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  • 2 weeks later...

Also if anyone can give me any advice on how to start making these with practice that would be phenomenal. Thanks alot.

Tutorials, tutorials, and more tutorials. They're free, and they teach a lot. After you get some ideas about how to make effects, start experimenting.

Sites to get you started:

psdtuts.com (perhaps a bit advanced)



Also, my Photoshop life changed forever one I learned how to use the pen tool. If you don't know, I would definitely suggest googling a tutorial or two on that tool and learning.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys I'm brand new to photo shopping and think what you guys have done is awesome. I wanted to request a wallpaper of Ryan Howard, Jimmy Rollins, And Chase Utley with a possible MVP three peat. Also with the Philadlephia Skyline in the back similar to the sweet background of pedro and johan but with philly. Also if anyone can give me any advice on how to start making these with practice that would be phenomenal. Thanks alot.

I get my tutorials from:

* good-tutorials.com/tutorials/photoshop They have hundreds and hundreds of tutorials. Everything that you would ever want to know.

* deviantart.com The best place to get resources and see other peoples work.

I also recommend that you focus on the following:

-Blending- Nothing says "poor graphics skills" quiet like an unblended or poorly blended graphic. Learning how to blend will make you a pretty good graphics maker over night.

-Brushes- You need to learn how to make backgrounds. And you can't make good backgrounds without brushes. Deviant art has an excellent collection of brushes that you can use, and you can find tutorials on brushing all over the place. Plus good brushing technique will make your blending technique better.

-Learn how to place images on your graphics. For example: try to have 1(or 2 at most) images that people can focus on in your banner(I.E. the Shirley Manson image in my banner), don't have 1 tiny image with a lot of empty space, don't clutter a graphic with too much "stuff", proportion, proportion, proportion! etc.

I hope that helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lucas' Wallpaper Making Tutorial for Andrewdon

1. Make a good sig first before you attempt a wall.

2. Learn to use pen tool.

3. Render effects are sometimes a nice thing to have. ADD THEM.

4. Lighting? Ever heard of it?

5. Maybe put your text in one spot. Don't just put it here and there.

6. Uninstall photoshop, and start making music or something.

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You know I don't care because it's my first wall but the you come in all ****** up and all and u start saying a bunch of ****** **** about my ****** wallpaper. Go to ****** **** you ignorant little idiot

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You know I don't care because it's my first wall but the you come in all ****** up and all and u start saying a bunch of ****** **** about my ****** wallpaper. Go to ****** **** you ignorant little idiot

You know that you are only 12 right? So technically you are the little idiot.

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You know I don't care because it's my first wall but the you come in all ****** up and all and u start saying a bunch of ****** **** about my ****** wallpaper. Go to ****** **** you ignorant little idiot

**** the ******* fuckers!

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You know andrewdon...People prolly wouldn't give you so much shit if you didn't treat this graphic design stuff as a joke...As a professional graphic artist, I found it to be quite insulting when you said, "Here is my first wall lol." That lol remark shows that you know it's a nasty piece of work but then when someone criticizes your work, by telling you WHAT TO ADD AND WORK ON (not telling you how crappy it was or bashing it), you go on a f*cking tirade. So ya know, maybe if you didn't take this stuff as such a joke, you'd actually get decent criticism.

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You know I don't care because it's my first wall but the you come in all ****** up and all and u start saying a bunch of ****** **** about my ****** wallpaper. Go to ****** **** you ignorant little idiot


please say that to..

(guys, do i really need to list my walls?)

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