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I need some advice with Women


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Then it was crazy college time for a while where I did some stuff that would've made my mother sad and my father give me a high-five.

Wow RaptorQuiz is what I like to call a playa, which in Spanish it literally translates to,beach.

I don't really have any advice that wasn't said already.

...and jhath I cosign your cosigning.

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Wow RaptorQuiz is what I like to call a playa, which in Spanish it literally translates to,beach.

I don't really have any advice that wasn't said already.

...and jhath I cosign your cosigning.

lol. I'm a Spanish beach. Did you just call me a beeyotch?

Seriously - I'm not a "playa." Players do stuff and get away with it. Whenever I've tried to "get away with something" - it's ended horribly. ugh. :)

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Nah im not envious is just thought ur post was some of the most hilarious **** ive seen all day but i guess thats what ur gonna get when u come to a modding message board for relatioship help, humor lol

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Nah im not envious is just thought ur post was some of the most hilarious **** ive seen all day but i guess thats what ur gonna get when u come to a modding message board for relatioship help, humor lol

Hey, girls like humor, thats why he's got those ten flocking around him.

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LOL, nym, i really dont think any one here is envious of you... in fact, i pity you....

This kind of post makes me wonder why I belong to an internet community.

First off, I am pretty sure nobody in here actually knows NYM in 'real life'. For all we know, he could be an OK guy in 'real life'. So you pity him because of his actions on a WEBSITE? I really hope a computer video game and a modding site does not rate that high on your priority list.

On this site, I go by the honor system. I have no proof to trust or distrust what you say. I just simply decide to believe what people post.

To get back on topic, the person who started this thread shouldn't even consider anything actually posted in this thread. While I try to believe everything said on this site, I can't really see listening to posts in a forum and letting them influence something as important as my relationships.

Since nobody has any actual proof of anything personal I decide to post in here, I could say anything and it could be perceived as true. With that said, I have to go take my pet elephant for a walk right now, then I have to take a bath in iced tea, and then I plan on going sky diving from my private jet.

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Guys, here is a way to get women:

Realize there is no "way." Ever heard of the phrase "different strokes for different folks?" Certain girls appeal to certain things, as guys do. But you are better off not lying, because you will always get caught no matter what.

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This kind of post makes me wonder why I belong to an internet community.

First off, I am pretty sure nobody in here actually knows NYM in 'real life'. For all we know, he could be an OK guy in 'real life'. So you pity him because of his actions on a WEBSITE? I really hope a computer video game and a modding site does not rate that high on your priority list.

On this site, I go by the honor system. I have no proof to trust or distrust what you say. I just simply decide to believe what people post.

To get back on topic, the person who started this thread shouldn't even consider anything actually posted in this thread. While I try to believe everything said on this site, I can't really see listening to posts in a forum and letting them influence something as important as my relationships.

Since nobody has any actual proof of anything personal I decide to post in here, I could say anything and it could be perceived as true. With that said, I have to go take my pet elephant for a walk right now, then I have to take a bath in iced tea, and then I plan on going sky diving from my private jet.

Anything else? Guys out there want to know the definite answer, but to tell you the truth, there is no right answer, If she likes you, she will show it. Just be aware of girls and talk to them.

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Advice with women?? Hmmm--

First piece of advice:

1. Don't ask for advice with women on a video game message board!

Its like trying to find hamburgers in Nepal. Even if you do find some, they're not going to be any good.

...and most likely will not be made with beef.


Well put. Probably not the best idea. You could google advice with women and get the same thing you get here and much better. You'll probably just get some bs from someone trying to be cool here.

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Okay I think I should have reworded what I said. When I said "Me I don't have a GF. I got about 10 girls that I hang out with, but nothin serious" I didn't mean that it was just me and 10 other girls around all at once. Those girls are friends that I would talk to on a regular basis.

You know how you usually have those 5-10 friends that you usually hang out with the most and then theres the other 20 you talk to and you know, but you don't really hang out with them. Well thats the way it is with them.

Seriously though, you wouldn't know it from my posts but I am laid back.

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I don't do boyfriend girlfriend ****. Because you know the **** that your talkin to is with ten other boys at once.

Here's tips from me: If you can't physically drive your car to her house, don't be her boyfriend. In other words, what I'm doin, is waiting until I'm about 16 17 until I get into a "relationship".

Do not be overaxious! Don't act like your doing the girl a favor by talking to her. Let her start the conversation with you once in a while.

Be yourself- last thing you wana do is act like some punk wana be gangsta. Don't make yourself look all tough cuz when when you get your **** kicked in front of her your out of luck.

Me I don't have a GF. I got about 10 girls that I hang out with, but nothin serious. I can say some of them are good lookin, but I like them mostly because I can just be myself around them. That's what you wana look for. Someone you can relate to.

For example. Today I was at this big game at my HS today and this girl I know was there. We're good friends but you gota play it cool. I was on the bleachers and I saw her. I didn't go over to her though. I let her come over to me and let her start. Of course, she came over and said hi. I was intersted, but I wasn't. I prolonged to conversation but I didn't. It's hard to explain. Anyway I wanted to talk to her later that night so BAM, I just got myself a conversation starter. I was talkin to her on AIM an hour ago and started out, "i didn't even no u were at that game lol. didn't even see u."

There you go, you just got yourself a conversation.

It's kinda hard to explain.

I'm not the agressive type. I just play it as it is.

O yea, it doesn't hurt to drop in a compliment.

Dude, i'm sorry but you've got it all wrong. Lets Recap:

1. Trying to play it cool? WTF Is that? You already said don't try and act like someone your not.

2. If you really are good friends with a girl, you wouldn't not go up and talk to her. Making her come talk to you seems like a selfish, dumbass thing to do.

3. Once again, I'm sorry but blowing a girl off in person and then chatting her up on aim isn't really a score. You blew her off and then lied to her by saying you didn't see her even though she probably knew you did isn't the right thing to do.

4. You should never give advice about the opposite sex again because frankly, you don't know **** about girls. You were probably sitting by yourself at the game when she walked passed you because she thought you were a loser and then you attempted to start a conversation on AIM which once again is a ***** move and she probably said "Oh, haha" and thats all that went down. Please don't lie about your experiences with girls again because no one is going to buy it...

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Dude, i'm sorry but you've got it all wrong. Lets Recap:

1. Trying to play it cool? WTF Is that? You already said don't try and act like someone your not.

2. If you really are good friends with a girl, you wouldn't not go up and talk to her. Making her come talk to you seems like a selfish, dumbass thing to do.

3. Once again, I'm sorry but blowing a girl off in person and then chatting her up on aim isn't really a score. You blew her off and then lied to her by saying you didn't see her even though she probably knew you did isn't the right thing to do.

4. You should never give advice about the opposite sex again because frankly, you don't know **** about girls. You were probably sitting by yourself at the game when she walked passed you because she thought you were a loser and then you attempted to start a conversation on AIM which once again is a **** move and she probably said "Oh, haha" and thats all that went down. Please don't lie about your experiences with girls again because no one is going to buy it...

Umm, I'm gonna have to agree with FF on points 1-3. To answer the original question, shyness is not the best quality to have, you need to have some confidence. It's ok to be shy but not the greatest of all qualities.

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On November 8, 2006 Jhath learned how to type something other than co-signed.

Puhhhhlease... that was so last week

Well I'm out until later. Continue your childish rantings.

lol, MY childish rantings?!?!?! Again, seriously man, seriously, you've got to be freakin kidding me. If we did a member elimination thread like that mlb elimination thread, theres no doubt you would be the first one off the list... and probably first or second of all time.. (i see moose maybe going before, but again a tossup)

just ask kraw, y4l, kc, and all the other people who are always on here... remember that mvp07 thing you started in like three threads ending with them all being deleted, followed by you stripping tebjr of his admin rights at maddenmods? That was just like two weeks ago... thats not even to mention the countless other pointless threads you've started in your time here.... as far as childish rantings go, you have absolutely no room to talk... at all... period.

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Since nobody has any actual proof of anything personal I decide to post in here, I could say anything and it could be perceived as true. With that said, I have to go take my pet elephant for a walk right now, then I have to take a bath in iced tea, and then I plan on going sky diving from my private jet.

Good! Because last time I let you use my private jet, you got zebra hair all over the place! LEARN TO USE A VACCUM!


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I always tend to be shy around girls or people that I don't know and can never find a good conversation with them. What should I do?

Also, how do women find shy guys attractive?

I went to an All-boys high school. Was a bad move cause I was shy already. When I went to college, I had alot of problems for the first few months talking with girls also.

Gradually, a majority of my friends became female. A huge thing for me (at the initial stage) was just having a solid group of friends, which women became/were apart of. There was really no trick to this. Just a level of comfort of having them around...of seeing my male friends, and how they interacted with them.

As for the women being "oh my god this is a member of the opposite sex I want to ask out" type....

I learned to play a trick on myself (fool that I am, I can trick myself!) in order to have the courage to go up to women and ask them out. But women, being that really difficult gender can really cause this to backfire, if you dont time it correctly. As I am sure you have heard countless times....men get stuck in that dreaded "friend mode"....which if you are looking to be more than friends, is worse than being stuck in hell.

Anyway, what I found out really helped was I would convince myself, at the moment of "attack", that I was strictly asking this girl out for platonic reasons. "Hey, me and John and Joe are going to Starbucks to study. Why don't you grab a couple of your girlfriends and we can study and have some coffee?" Doing it like that made me less nervous, and more likely to get the words out and not have them stick in my throat and act like an idiot.

The key thing here is....if you can get past that part, once you get to the place of the "date"...you need to not be "in friend mode" and you have to flirt a little. I have no advice on this part, or on how to gain the confidence to do it. I think its just something that comes with time and maturity. Im not sure how old you are, but at 23 I had alot more guts than I did at 18, and now at 30, I have no qualms at all about saying anything to anyone.

Lastly....I had a friend who had a remarkable theory. Take this with tongue planted firmly in cheek, but I have found this to be very true, unfortunately. When I knew him, I was 20, and he was 27.

He told me that girls go through their "idiot" period. (his wording was harsher...but censors and all that) :) This period of time usually lasts until about age 27-30 for them. Before age 27, its the time when they date the jock, the jerk, the all around scummy guy just out for sex. By the time they hit 27-30, they have had their fill of this type of guy...of being used and mistreated...and start looking for the "nice guy"

Like I said...unfortunately I found that theory to true.

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