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Kramer pulls a Mel Gibson


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Im just sitting here watching CNN headlines news and theres a press conference about Michael Richards being banned from The Laugh Factory after going on a racial spat. Jerry Seinfeld was quoted as saying he was "sick" after hearing the news. Im trying to find footage but not having any luck. Im a huge Seinfeld fan but this kinda ruins it a little for me. Not to mention the lovable image of Stanly Spakowsi!

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Yea, it's actually worse for his career than Mel Gibson because the video evidence is so bad.

Not that his career was going anywhere after Seinfeld anyway, but it's officially dead now.

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And Mel Gibson can just say "Hey, I was drunk and didn't mean it" (I'm not saying I believe him or think that's a valid excuse), whereas Kramer has no defence whatsoever.

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He did a show the night after the incident...issuing a statement, say "he made amends for his mistakes"....dunno who he made admends too...I still love Kramer the character...don't much like Michael Richards, the comedian.

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You guys see him on sage trying to come up with words to say? He made no sense. I think he knew get did himself in.

What if this moron thought that what he was saying was funny, actually trying to "shock you". That is still REALLY really bad. Who says stuff like that? Psycho.

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This guy must have missed some sort of medication in the morning.

That was uncalled for. I'm suprised no one jumped onto the stage and kicked his ***.

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Yeah but I couldn't tell if he was purposely trying to be shocking or purposely psychotically racist. Not just racist, as in bad racist jokes black comedians tell, but psychotically racist. Maybe he was trying to put down his hecklers, but he went really, really, REALLY far with that crap.

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As far as I'm concerned, the "N" word means nothing now. Black people use it all the time and so the filthy little kids here in America. So he flipped out, out of frustration and rage. Eh, never liked Seinfeld anyway.

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