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The future of PC baseball games

Sean O

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this may be a dumb question, but what exactly do you mean by 3d graphics? In a sense, arent kc's unis, and all the stadiums and faces 3d? maybe im just totally dumb and really missing it here...

That is just what is covering the 3D graphics

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This would be fantastic if it could be done, but its a lot of work. We have a lot of great guys here, but can we really pull off something this big?

On a wishful note, I would be willing to contact EA about releasing the source code.

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Anybody with the skills to do this already has a job making games and would not have time to make this one.

Has EA ever released any source code for any game?

Come on Kraw. If you can cause a rainout in the World Series, surely you can convince EA to give you the source code for this game. :)

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