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Iraqi tribunal sentences Saddam to hang


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chances are, it will probably show up on the internet soon after the hanging

Well yeah, like the nick berg thing did too.

I don't really care to see it, but as an American it's my duty to try and make a quick buck!

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Saddam did not receive a fair trial according to basic international standards.

This piece of trash didn't deserve a fair trial. To me he's not even a human being, he's a monster.

Slightly ironic too, that Hussein's sentence is to be barbaric revenge killing just like that of which he was found guilty of.

I say an eye for an eye.

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hory, what i really hope you meant, is that you are defending his rights and how he was tried instead of saddam hussein as a person... if you're defending him as a person, then ive really lost all respect for you...

also, like i said, i dont believe in the death penalty...

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hory, what i really hope you meant, is that you are defending his rights and how he was tried instead of saddam hussein as a person... if you're defending him as a person, then ive really lost all respect for you...

also, like i said, i dont believe in the death penalty...

I was defending Hussein's human right to have a fair trial, something Saddam himself denied thousands of people over the years.

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Defending Saddam?

I'm there.

Saddam did not receive a fair trial according to basic international standards.

It was a kangaroo court with deliberately lowered standards of evidence, with judges being forced to resign for simply allowing the defence to present their case.

This process undermined the credibility of the verdict, and will allow Saddam's followers to forever claim that he was a victim of "victor's justice".

While I agree with the guilty verdict, If Slobodan Milosevic, the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide and the Nazis from WWII can receive a fair and open trials there is no reason Saddam could not have.

Slightly ironic too, that Hussein's sentence is to be barbaric revenge killing just like that of which he was found guilty of.

First of all, I do agree that sdddam did not recieve the fair trial and evrything was dictaded by us (usa). We wanted him gone jusl like U.S wanted MILOSEVic dead. People in this country do not know the half truth about saddam or MIlosevic. We have media that is only one sided. They never show the other side. How can you guys even say things like "he deserved it" or other things like that. Just because CNN, FOX, NBC, and other major news networks say that the person is bad that does not make it so. What you guys did not probably know is that Milosevic was poisoned by Hag Tribunal. He knew Bill Clinton very well and Milosevic knew some dirty secrects abour clinton (according to the one the europen press). Tribunal could not find him guilty because he was simply not guilty. Milosevic was just defening his people from people that killed millions of serbs in the WW2. Don`t blame him, the war on Balkan was acually started by 700 hundred seacret German agents, Rome, CIA, and England. I did not make this up, this was reopted in U.S mgazines and in book/magazine article by Serbian general. Even my 82 year polish neighbor knows that. As for saddam, he did torture his people but I never would sentec him to death. Let the God be the judge.

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Defending Saddam?

I'm there.

Saddam did not receive a fair trial according to basic international standards.

It was a kangaroo court with deliberately lowered standards of evidence, with judges being forced to resign for simply allowing the defence to present their case.

This process undermined the credibility of the verdict, and will allow Saddam's followers to forever claim that he was a victim of "victor's justice".

While I agree with the guilty verdict, If Slobodan Milosevic, the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide and the Nazis from WWII can receive a fair and open trials there is no reason Saddam could not have.

Slightly ironic too, that Hussein's sentence is to be barbaric revenge killing just like that of which he was found guilty of.

Very well put. Excellent and articulate post. I don't want to ever see the U.S. *lower* itself to the standards of many other countries of the world. This is a great country because of the high standards we set for ourselves.

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that guy is just mad because people jumped down his throat when he made an insensitive joke in another thread earlier today.

Insensitive joke, maybe, but Irwin died for something he made his life doing and something he loved. I find nothing wrong in humor based on someone's death in something they enjoy doing. Saddam is going to die with something he likes to do. Torture. Now he will hang.

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Than you are just like Saddam Hussein.

Ok this post is just ridiculous. Please do not compare me to a man that has brutally tortured and murdered thousands of people.

If you feel otherwise that's fine, and maybe you are a better person than I am for thinking so but let me ask you this, what would you say to the families of those who have been subjected to his terror? If they want him to suffer for what he did are they just as bad as he is? What if it were a member of your family? Would you still think he is being treated to harshly and that his trial was unfair or unjust? I don't believe that you would but like I said maybe you're just a better person than me.

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Fair trail or not, his regime killed so many people that he truly deserves to die. Although I think they should prolong his wait until death and make him think about what is coming. He was apparently flustered in court so thinking about it should make him a nervous wreck.

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I don't want to ever see the U.S. *lower* itself to the standards of many other countries of the world. This is a great country because of the high standards we set for ourselves.

I don't agree at all. I think the reason this country is so fucked up is because of this. If we inflicted harsher punishments we would have less crime.

Some nut goes out and molests a child and what does he get? Life without parole, wtf is that? I say castrate the ******* before you send him to prison or cut off his hands or fingers. Let's see how many people decide they want to go rape a child when they know this is what's waiting for them. He would be dead anyway because the inmates would kill him but it shouldn't have to be done that way.

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Why does U.S has to decide what happens to Saddam. Why does our goverment has to get involved in everytrhing? I know that goverment wants control of middle east but wht do we have to prosecute people in forgein countries. We have enough problems in this country, we are so afraid of losing power in the world.

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Why does U.S has to decide what happens to Saddam. Why does our goverment has to get involved in everytrhing? I know that goverment wants control of middle east but wht do we have to prosecute people in forgein countries. We have enough problems in this country, we are so afraid of losing power in the world.

We did not prosecute...the Iraqi people did

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We did not prosecute...the Iraqi people did

Don`t think that the Iraqi judges were forced in someway to find Saddam guilty? The court was a joke, it was not even close to the real court. First judge was removed because he was not "tough" on Saddam, come on.

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I don't agree at all. I think the reason this country is so **** up is because of this. If we inflicted harsher punishments we would have less crime.

Some nut goes out and molests a child and what does he get? Life without parole, wtf is that? I say castrate the **** before you send him to prison or cut off his hands or fingers. Let's see how many people decide they want to go rape a child when they know this is what's waiting for them. He would be dead anyway because the inmates would kill him but it shouldn't have to be done that way.

Wow. Thats one of the most ignorant posts i've seen in a long time. I did an extensive research project on this, and it is scientifically proven that the death penalty has no affect on lowering murder rates. In fact, states with the death penalty have seen an INCREASE in murder. When I have more time tonight, I'll dig up all my stuff and provide a nice long rebuttal, biblically (since i assume thats where you get your eye for and eye stuff), financially, and criminally.

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I would, but i didn't actually write a paper... i did an hour presentation on it... it was a speech/debate class... Ill have to look for all my prep stuff on it though..... i hope i have it on this laptop and not on my desktop at home (cause im at college)...

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Wow. Thats one of the most ignorant posts i've seen in a long time. I did an extensive research project on this, and it is scientifically proven that the death penalty has no affect on lowering murder rates. In fact, states with the death penalty have seen an INCREASE in murder. When I have more time tonight, I'll dig up all my stuff and provide a nice long rebuttal, biblically (since i assume thats where you get your eye for and eye stuff), financially, and criminally.

Yeah but I'm not talking about sentencing these types of people to death. A person wouldn't die from being castrated or having his hands removed, it would however prevent them from committing such crimes in the future.

The way I see it is that a person has to have some type of mental illness in order to be able to rape or murder another human being so what would a prison sentence solve? I don't feel that these people could be rehabilitated so I say cut off the problem at its source.

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I'm not retreating I was giving some alternatives to the death sentence. I do believe that the punishment should fit the crime. Also what Saddam was doing he was doing because he liked it, and that is not what I am saying at all.

Say a rapist or murderer goes to jail and doesn't get the death penalty or life in prison. He gets out in ten or fifteen years and now he is left to his own devices. So now he rapes or murders again. Maybe once maybe twenty times before he is caught and brought back to jail again. Do you believe that justice was served in that situation?

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at first i thought that that maybe it would be more of a punishment to be stuck in a prison for the rest of his life. Because I'm sure Hussein isn't ashamed of what he's done. he thinks he's going to "heaven". but if he goes to jail for the rest of his life, he still won't feel ashamed. i mean, i don't really know, but: basically, Hussein is an extremely evil human being. But then is it more of a punishment to Hussein and his followers for him to die, or something else to happen to him? know what i mean?

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