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dvd drive repair


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Does anybody here have any experience with repairing these. The drive on my 360 is acting up and I dont want to send it in to Microsoft. I'll explain the situation if anyone thinks they can help. Thanks

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cracked it open and flashed the firmware would be my guess

and DVD drives are hard to fix, you would need a new motor or laser most likely and neither of which can be bought for the 360 (yet)

You can get a complete DVD drive for the 360, try ebay

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that would be my guess too. same thing happened to me, and i was able to "return" my 360 even though it was 11 months old....

there are ways....you just have to be smart about it.....

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actually i had never so much as opened the outer shell before it went out. The motor spins fine. It sounds stupid by I opened the whole thing up and took the outer case off the dvd drive and turned the machine on to see if i could see anything not working as it was supposed to, and if I hold the disc in place with my finger tips it will read the disc, but if i put the case back on, no good. So the only thing i can think of is that the top part of the spindle isnt holding the disc firmly enough in place? Any ideas?

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I figured it out! There is a magnet in the bottom part of the spindle and that came loose and was stuck to the top of the spindle. I thought it was part of the top of the spindle. So all I have to do is glue it back in place and I should be in business.

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