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Election 2006

Sean O

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I thought this would be hate filed thread. I thought right.

I am a libertarian I vote Republican (Come on, i got no choice). I dread what will happen to this country once the Democrats take power. These goons want to give terrorists constitutional rights, abolish the Patriotic Act, as well as other harmful endeavors (reward people for breaking the law by giving illegals amnesty)

I was never a fan of Bush when he was going into his presidency, but now that people hate him so much, I think he's done a pretty OK job- economy is great, low unemployment, low taxes, good security without civil rights being obscenely violated. But when your a Bush-hater, you probably want Saddam running the country instead of Bush. hehe.

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Well, I can always depend on a liberal to make the most ignorant and hateful comment during a conversation. You guys never fail me.

Santorum has done an excellent job, not sure where that trashing is coming from. He supports the war in Iraq, which is the only reason why he lost.

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I guess, my dislike for Santorum stemmed from when he likened homosexuality to incest and bigamy.

Still, at least he'll have plenty of spare time now to hunt out those weapons of mass destruction he still claims were found in Iraq.

He reads the Bible, I can't blame him for having principle. Not saying I agree with those comments, but you have to stand up for some semblance morality.

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Wow, this is getting pathetic. Santorum did a good job and he gets villianized for supporting the War in Iraq.

This is what this election is all about isnt it?

Are you simple?

1). said "The right to privacy doesn't exist in my opinion of the US Constitution."

2). violent gay basher, frequently comparing consentual, monogomous gay relationships to "you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be."

3). Said that because Boston is liberal, that's why priests sexually assaulted altar boys.

4). Suggested punishing people who were too poor to leave the path of Hurricane Katrina, and also said he didn't want to suggest there were any errors in the handling of Katrina.

5). Has received illegal campaign contributions and kickbacks, and also resided in another state as his child's schools, which cost taxpayers $67,000 that he refused to pay.

6). Stated that WMDs were found in Iraq. He, of course, was wrong.

He's a bible-thumping, gay-bashing, hate-filled little twat, and I'm glad he crashed and burned.

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He reads the Bible, I can't blame him for having principle. Not saying I agree with those comments, but you have to stand up for some semblance morality.

Calling some of my friends & family motherf******s because they happen to be gay is "morality"?


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Are you simple?

1). said "The right to privacy doesn't exist in my opinion of the US Constitution."

2). violent gay basher, frequently comparing consentual, monogomous gay relationships to "you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be."

3). Said that because Boston is liberal, that's why priests sexually assaulted altar boys.

4). Suggested punishing people who were too poor to leave the path of Hurricane Katrina, and also said he didn't want to suggest there were any errors in the handling of Katrina.

5). Has received illegal campaign contributions and kickbacks, and also resided in another state as his child's schools, which cost taxpayers $67,000 that he refused to pay.

6). Stated that WMDs were found in Iraq. He, of course, was wrong.

He's a bible-thumping, gay-bashing, hate-filled little twat, and I'm glad he crashed and burned.

If I countered this post with what ridiculous things Democrats have said, I would be here all day.

You can dig up so much dirt on people for what they say from both parties, this is just small and insignificant compared to the larger problem at hand- which is the war on islamic terrorism and our nation-building efforts.

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If I countered this post with what ridiculous things Democrats have said, I would be here all day.

You can dig up so much dirt on people for what they say from both parties, this is just small and insignificant compared to the larger problem at hand- which is the war on islamic terrorism and our nation-building efforts.

Once again, be serious. be. serious.

The point is, if the current reigning party had been half-competent at their jobs, we wouldn't have any ridiculous nation-building efforts. All of these "ridiculous things" show a mindset that ignores obvious truths in favor of religious BS and outright manipulation of the American people. Meanwhile, if it wasn't for the ridiculous things that the Republicans say, we would've saved 1 trillion dollars on this pathetic middle east quagmire.

For kicks, comb through this site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama

And give me a list of the ridiculous things Obama's said. Even Ted Kennedy, who was involved in the death of a person, doesn't come close to Santorum's idiocy and hatred. His 'morality' is disgusting.

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"We" let them do that in Afghanistan. That turned out well...

Good Point... My bad. I wasnt thinking, anyways, I think that elections are going to make and break friendships on this site. But that is just my opinion.

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yea thats why i dont get in arguments in here anymore... they arent changing and im not changing... i just try to refrain from the mindless ignorant attacks...

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Since we were on the war theme, i say that we should let them screw up there own country,

1). We did that in Vietnam, declaring a spurious victory before we should have, which immediately gave the nation to the communists and led to rampant slaughter in the south.

2). We did that in Cambodia, leading to Pol Pot's Khmere Rouge slaughtering people by the hundreds of thousands.

3). We did that in Liberia. Oh boy, did that go well.

4). We did that in Afghanistan, which led to the Mujahadeen turning on its original CIA backers, resulting in the Taliban.

5). We did that in Iraq, where Saddam turned on the US after the Iran/Iraq war, leading to not just one but two wars.

So, yeah, not a good plan.

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Are you guys ready for tax increases under Pelosi-and gay marriage-Here it comes goodbye the America we once loved.

Yes, the America of slavery, bigotry, ignorance, and religious fundamentalism. It's terrible to remove the blind hatred of the past in favor of inclusion and freedom to people who make their own decisions without causing injury to others.

Why are people so opposed to monogamous couples getting married? How on earth does it negatively affect you? It's ridiculous. Why can't people let others live and let live if they're not hurting anybody? Are you all that close-minded, petty and hateful?

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Yes, the America of slavery, bigotry, ignorance, and religious fundamentalism. It's terrible to remove the blind hatred of the past in favor of inclusion and freedom to people who make their own decisions without causing injury to others.

Why are people so opposed to monogamous couples getting married? How on earth does it negatively affect you? It's ridiculous. Why can't people let others live and let live if they're not hurting anybody? Are you all that close-minded, petty and hateful?

I am all for gay couples getting married, it honestly doesn't matter, im not homophobic so i don't care.

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Sean stick to doing mods-you make more sense-youre an idiot

You're a pathetic child who can't bother arguing and resorts to name calling. Just like all your weak grovelling for all my work, you should stay quiet on every issue until you get basic skills to do your own work.

Get a clue, learn how to argue, learn how to spell and type, or shut up. Do everyone a favor.

Also, I asked you a question, and you should answer your betters. Why do you hate monogamous gays? Or are you too weak to come up with a proper response?

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