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So who has the PSWII60?


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I might finally be getting a PS3, as I have been offered a deal I could not refuse, lol. A friend of mine knows someone who works for shipping, I don't know, maybe UPS or something and she is selling a PS3 for a staggering 300 bucks

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Please tell me you're reselling it. lol. I'll shut up.

Maybe I am, maybe not. I want to play the PS3 but you know, I want a digital camera as well :(

So far this month I have been blessed indirectly, from finding a new apartment, hanging out with my high school friends, and potentially finding a new girlfriend. Everything seems to be going right for some strange reason. I think the stars are aligned...lol

I'm not sure what it is but it's crazy. Next thing you know I'll hit the lotto or something

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Good to see I'm not the only one who thinks that.

Co-signed. I had to beg my parents for a PS3. I might not even get it, they won't tell me if they got it already (they told me if they had it, they already pre-ordered it some time back). They probably did because the same thing happened with PS2, but...

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Maybe I am, maybe not. I want to play the PS3 but you know, I want a digital camera as well :(

So far this month I have been blessed indirectly, from finding a new apartment, hanging out with my high school friends, and potentially finding a new girlfriend. Everything seems to be going right for some strange reason. I think the stars are aligned...lol

I'm not sure what it is but it's crazy. Next thing you know I'll hit the lotto or something

If I was you man, I would go play the lottery like you said. It can't hurt and with the way things are going, sounds like you just might hit it.

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Don't assume people that buy fancy or new stuff to be rich abc. I'm in the middle class just like the majority of America. I'm not rich, and I'm not poor. Just because I bought the 360 doesn't mean I'm rich. I worked my *** of all summer so I can buy that, and still have extra cash in my pocket.

If you are rich (with the exception of winning some kind of lottery, prize, etc) they most likely worked there *** off your whole life to be there. They probably were hard workers in school and succeded greatly in buisness.

If your rich, don't be jealous or envious, because they probably worked hard to get there.

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Good points NYM. There are alot of hardworking kids out there today, who work their butts off to get what they want. But, there are ALOT of kids who just get things handed to them, and that teaches them nothing.

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NYM, I don't think anyone was referring to you. Working all summer (trust me, I've done it for years) does not get you a PS3, XBox 360, and a Wii. So I don't think you were a part of that.

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Like this kid on my baseball team. My JV team has a roster of 16 players and he takes up a spot, just because his dad made a big donation to the school. I work my *** off each winter to get into shape for baseball, and this kid gets a free ride through the season.

Or you know, the kids that don't watch the Mets all season, or for the past 5 might I add, and then they are the ones that get to go to the postseason games, while me, a diehard fan that has been watching the Mets since I could understand what was going on, was watching it on television.

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Well actually no, the majority of serious wealth in the US comes from inheriting the capital and using it to create more wealth.

As many people on the minimum wage can probably testify working hard does not necessarily equate to being rich.

Crackhead ideas like paying no taxes on dividends from shares, yet paying taxes on wages don't help either.

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NYM, I don't think anyone was referring to you. Working all summer (trust me, I've done it for years) does not get you a PS3, XBox 360, and a Wii. So I don't think you were a part of that.

When you did what I did, it pays for the 360 and leftover money.

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Abc, you got pwned.
Really? actually that wasn't really my first reaction. but not to get in an argument, but about the "no wonder you vote republican comment". first of all, i wouldn't say that for most members here. i save those kinds of comments for people especially deserving. second, i'm not saying that all rich people are evil, mean, nasty, selfish, greedy slobs.

however a good amount are. and those who are are usually republicans, because republicans support the upper class and big companies more than the working class. don't get me started on examples. and about how if someone worked hard, "he deserved it". sure, that's true, if he mows lawns, sells candy bars, works at the gas stations, yadayadayada. but somehow, i don't think ngge3 exactly worked hard, he just had alot of money to begin with and he used it "cleverly". and come on, don't tell me that you're out on the streets or something, look at that huge flat screen. and if YOU HAVE AN EXTRA 200 DOLLARS, INSTEAD OF GETTING THE SMAE EXACT GAME FOR A DIFFERENT SYSTEM TO "TEST IT OUT", WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING VALUABLE WITH THAT MONEY? like donating it, or buying something worthwhile

When you did what I did, it pays for the 360 and leftover money.
oh yeah, and what was that?
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why are you taking it back? it looks awesome in the previews. I'm absolutely dying to get a wii, but they are all sold out. I'm hoping to get one on ebay, but i highly doubt that will happen as I'm not willing to pay more than 250 for it because i'll get it for that eventually one way or the other, even if i have to wait a while. I'm hoping that i can get one shortly after new years, just like I did my 360. actually i got my 360 shortly after midnight on new years day, it was sweet. i'm thinking the same may happen with the wii, but who knows.

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Really? actually that wasn't really my first reaction. but not to get in an argument, but about the "no wonder you vote republican comment". first of all, i wouldn't say that for most members here. i save those kinds of comments for people especially deserving. second, i'm not saying that all rich people are evil, mean, nasty, selfish, greedy slobs.

however a good amount are. and those who are are usually republicans, because republicans support the upper class and big companies more than the working class. don't get me started on examples. and about how if someone worked hard, "he deserved it". sure, that's true, if he mows lawns, sells candy bars, works at the gas stations, yadayadayada. but somehow, i don't think ngge3 exactly worked hard, he just had alot of money to begin with and he used it "cleverly". and come on, don't tell me that you're out on the streets or something, look at that huge flat screen. and if YOU HAVE AN EXTRA 200 DOLLARS, INSTEAD OF GETTING THE SMAE EXACT GAME FOR A DIFFERENT SYSTEM TO "TEST IT OUT", WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING VALUABLE WITH THAT MONEY? like donating it, or buying something worthwhile

oh yeah, and what was that?

Hey. It's your Uncle again.

Unless we know about what most rich republicans truly are, we can’t say. I can’t say. I don’t imagine you can either. Do you personally know most rich repubs?

Also, what if he bought those systems using a credit card, knowing he’d get his money back?

Also, just because he has a flat screen doesn’t mean he’s rich. What if he made a stupid decision to purchase that using a payment plan, or max out his credit card, and he is barely making money to pay for that thing. What if it is his brother’s, or his friend’s TV?

What if he has the money to buy that and it is worthwhile to him? What if he donates money AND has money to buy that TV?

What if I shut up already.

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...but somehow, i don't think ngge3 exactly worked hard, he just had alot of money to begin with and he used it "cleverly". and come on, don't tell me that you're out on the streets or something, look at that huge flat screen. and if YOU HAVE AN EXTRA 200 DOLLARS, INSTEAD OF GETTING THE SMAE EXACT GAME FOR A DIFFERENT SYSTEM TO "TEST IT OUT", WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING VALUABLE WITH THAT MONEY? like donating it, or buying something worthwhile

Sure thing, Castro. I'll let someone else tell me how to spend my money.

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Sure thing, Castro. I'll let someone else tell me how to spend my money.

Also, using money cleverly is a great idea. Look at how clever deals are done in baseball contracts, and real estate. You'd be surprised at how clever one can get. Look up peavey's contract. Look at how people with no money build great wealth.

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Somehow I don't see ABC running out and donating $200 everytime he has it...he's just one of those people who think they are better then everyone else...it's not only the rich who have egos...it's also the people like you...the ones who think they have the right to tell people how to spend their money, and look down on the when they don't listen. Take a look in the mirror, before you going judging people.

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Yea, it's without doubt clever, but I don't think it's necessarily a admirable trait.

Real Estate speculators and drug dealers are usually the scum of the earth.

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oh, also on a sidenote, anyone with a wii, can the console be turned on it's side, or is it strictly a upright console?

I think it can, Im not sure though, i will find out wedsnday.

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Well, I washed about 15 cars on the inside and on the outside, full detail (tires, rims, seats, wax, etc.) I moved about 400 lbs of dirt and rubber peices about 20 yards to help rebuild my neigbors backyard and add a swingset for his kid. I helped constuct a brick patio for my neighbor, cleaned out basements, unloaded a van full of wood, shoveled snow for about 10 houses, helped out at the local LL by working at a camp once a week, and numerous unmentioned tasks.

And during that I still had time to play baseball and hang out w/ my friends all summer.

So next time you think your talking to some little "rich kid" who gets everything bought for him, don't assume.

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