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So who has the PSWII60?


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the Wii baseball game will make you wet your pants

they all make me wet my pants...but in a good way. :-)

question to anyone with a wii:

just how much moving around do you do? Is it just basically arm movements? or a lot of acutaly moving around on your feet? like enough that you feel like it's more of a workout than a video game?

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they all make me wet my pants...but in a good way. :-)

question to anyone with a wii:

just how much moving around do you do? Is it just basically arm movements? or a lot of acutaly moving around on your feet? like enough that you feel like it's more of a workout than a video game?

its freally only small hand movements but i think every body exaggerates and actually plays liek real life like i do i actually do my Pujols type stance when im playing Wii baseball
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ROFL!! That is hilarious, I'm gonna create a WackoJacko.
I heard that peopels Mii can end up in your system somehow liek when you go to the Mii Central its there i just find it funny that somehow my Michael Jackson Mii might end up in a 9 year old kids Nintendo Wii
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does anyone know of a store that is planning to have wii's for sale this friday? i'm assuming/praying that because of the huge day after thanksgiving sales that happen every year, some store may get a shipment in and have them for sale friday at the butt crack of dawn. i haven't heard of any yet, but i'm still waiting..

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ok, so nevermind to my previous 2 questions.

#1 Gamestop said they'll have them friday, so i'm good there.

#2 The Wii console can be laid flat, it comes with the stand to turn it upright if you so desire, but I won't use mine, and will end up laying it flat.

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ok, so nevermind to my previous 2 questions.

#1 Gamestop said they'll have them friday, so i'm good there.

#2 The Wii console can be laid flat, it comes with the stand to turn it upright if you so desire, but I won't use mine, and will end up laying it flat.

for somereason the Numbchucks are hard to find were i live but the controllers ar eeasy to find Nintendo shoudl have sold them together
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for somereason the Numbchucks are hard to find were i live but the controllers ar eeasy to find Nintendo shoudl have sold them together
its like 39.99 for the controller and 19.99 for the nunchuck its kinda messed up that its like almost 60 bucks for a controller
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me and my brotha are gonna go and put together the money to buy one

i figure

Nintendo Wii: 249.99

Controller: 39.99

Nanchuck: 19.99

Zelda Twighlite Princess: 49.99

Dragon Ball Z Budaki Tenkachi 2: 49.99

edit: does anyone know how good the new dbz is?

for a grand total of 409.95

plus a tax of 5% makes it : $430.45

i make 200 this week for working closing every night (plus tips and about a hundred in the bank) and he has the two hundred also so i figure we will have it soon enough. ive played it at my cuzins and wii sports baseball is so realistic. its so funny with the fielder having no legs

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^^that's terrible.

ps3 launch was evidently not planned out very well.

nintendo is rumored to have 3 million+ consoles hitting stores this weekend.

yeah but unless im lucky i wont have that much by this weekend
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I'll be quoting this straight from an article that reviews the PS3 and it shares my same exact sentiments as to why I am cautious buying this console:

I think my main problem with the PS3 is that philosophically, it's a confused system. It doesn't really know what it wants to do. The 360 wants to be a social system; it wants to get you online, talking to people, playing these fun little minigames, and going for the high score and bragging rights. It wants to bring you together and make you remember what you love about gaming.

The Wii wants to get you off the couch, for you to be physical and to be part of this game world. Wii wants you to connect and to get your friends and family involved even if they don't like games. The Xbox 360 and Wii are systems that know what they want to do.

The PS3 doesn't have any grand ideas; Sony wanted something high-tech, so they started from scratch with the processor and GPU, but what does it get them? Very little so far. The controller is a mash-up of ideas from their old systems, the 360's triggers, and the Wii's motion-sensing capabilities, but once it has that tech it doesn't really know what to do with it. The Blu-ray adds cost, but adds very little to the gaming experience for the user. It's great as a media player, but for those of us who love games first and foremost, we have to look at it skeptically. The PS3 is a system with no core message, and that is what keeps it from being elegant. Will it do great things in the future? I hope so, the possibility and potential are certainly there. For now, it's power looking for a mission statement.

One significant issue with the PS3 is a lack of proper scaling. We know that if your HDTV can't display 720p, you will get knocked down to 480p in some games, which is a shame. The other problem shows itself in Blu-ray movies, with the system having trouble scaling things down from 1080p if your set doesn't support that resolution. In some instances, this results in a grainy image. Hopefully this can be addressed via a software update.

Sony wants to push new formats; we want to play great games and have a good time doing it. We want every bit of that experience, from the menus to the loading times, to help us get into that fantasy world and keep us there. Sadly, with all the new technology, Sony appears to have neglected the overall gaming experience.

For me, Sony can keep pounding me with BLURAY BLURAY BLURAY but when it comes down to it all I want to do is play some games and kill some time, seriously.

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^My friend, you are fine with that TV...it is decent. Oh wait, you got a PS3? That's right, it won't look great unless you have an HDTV.

That is the reason why I want a Wii. I don't need graphics to have a great time. Well the graphics can be a bonus, but come on, I just beat Zelda: Ocarina of Time a week ago for like the billionth time. That game is fun no matter how the graphics are. PS3 demands that you get an HDTV which will probably end up being a Sony HDTV. The PS3 on a SDTV and HDTV are a huge complete difference. I don't want to spend $600 then a couple hundred or thousands more for a damn TV.

That is the reason why I would like a Wii for Christmas.

Well, an HDTV is not necessary, but it's recommended. Games for the PS3 will not stop you and demand that you upscale your TV to 1080i or 720p. They will run the same. I mean, c'mon, why else would Sony have composite cables in their PS3 other than to cut costs?

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