at all of us.

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As Jon Stewart said: (paraphrased) Behind closed doors, both sides are best friends, laughing at all of us.

*all while giving themselves "cost of living adjustments"....*

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Heh, and the irony is by choosing to willfully mis-interpret Kerry's comment, they prove the misinterpreted comment correct.

Still, I guess this is better for GOP leaders to talk about than the excessive number of dead American soldiers this past month.

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That's funny :lol:

I bet Bush's people had that arranged.

I'll bet that they didn't... you give them way too much credit... the soldiers really arent that stupid... they are capable of creating a joke... honestly, if the bush administration made it up and wanted to show it off, itd be all over the news...

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A Freudian slip, or parapraxia, is an error in human action, speech or memory that is believed to be caused by the unconscious mind. Some errors, such as a woman accidentally calling her husband by another man's name, seem to represent relatively clear cases of Freudian slips. In other cases, the error might appear to be trivial, bizarre or even nonsensical, but shows some deeper significance on analysis.
like ronald reagan saying (and i'm paraphrasing): "the truth is a stupid thing. i mean, stubborn."
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