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Radical Idea


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I've been thinking about what Baseball needs to do to get away from near November world series games. Here goes-Have 32 teams in each league. Divide the American League into A.L West and A.L. East-do the same in the NL. Use the center of Kansas as the dividing line. 8 teams will be in each league. They will play each team 22 times-11 home and 11 away against teams in their league for 154 game schedule. No interleague play and no DH. The winner of each league in the AL play for the al pennant-the same for the NL-they then meet for the world series-and it is over in early Oct. Radical I know-will it happen -never-but I think it is a neat idea-but I'm a baseball purist. Let the debate begin.

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Isn't that pretty much how it used to be some time ago?

Sure was. It used to be like this when there were only 16 teams in both leagues:

American League:

New York Yankees

Boston Red Sox

Chicago White Sox

Cleveland Indians

Detroit Tigers

Philadelphia Athletics (later Kansas City and then Oakland)

St Louis Browns (later Baltimore)

Washington Senators (later Minnesota Twins)

National League:

New York Giants (later San Fransisco)

Chicago Cubs

Philadelphia Phillies

Pittsburgh Pirates

Boston Braves (later Milwaukee and then Atlanta)

Brooklyn Dodgers (later Los Angeles)

Cincinnati Reds

St Louis Cardinals

The first place finisher in each league would meet in the World Series. Playoffs did not start until 1969.

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14 double headers per season

heh, that wouldn't be such a bad idea. they are scheduling like three or four doublehearders for smaller teams this yar, though. like not only for rainouts.
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