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So who has the PSWII60?


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****, 2.5K!? :shock: That's pretty lucky, but good thinkin.

2.5 is not lucky he got like less then the minimum. Pse have been selling up to 7,000. My uncle and 2 of his friends payed 2k to the first 3 people in line waiting for the ps3 and sold all 33 dor 6.5k and the other 2 for 7k
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Well i usally dont care if people lie in a forum abotu getting something hard to find but what you just told me was just a lie...That picture ha sbeen on websties for 2 days now and with links stamped on the picture and i highly doubt you put the websites name on the pictures

somone made a topic about Resistence in the gamespot forums using this exact picture http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_...pic_id=25158020

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Were they at least nice rims?

Thats beside the point, and they were ok, they werent fancy amg's they were look alikes, But all three Why, or i should say Wii, I would never get a PS3, its more like a computer, Xbox360 maybe, the only one i would consider is the Wii cause of its overall Franchise, Id still rather have my Hp computer so i can mod the hell out of all my games.

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who cares? even to have a ps3/wii in the first place is being rich.

Really, how? Think about this for a second. He planned financially, and wisely to get it, making sure to get his money back. He spent no money getting it at the end of the deal and you tell him that by him having it it is being rich? And what if he was rich, he can spend/waste it on whatever he wants (even if it makes us sick).

i don't know about you, but where i go to school, getting a $200 iPod means you're pretty well off.

Sometimes parents buy crap for their kids on credit cards so that their kids can have better things than other kids. This is poor financial living, all for the sake of their kid having better stuff, the latest stuff, or having a great gift. It does not mean that the kids are well off. It may mean that the parents are going to be working their tails off to make that money and pay off their credit cards for their stupid purchase choice. Buying their kid a doo dad, in other words. See "Rich Dad Poor Dad" written by Kiyosaki for in depth analysis on wise and poor purchases. When I was in High school, every kid "had to" have a mustang. STUPID. One kid in high school, his parents bought him CDs, stocks, and all of that crap. At the end of high school he cashed some of that in and bought him a brand new economical car. He used his profits to buy that instead of having his parents indepted to a bank to payoff a loan on an overpriced muscle car. He may have looked rich because he had a new car, but by no means was he rich. He simply planned better and wiser.

no surprise you vote republican...

Don't be foolish enough to think that all rich people vote republican. John Kerry is rich. You know how he votes. George Bush is rich. Ditto. Rich people vote whatever way they want to vote, as do poor people and the middle class-so don't swim in stereotypes. If you become rich, are you going to be forcing yourself to vote republican or would you say it is absolutely fine for you to vote otherwise? I'd go with otherwise 10 times out of 10.

And next time you see a kid with an expensive item think about how in the world they could have gotten it. Maybe they aren't so rich.

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There probably won't be anymore PS3's on store shelves until the middle of next year. I was fortunate enough to get to pre-order an xbox 360 last november and I had it paid off, I had an extra controller and I had Perfect Dark Zero: Collectors Edition, Madden 06 and Call of Duty 2. I was told I would receive my 360 by the end of January. I waited until the end of March and still hadn't received it, so I cancelled the order and bought a used Xbox with about 20 games. Stupidest thing I've done in my entire life.

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