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Changing Signatures?


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i have a php code for my changing (sp?) signatures. what do i do with the php code now? here is the code:


#random sig script by JaxRed@webtv.net

#generated at riverdrift.com

#free use granted to all without

#restrictions for modifcation

#and redistribution

#set the base URL


#construct the sig. pages Array


#constuct the random file selector


$num=rand(0, ($n-1));


#concatenate the  URL and  file


#send the URL to the browser in an embed tag

print "<embed src='$url'>";


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  • 3 months later...

The way I see it, as long as it isn't flash/animation, go ahead and do it. Whatever floats your boat. I personally think it is a little excessive if everyone does it, but I don't think it is a big deal as long as the site isn't affected.

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Im not looking for randomsignatures.com. Im talking about the PHP files and such. I was wondering where you host your files? My current server, (freeservers.com) doesn't allow the files required to be stored on their server.

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