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I need some advice with Women


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I always tend to be shy around girls or people that I don't know and can never find a good conversation with them. What should I do?

Also, how do women find shy guys attractive?

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not sure if coming to this site and looking for girl advice is a good thing...

that said, find a common link to spark conversation.....depending on your age..

"are you in school, hows thats going, what are you studying....blah blah?"

"hows work for you, how long have you been there, do you have good hours"

random girl: "its kinda cold out here.....its pretty hot today.....this party is pretty good, are you having a good time......im about to grab some food do you want anything......so how do you know so and so........."

most women dont find shy guys attractive but sometimes they like the guy chillin in the cut thats a loner...only if hes cool though....

they like guys that are exciting and talkative so they can have a good time with them...

btw i am far from a womanizer but i have a GF so i figured id give some input.

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I always tend to be shy around girls or people that I don't know and can never find a good conversation with them. What should I do?

I'm the same way. In my 29 years on this planet I have had 1 girlfriend, and it only lasted for around a month.

Also, how do women find shy guys attractive?

Like I said I don't have the experience to say but I think the problem is that if you are too shy to talk to a girl then you will never know if she is attracted to you or not because she usually will not make the first move.

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I always tend to be shy around girls or people that I don't know and can never find a good conversation with them. What should I do?

Also, how do women find shy guys attractive?

You really have to be relaxed and do not think too much. Try to have that "cool/I don`t care" attitude", you know what I mean. Also, do not try to be too smart, you can say something smart but do not go into details, make it short and sweet.

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Young girls like the outgoing, "bad" boys. They want to have fun. For the majority, shy doesn't work.

Girls that are out of college and are beginning "life", they tend to like the shy guys more. But shy can go too far - if you are shy, and a girl approaches you, you've got to at least acknowledge the fact that she's taking the chance on you. If you clam up, the shy thing will get old and she'll bolt.

Like baseball, girls take practice. You'll screw up a lot - and you probably won't ever become an "expert" - but your chances will improve the more you interact.


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Come to the master. I am like Hitch when it comes to girls, but then again, I deal with single women and single mothers

well, if that's true, hook me up with Jessica Alba sir. or I'll settle for Jennifer Love Hewitt. either way, I figure I win. :whistle:

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well, if that's true, hook me up with Jessica Alba sir. or I'll settle for Jennifer Love Hewitt. either way, I figure I win. :whistle:

Everything they say in magazines in which they claim to be a "geek" in real life or w/e is fake. They are Hollywood and money can convince anyone to say anything.

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trying to be realistic here. sorry if it's too harsh. you have a bit of what we call a disadvantage. it just means you have to try harder. the analogy: ichiro bats .300, i on my best day would bat .100. sucks, but the advantage ichiro has is that he is just better at hitting. but the statistics purely say that if each of us want to get 300 hits, ichiro would need about 1000 at bats to do so. sucks for me, as i would need 3000 at bats to have the same shot. get what i'm saying? you just need to put yourself out there knowing that you're gonna fail most of the time. if you're not ready to fail, then you're not ready to succeed.

damn i can't believe i used a baseball analogy. secondly, make sure you're clean. nobody likes someone who's dirty.

even a caveman can do it.

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I always tend to be shy around girls or people that I don't know and can never find a good conversation with them. What should I do?

Also, how do women find shy guys attractive?

Shyness gets you nowhere. Women often fall for the prototypical alpha male, you know, the one who is cocky and confident.

Confidence is key, because it gives off a vibe that you know, you are able to light up a room, start a conversation, etc etc. Girls only find shy guys attractive because they use their shyness for an advantage to manipulate and get what they want because of the male's feelings toward them. Usually I don't treat females differently than I do with males. I just be me, but with girls I turn down the swear meter a few notches, because well, c'mon now, it's women.

Anyway, most girls can't seem to find the guy they want because there are always men who are not sure of who they want to be so they will try to conform to whatever image that is out right now to get some play or to get attention from the opposite sex

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Look them in the eyes and show them respect, that is about it

Plus do not tell them you life story right off the bat, women like mystery.

If a woman gets the sense you feel she is too good for you, she will believe she is.

chivalry is not dead, open doors and what not, but don't be a dumbass and order her dinner for her

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I always tend to be shy around girls or people that I don't know and can never find a good conversation with them. What should I do?

Also, how do women find shy guys attractive?

You just gotta be yourself. Don't spit game cause women don't appreciate that. Be a real man and be interested in her. Listen to her talk and she'll love you. If all else fails man, hit her with a brick. When she wakes up from the coma, tell her that you are her boyfriend. Works everytime.

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Look them in the eyes and show them respect, that is about it

Plus do not tell them you life story right off the bat, women like mystery.

If a woman gets the sense you feel she is too good for you, she will believe she is.

chivalry is not dead, open doors and what not, but don't be a dumbass and order her dinner for her

Co-signed. Guys on the whole need to stop fronting these days. Be yourself, and when the right girl comes along, you'll know.

Man, I just can't avoid this subject these days. :headache:

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Give you a little insight from someone that got turned down today.

Here's the deal, I am somewhat shy at the beginning, but usually open up pretty quickly. There's this girl that I go to school with, she's 24, I'm 21, she's all tattooed up, and piercings galore (actually pretty d*mn cute to have all of it and one of the reasons I think I'm attracted to her), me, no tats, no piercings, nothing, complete opposites as far as looks go. First big conversation I had with her was about music, then our friendship grew and we talked about smaller, less significant things. Then comes the flirting, during class she started sitting by me, laying her head on my shoulder, stuff like that, so of course I did it back and began to think that "hey, maybe I have a shot here." So after about 4 months of knowing her, I finally gain the courage to tell her that I like her. What does she say? "I don't want to get involved with anyone, but you're cute and a total sweetheart." So of course I play it off like it's cool and tell her I can understand and just needed to get it off my chest.

So my advice to you man, it's all one big mind game that you will never win. Been 6 years since I've had a g/f and everyone I've asked out, always tells me that we are too good of friends and don't want to ruin that, or like what the girl told me today.

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So is the lesson from that story to not become very good friends with the person you like?

A tip(for 6th-8th graders), don't just announce that you like her and hope for the best, my friend did that and it didn't work out(she ignores him now).

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Give you a little insight from someone that got turned down today.

Here's the deal, I am somewhat shy at the beginning, but usually open up pretty quickly. There's this girl that I go to school with, she's 24, I'm 21, she's all tattooed up, and piercings galore (actually pretty d*mn cute to have all of it and one of the reasons I think I'm attracted to her), me, no tats, no piercings, nothing, complete opposites as far as looks go. First big conversation I had with her was about music, then our friendship grew and we talked about smaller, less significant things. Then comes the flirting, during class she started sitting by me, laying her head on my shoulder, stuff like that, so of course I did it back and began to think that "hey, maybe I have a shot here." So after about 4 months of knowing her, I finally gain the courage to tell her that I like her. What does she say? "I don't want to get involved with anyone, but you're cute and a total sweetheart." So of course I play it off like it's cool and tell her I can understand and just needed to get it off my chest.

So my advice to you man, it's all one big mind game that you will never win. Been 6 years since I've had a g/f and everyone I've asked out, always tells me that we are too good of friends and don't want to ruin that, or like what the girl told me today.

I mean this with all due respect, but you missed your chance. You waited entirely too long before asking - by the time you did, she had eliminated you. The "I'm not wanting to get involved" was her way of being nice about rejecting you.

I'm not suggesting that you ask right away - there is such a thing as moving too quickly as well. And there's no set "perfect" time either. It's all about the situation. In my experience, basically once I decide, "this chick is cool - I should ask her out," it's time to move. If you walk away at that point, your chances drop by the hour.

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Another tip for the kids in middle school, don't get involved unless you are positive the girl likes you. Out of all the kids that "date", only one of them has had the same gf for more than 3 months.

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Another tip for the kids in middle school, don't get involved unless you are positive the girl likes you. Out of all the kids that "date", only one of them has had the same gf for more than 3 months.

Yeah, a "transitional" boyfriend is crap.

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Another tip for the kids in middle school: Date anyone you want, break all the hearts you want, burn all your bridges, but don't rush into sex.

If you just follow the last rule, you'll find that 10 years down the road, none of it really mattered anyway.

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