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i saw that somebody wanted a joba chamberlain wallpaper,but couldnt find any good cut-outs.well here you go.<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/joba/osuwarrior00/MLB/JobaChamberlain.png?o=182" target="_blank"><img src=""></a><a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/joba/Blacksburg2010/MLB/Joba.png?o=70" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>

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i dont hav photoshop so can some one make something cool out of this?i did what i could

I don't really like to be negative on people's work around here no matter what they make. I'm talking about everything, a sig, a mod or the wallpapers in here. The concept of the wallpaper you made was fine, but to call Yankee Stadium the "House that A-Rod" built is just plain wrong. The Yankees are all about winning. I don't know what that guy's about. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give this wallpaper a 1 just because of the text you put in.

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I don't really like to be negative on people's work around here no matter what they make. I'm talking about everything, a sig, a mod or the wallpapers in here. The concept of the wallpaper you made was fine, but to call Yankee Stadium the "House that A-Rod" built is just plain wrong. The Yankees are all about winning. I don't know what that guy's about. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give this wallpaper a 1 just because of the text you put in.

If Arod isn't about winning then it's obvious you're not making the playoffs since he's by far the best player on your team.

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Obviously you have not seen him play this year.

not much no, but since he's leading the team in VORP, EQA, OPS, homers and is 2nd in AVG, SB and doubles, it's pretty obvious he's been the best player. Perhaps we should move this discussion elsewhere though.

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WOW you guys are amazing!! Has anyone tried a classic WP? Like maybe Ted Williams , Yaz, Or Ruth and Gherig? I'd like to see Ted Williams, Carl Yazstremski, Jim Rice, and Mike Greenwell with a back drop of the green monster. Saying something about left field history at fenway. Any way just a thought keep up the good work!!

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