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Election 2006

Sean O

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Burns to conceded within hour or so I heard.

Hell he is only 6000 votes down right now

The decision on who won will be within the hour. Which way it goes, I don't know, but Burns has almost shaved that lead in half in the last 2 hours.

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I purposely did not vote.

KC is smart to consistenly not deal with politics. I'm sick of the way people treat eachother over some "leader" that may or may not care one thing about anyone. Seriously. Let's say I like a politician. When's he coming to my house for dinner? Um, never. When is he going to ask me what I think? Meh, never. I just don't care about these guys whether dem or republican. Alot of them really just want the power and prestige and to pass laws on what they believe. I hate their mudslinging commercials (both parties), I hate election time. Now, when this gets all over with we have to put up with this nastiness in 2008, whether a Dem or Rep wins. And it won't even matter if the person is Moderate like McCain or a nutcase like Dean. I'd like to hear your responses on this: Do these people (dem or repub) care one thing about you? in 2008, I may just write my name down on the ballot. Freak. I'll just write mvpmods.com on the ballot. I'm voting for all of you. From Trues all the way down to whoever is the first person to sign up today.

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I purposely did not vote.

KC is smart to consistenly not deal with politics. I'm sick of the way people treat eachother over some "leader" that may or may not care one thing about anyone. Seriously. Let's say I like a politician. When's he coming to my house for dinner? Um, never. When is he going to ask me what I think? Meh, never. I just don't care about these guys whether dem or republican. Alot of them really just want the power and prestige and to pass laws on what they believe. I hate their mudslinging commercials (both parties), I hate election time. Now, when this gets all over with we have to put up with this nastiness in 2008, whether a Dem or Rep wins. And it won't even matter if the person is Moderate like McCain or a nutcase like Dean. I'd like to hear your responses on this: Do these people (dem or repub) care one thing about you? in 2008, I may just write my name down on the ballot. Freak. I'll just write mvpmods.com on the ballot. I'm voting for all of you. From Trues all the way down to whoever is the first person to sign up today.

I did the exact same thing, and I feel the same way about politics as you do. I'm so glad this stuff is over with. No more commercials on the TV and radio, no more mailings or phone calls, it's all done. I don't consider myself a Democrat or Republican. I think both parties lie equally.

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I probably won't ever have dinner with the president, but I have had several dinners with senators (Although I had to go undercover as a member of the Teen-Age Republicans on this one. My parents were so ashamed.), congressmen, mayors, county commissioners, education superintendents, school board members, district attorneys, and even soil and water district supervisors.

Not every election is for the president. There are more local elections that you'll find have an effect on you too, sometimes even more so than the bigger ones.


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Re: Y4L's post, I think politicians should be asked to wear a lie detector test everytime they speak publicly. Of course, like electronic ballots, that too would be a corrupted device.

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SeanO, while I completely disagree with your opinions, you are a very good debator. Props to you :hail:

And though I am not 18 yet, when I vote in 2008, I will most likely vote all Republican. Didn't think too much of this election.

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And though I am not 18 yet, when I vote in 2008, I will most likely vote all Republican. Didn't think too much of this election.

It's not my intention to guide anyone on who to vote for and why, I mean I should be the last person anyone should listen to concerning politics because I didn't even vote. But all the advice I can give is when you are finally able to vote, vote for the person you think will do the best job, and it doesn't matter if they are Democrat or Republican. And that right there tells you all I know about politics.

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I'm not a big fan of the Democratic party, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry seemed to ruin any chances of me voting for them. And Hilary Clinton is what an Indian man called a "walking eagle." She took it as a compliment, but according to the man, it meant that she was so full of **** that she could no longer fly.

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I'm not a big fan of the Democratic party, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry seemed to ruin any chances of me voting for them. And Hilary Clinton is what an Indian man called a "walking eagle." She took it as a compliment, but according to the man, it meant that she was so full of **** that she could no longer fly.

I never heard that quote about Hilary Clinton. Oh well, maybe it's true. I have no idea. There's good and bad in both parties, that for sure. As far as voting for Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, I don't think you'll have the chance to do that along with everyone else. The Democrats will have a better presidential candidate the next time around.

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Since, it seems to me, the Democrat's overwhelming wins were based on the failure of the Bush administration's actions on the Iraq war, I have a very simple question.

What are the Democrat's plans for withdrawing our troops while also ensuring that Iraq won't be invaded by Iran or Syria?

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They can not withdraw without the president agreeing to it, the only power they have over the war would be to refuse to pay for it. (since the congress has to approve all budgets)

They can offer the President ideas on how to do it, but he can and will say NO.

They could try to make his life as hard as possible until he agrees by not passing any laws he wants, but all he has to do is wait it out. In 2 years it is no longer his problem.

Even if they could pass a law stating troops have to be removed (which they can not because the previous congress gave him total control of this war) all he has to do is veto the law. The Dems do not have the 66% of congress needed to over rules his veto

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Thanks, Kraw.

If Congress refuses to pay for the Iraq war, what happens to our troops? Will we withdraw from Iraq immediately?

So what is the "different direction" almost all of the Democrats were referring to in their political ads?

Was there ever a Democratic plan for the Iraq war?

Sorry if I'm sounding ignorant on this issue. I just don't follow politics very much.

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