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Election 2006

Sean O

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I never thought I'd see an openly socialist American senator in my lifetime, good going Vermont.

Not so good to see that racism and homophobia still works as a campaign tool in Virginia & Tennessee

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Some highlights of this election:

1). Massachusetts: the Republican lieut. governor compares African-American Democratic candidate to a cop killer and a rapist.

2). The incumbent Republican senator stated to her democratic opponent: "If you weren't in a wheelchair, I'd slap you."

3). A democratic New Jersey candidate traveling for business attempts to dial his party office, but accidentally gets a phone sex line because the numbers are the same. He hangs up immediately and then calls the correct number. The republicans run a smear campaign saying he routinely calls sex lines.

4). The head of the college democrats on the U of New Mexico campus gets a call saying that his polling location has been moved just a few days before the election. The call is traced to the local GOP headquarters.

5). Machines in Florida "accidentally" change democratic votes to republican.

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6) Voters complain about receiving robo-calls from "Democratic candidates" at 3 in the morning or other inappropriate times, turns out the calls were made by Republicans using a voice impersonator.

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Not so good to see that racism and homophobia still works as a campaign tool in Virginia & Tennessee

What happened here??

6) Voters complain about receiving robo-calls from "Democratic candidates" at 3 in the morning or other inappropriate times, turns out the calls were made by Republicans using a voice impersonator.

You are kidding, right?

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Is there a website that i can visit to see who is winning the governor race in California, GO ARNOLD, not that i hate Phil Angeledes i just don't want my parents to have to pay another 10,000 in taxes.

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go arnold? are you kidding me? i hate how people just vote for them because they're movie stars. happened with ronald reagen, and he practically runied the country. i'm sure he had some alhsimers (sp?) when he was in office...


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go arnold? are you kidding me? i hate how people just vote for them because they're movie stars. happened with ronald reagen, and he practically runied the country. i'm sure he had some alhsimers (sp?) when he was in office...


Most uneducated people vote for Arnold because he is in the movies but that is not why my parents vote for him its more of because he is better than the other guy,

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What happened here??

Just the usual, anti same-sex marriage proposals,

and George Allen's infamous "macaca" jibe at a democrat intern filming him who happened to be of Indian descent,

and in Ten, there were the subtly racist attack ads against Harold Ford

You are kidding, right?

It's true

As many as 220,000 calls in Philadelphia alone

There's a message at the end of the call saying it was paid for by the Republicans, but of course most people have hung up by then

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Most uneducated people vote for Arnold because he is in the movies but that is not why my parents vote for him its more of because he is better than the other guy,

You've got to do better than that. Why is his better? What policies make him any good? How is he particularly capable of performing the duties of governor, apart from the fondling and yelling?

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Is there a website that i can visit to see who is winning the governor race in California, GO ARNOLD, not that i hate Phil Angeledes i just don't want my parents to have to pay another 10,000 in taxes.

The polls haven't closed in California yet...

but the NY Times have a good page to track the races here

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What is the point of that site?

I saw it advertised on CNN and was quite confused by it, since I don't see what knowing who Paris Hilton is has anything to do with politics?

Still, I got 100% anyway


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I thought this would be hate filed thread. I thought right.

Because if one party doesn't represent hatred, it's the Republicans. Right, gays?

If you want to defend your party, go for it. I guarantee it'll be a hell of a lot of fun.

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You've got to do better than that. Why is his better? What policies make him any good? How is he particularly capable of performing the duties of governor, apart from the fondling and yelling?

Ok, For one, Phil Angeledes is going to raise taxes for my class of income by about 10,000. And I watched the Governor debate and it looked as if Arnold was better. Angelides actually wants to boost the top tax rate to 14.7 percent from 10.3 percent, which he has stated numerous times, this tax increase will make people less wealthy. According to an email from Steve Wesly's campaign "Phil Angelides' company's illegal dumping of sludge in Lake Tahoe" Now what Californian hates Tahoe? I also happen to agree with Arnolds Cigarettes tax. My Grandparents smoke and i cant stand it, the smell, the harm it does. I am not old enough to vote yet but i would still vote for Arnold, not cause he's in movies, but because Phil Sucks. Like i said before its not because Arnold is better its cause Phil is worse.

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phew, good news.

Wow, this is getting pathetic. Santorum did a good job and he gets villianized for supporting the War in Iraq.

This is what this election is all about isnt it?

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Rick Santorum loses in Pennsylvania, awesome. I really hope he enjoys his lengthy stay getting sodomized in hell.

Well, I can always depend on a liberal to make the most ignorant and hateful comment during a conversation. You guys never fail me.

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