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Iraqi tribunal sentences Saddam to hang


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One could make the case that George Bush should be tried for crimes against humanity as well.

i would make that case. i would agree 100% with that, in fact. in fact, i would say that he should be scrutinized just as much as Hussein. Why? First of all he's just falt-out evil. Second, if america was a dictatorship/monarchy, you would see bush doing slightly more... elaborate things than now.

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I post this on the eve of election day. Everyone is so quick to blame Bush and call him evil and that it is a aweful thing that we went to war. I have always wonder why the people who are always first to cry that there civil liberities are being opressed by our government are also the ones on the front line complaining that we are at war where we will be giving people the same civil liberites that we have, liberities that most have not know their entire lives. Relieze that this country is now a little safer since Sadam is no longer in a postion of Power. WMD's or not, we are safer now. I will be the first to say that Bush has made mistakes, but I glad we have him and not the other yahooss that ran against him. He was a strong voice we could rally around after 9/11. Although the other remarks were taken out of context by the media (that never happens), his follow up the next morning to blame Bush rather than take some fault, shows yet again what kind of man he was, A man who was not even endorsed by the men he served with.

to abc's point about doing more if this was a dictatorship or monochary. this is an ingnorent statement. You don't know that you can only sepculate from what you have heard in the media (see my point above). And to say that he is flat out evil and link him w/ Sadam who would torture people just for fun, is more ignorant. If you want to read about Sadam and his sons, there is a good story on the Iraq soccer team and their punishment. google it. Last time I checked Bodie Miller was not totured because he failed to do well.

the great thing about this country is that we can freely debate this topic. Iraq will be able to do the same for the first in a long time and not be killed. Let freedom ring.

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Guys, stop complaining about Bush. We are better off than we would have been if John Kerry was President. And he probably lost all his chances of running for anything after those stupid comments.

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You can't possibly know that.

Actually that makes no sense because Kerry didnt run in 2000. In 2004 we were already in Iraq.

What the other argument should be is if AL GORE were President....

And Al Gore definitely would NOT have invaded Iraq. I'm not even sure if he would invaded Afghanistan either or would have even bothered fighting the war on terror, just like his buddy Bill Clinton.

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ok, take the war in iraq out of the picture. because as long as we keep giving reason, you'll be stubborn and make excuses. so, forget the war in iraq. think about this:

bush has not done one single major thing to help the working class of america. Not one. He's raised the prices of drugs, healthcare, education, cut down funding for healthcare, education, police, fire fighting, general necessities. and it's all to benefit his friends of big businesses. he's put his own religous beliefs before the good of humanity and civilization.

also, i don't get this: what "crap" was kerry spitting out in 2004? it was just to complex for the general american public to understand, so they thought he was just talking nonsense, being "wishy-washy". BUSH is the one telling ALL THE LIES. i mean, it's just really ignorant, the facts right in front of you. in fact, he even uses tactics from hitler: tell a lie enough times, no matter if it's been proven wrongs just as many times, and people will start to believe it.

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hangings not bad its quick and relatively painless....they dont actually hang to death they instead get there necks snapped by the rope when the floor is removed.

i think they should do what they did to mousilini....look it up

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So just to restate what you have said so far is that Bush is like both Hitler and Sadam. Just because you are upset that your guy did not win, get over it Your Guy will win in 2 years and unlike you I will be graceful and not liken him to Stalin. Once again you think he has done a terrible job, many think he has done a good job, this is why America is great and this is what Iraq cannot do. I'm working middle class and I think things are fine. I'm nolonger penilized for being married and the death tax is shrinking. Last time i checked If my family were to pass away, Why should the goverment get any. And your view point of big business getting more money, that is a basic fundamental difference in the two sides. I believe in trickledown economics. I see the misuse of funds on the poor. My wife works w/ them and it probabley would suprise you some of the aid they receive.

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ok, take the war in iraq out of the picture. because as long as we keep giving reason, you'll be stubborn and make excuses. so, forget the war in iraq. think about this:

bush has not done one single major thing to help the working class of america. Not one. He's raised the prices of drugs, healthcare, education, cut down funding for healthcare, education, police, fire fighting, general necessities. and it's all to benefit his friends of big businesses. he's put his own religous beliefs before the good of humanity and civilization.

also, i don't get this: what "crap" was kerry spitting out in 2004? it was just to complex for the general american public to understand, so they thought he was just talking nonsense, being "wishy-washy". BUSH is the one telling ALL THE LIES. i mean, it's just really ignorant, the facts right in front of you. in fact, he even uses tactics from hitler: tell a lie enough times, no matter if it's been proven wrongs just as many times, and people will start to believe it.

"The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real...He has had a free hand for 4 years to reconstitute these weapons, allowing the world, during the interval, to lose the focus we had on weapons of mass destruction and the issue of proliferation."

- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), October 9, 2002

“The UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq still has stockpiles of chemical and biological munitions, a small force of Scud-type missiles, and the capacity to restart quickly its production program and build many, many more weapons…And some day, some way, I guarantee you, he'll use the arsenal…One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."

- EX-President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

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no, i don't really see. those quotes are both said by john kerry, and bill clinton, both of which (insert prayer here) are not george w. bush. that does not show that bush didn't lie at all.

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Actually that makes no sense because Kerry didnt run in 2000. In 2004 we were already in Iraq.

What the other argument should be is if AL GORE were President....

And Al Gore definitely would NOT have invaded Iraq. I'm not even sure if he would invaded Afghanistan either or would have even bothered fighting the war on terror, just like his buddy Bill Clinton.


Gotta love that revisionist history.

I would say Clinton was very much concerned with dealing with Al Queda.

Clinton actually wanted to invade Afghanistan after the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000.

If you wish to see an analysis of the Bush administration's record of dealing with Al Queda in the first nine months of 2001, this Keith Olbermann video is very illuminating.

I have no doubt Gore, just like Bush II would have invaded Afghanistan in late 2001 had the one Supreme Court vote that decided the 2000 election gone his way.

However, I doubt very much Gore would have launched an invasion of Iraq in 2003, because Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks.

Of course this is a mindless argument of hypothetical situations with people on both 'sides' who seem to have no grasp of facts or reality, just spin.

Just listening to the crap constantly being spewed out of Kerry's mouth scared me into praying that Bush would win.


Have you ever heard the president speak?

I’m the decider' date=' and I decide what is best.[/quote']

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Maria Bartiromo: "I'm curious, have you ever googled anybody? Do you use Google?"

President Bush: "Occasionally. One of the things I've used on the Google is to pull up maps. It's very interesting to see -- I've forgot the name of the program -- but you get the satellite, and you can -- like, I kinda like to look at the ranch. It remind me of where I wanna be sometimes."

This kind of makes me think that bush is just a spoiled brat that wants to go home and just play on his rich ranch all day instead of doing this "president" thing.

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The way I see it is that a person has to have some type of mental illness in order to be able to rape or murder another human being so what would a prison sentence solve? I don't feel that these people could be rehabilitated so I say cut off the problem at its source.

Why would you cut off the hands or castrate someone who is as you say mentally ill. If they have a mental issue nothing you do physically to them will help. I think you should understand what you are talking about instead of posting nonsense out of your ***.

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So just to restate what you have said so far is that Bush is like both Hitler and Sadam. Just because you are upset that your guy did not win, get over it Your Guy will win in 2 years and unlike you I will be graceful and not liken him to Stalin. Once again you think he has done a terrible job, many think he has done a good job, this is why America is great and this is what Iraq cannot do. I'm working middle class and I think things are fine. I'm nolonger penilized for being married and the death tax is shrinking. Last time i checked If my family were to pass away, Why should the goverment get any. And your view point of big business getting more money, that is a basic fundamental difference in the two sides. I believe in trickledown economics. I see the misuse of funds on the poor. My wife works w/ them and it probabley would suprise you some of the aid they receive.

Go to GOOGLE VIDEO and type in Aaron Russo. Watch his 15min movie called Freedom to facism.

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You know people can be very blind. Read the Military Commissions Act and don't be blinded by what you are told watching TV PROGRAMMING. Understand the words please and stop saying we are for the other side. Dems and Republicans are both disgusting liars who are pushing towards world government by being intentionally imcompetant. Don't believe it, oh well I guess ignorance is bliss huh NUTTS?


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I don't agree with death penalty. By the way I really hate what Saddam did and what Bush is doing.

It will sound silly, but... it should be obvious:

"Killing is bad"

No joking, I pray for real punishment. Saddam could work and work and help the community... building a couple of bridges (or a kind of work like that) !!!

By the way, 700,000 people are death in Irak because of our glorious forces (read it between lines - Bush & Co. ).

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First of all, you have to live outside of the United States for a while to see how our country is ran. You can Read the Military Commissions Act but that`s just for the people to read. Why do you think Johnny Depp left this country to live in France? People here are just blinded by media, hollywood, and by their jobs. Media shows the "pretty pictures" and keep bombarding people with fake boobs. Today, people in this country are working 2 joba or working 12-13 hours a day just to be considered a middle class. The rich are getting richer and middle class/poor are just tring to keep up or if they don`t than they will end up on street. Look at Europe and their life style. You will not see people coming home at 9 or 10 form work. Soon enough, there will be no middle class, it will be just Rich and poor. People do not have time to stop and think what is really going on so they turn to CNN, FOX, NBC, CBS, and others to see and hear what`s going on in their country. Just watch american news and eouropen news and compare them, you`ll see what I am saying.

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