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So who has the PSWII60?


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Somehow I don't see ABC running out and donating $200 everytime he has it...he's just one of those people who think they are better then everyone else...it's not only the rich who have egos...it's also the people like you...the ones who think they have the right to tell people how to spend their money, and look down on the when they don't listen. Take a look in the mirror, before you going judging people.
whoah! how did that happen? i don't think i'm "better" than everybody else. i mean, come on, there are plenty of people who have more experience, are wiser than me, are better people than me. sure, i'm not perfect, far from it. and i don't like to make comments that say stuf like that or that degrade people. however, this was one instance where i was, i admit it, criticising someone. i'm not "demanding" anybody to do anything. and serisously, no offense, but nobody really know anybody else here. so don't automatically judge someone and think that that's how they really are. ok, so i got approx. 2,000-2,500 dollars last june for a certain special occasion. i spent about 550-700 dollars on stuff for myself. i decided to (my parent's didn't force me) donate 250 for a bond. the rest is for my college fund. i know, it's not a great example, but i'm trying to tell you that i really hope you don't think that i'm that kind of person, because i try my best to be a "good person", and respect people. respect is very important.
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Fine ABC, but you are the one saying that all rich people are Republicans...and if people on here bought these new systems, then they MUST be rich. How is that not judging people...I am so confused...

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who cares? even to have a ps3/wii in the first place is being rich. i don't know about you, but where i go to school, getting a $200 iPod means you're pretty well off. no surprise you vote republican...

That is what you typed...NO? I am under the assumption you are Democrat?

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I think he was referring specifically to NextGenGamerE3 being a Republican.

Obviously not all rich people are Republicans and not all Republicans are rich people, otherwise they wouldn't get around half the votes every 2 years.

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second, i'm not saying that all rich people are evil, mean, nasty, selfish, greedy slobs.
i'm defenitely not saying that all rich people are republicans, or "bad". i know some "well off" people, and most of them aren't idiots. i'm not saying that at all. i also *gasp* know plenty of nice people that are republicans. i disagree with their politics, but they're still most of them very nice people. and i'm not sure what begin a democrat has to do with it anyway. would it make a difference?
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All Republicans are not rich. Both of my parents are Republican. I am middle class, but my entire town is upper class.
yeah, i'm npt trying to say that. i'm aware that you are d-unit, but you're a good guy. that's not what i was trying to say...
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Because people on this forum question people, when they should just keep there mouth shut. That's why.

NYM Dont start, What are the best games for PS3 now? Anyone who has a PS3 tell me please,

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sweet keep me posted, it's something i've been wanting to find out forever. Also, how you getting one wednesday?

It can be horizontal or vertical, it's in the manual to prove. I have mine vertically, just looks nicer.

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NYM Dont start, What are the best games for PS3 now? Anyone who has a PS3 tell me please,

Leave NYM alone. He is right. People were questioning where people got the money to buy these systems, which turned into republican bashing. Keep yout two cents out of it Campo09.

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Or you know, the kids that don't watch the Mets all season, or for the past 5 might I add, and then they are the ones that get to go to the postseason games, while me, a diehard fan that has been watching the Mets since I could understand what was going on, was watching it on television.

I got some bad news for you about that NYM. This stuff has been going on for years and years. You have people that support their team -and I mean any team in baseball- over the course of the year, and if by some chance their team makes it into the post season, those tickets cost so much that the fan from April to September can't afford to go and they are shut out by corporation's and people willing to spend what these clubs are asking. So what happens is you get replaced in October by a "fan" who has not been there all year long and he gets shown on TV with his brand new team hat (that he just bought before the game) and team program (so he can find out what players are on his team.) This has been going on for years, and always will.

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Anyway..Congrats to those who felt they needed the new systems right away...rich or poor, you guys are lucky...My wife won't let me buy one until the summer...

Actually, buying the system later is much better. I snagged the PS2 and Xbox on their launch dates, and they both dies a year later (disc reader died on both!). So I eneded up spending about 900 for them in only about a year on the system alone.

I waited about 6 months to buy my Xbox 360 (which I don't really play), and I haven't had a problem yet. Besides, all of the launch games are chaper by the time you should actually go purchase the system. I guess it's cool to get on of the first ones, but I was extremely pissed when they broke a year later. Just my experience with this, I'm not saying it always happens.

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NYM Dont start, What are the best games for PS3 now? Anyone who has a PS3 tell me please,

Resistence fall of man and thats it and if you have an xbox 360 then PS3 doesnt have any godo launch titles since you cna just by gears of war
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Actually, buying the system later is much better. I snagged the PS2 and Xbox on their launch dates, and they both dies a year later (disc reader died on both!). So I eneded up spending about 900 for them in only about a year on the system alone.

I waited about 6 months to buy my Xbox 360 (which I don't really play), and I haven't had a problem yet. Besides, all of the launch games are chaper by the time you should actually go purchase the system. I guess it's cool to get on of the first ones, but I was extremely pissed when they broke a year later. Just my experience with this, I'm not saying it always happens.

i had the disc cant read problem on both ps2 and xbox and all i did was open it up and clean th elens so you waste dmoney for no reason lol
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nice, make sure you play him in boxing because i play it against my brother and cousins and it rocked.

gotcha, sounds like fun. the wii sports game that comes with the console just absolutely looked awesome in previews. i can't hardly wait to get my greedy little hands on one.

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