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Madden 2007


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Hi guys, this is a madden controller problem which i cant solve and neither can many of the madden forums that ive tried so hopefully you guys can help.

i use a DUAL -PSX-USB adaptor (ps2 controllers) on madden but like soo many people the exit replay start button doesn't work.

after searching the forum i found that if in the OEMNAME registry section and you rename the controller LOGICTECH DUAL ACTION it should work, and for a while it worked, i could exit replays and the controller worked like normal.

Then i got NHL 07 which didnt like the name LOGICTECH DUAL ACTION so i had to change it back to Dual PSX-USB Adaptor in the registry, NHL worked fine.

Recently ive decided to get into madden again, so i repeated the name change to LOGICTECH DUAL ACTION however now for some reason when i connect the controllers in control panel they are still listed as DUAL -PSX-USB adaptor i thought nothing of it since the registry had the correct name but when i go to play a game i still have the exit problem.

So although the name in the registry is logictech dual action, in control panel in controllers they are listed as DUAL -PSX-USB adaptor.

What can i do to get it to recognise my controlelrs as LOGICTECH's so that i can use the exit replay function.

Do you think its a registry problem?

how can i fix this, thanks guys

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is there a modder whoes kind enough to help?

if not can anyone suggest any good madden forums that might help me further, although saying that i dont think the game matters as its a controller issue.

any tips or suggestions are welcome. thanks in advance

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you can try the easports.com forum for madden 07. that might help

thanks mate but ive beat you to it :)

ive got the same post over @

footy freaks

ea sports madden 06 and 07 forum

mvp mods

ea mods

so far no help :(

ive not idea why despite changing the OEDname hasn't altered the name of the controllers once you plug them in.

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I had the same problem and it was because the game wouldn't let me configure the button for Pause. So what I did was download a program called JoyToKey.

What JoyToKey does is it allows you to configure keyboard inputs into your controller so that you can use the keyboard configuration in a video game, but actually play with your game controller.

I don't remember where I found the link to download the program, but for some reason I believe that I did a search on this board. If you find it, and need help, post on here or if you have AIM/AOL, you can IM me @ d1git4lcha0s

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I had the same problem and it was because the game wouldn't let me configure the button for Pause. So what I did was download a program called JoyToKey.

What JoyToKey does is it allows you to configure keyboard inputs into your controller so that you can use the keyboard configuration in a video game, but actually play with your game controller.

I don't remember where I found the link to download the program, but for some reason I believe that I did a search on this board. If you find it, and need help, post on here or if you have AIM/AOL, you can IM me @ d1git4lcha0s

thanks for that mate

in the REGISTRY what should my controller be named as? logictech which its not or its real name.

ill try and find this software, hope it works :)

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hkey_local_machinesystemcontrolmediapropertiesprivatepropertiesjoystickoem the last VID folder should be it!!! cheange the OEMNAME to Logitech Rumblepad 2 USB

and MVP still works with this :)

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right ive changed the name but the controller still comes up as

Dual PSX-USB Adaptor in the contol panel--> controllers section.

hkey_local_machinesystemcontrolmediapropertiesprivatepropertiesjoystickoem the last VID folder should be it!!! cheange the OEMNAME to Logitech Rumblepad 2 USB

you say it should be the last one but in fact its the 2nd from last one heres what i have done.....


i noticed there was one more VID folder so heres what it looks like....


right now whenever i have these settings my controller comes up with this name:


thats as clear as i can really put it. Does that look right? or should i alter any other values

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This was a common problem with madden and that was the solution that someone over at http://football-freaks.com/forums/index.php?

gave me. You might have to do some searching since it's been awhile since anyone really had this problem

thanks for that, ive had a post on that board for a few days now with not one reply, in the end i searched other similar posts and even had some interaction witha poster via PM and he said check all the other folders for my dual PSX-USB Adaptor because maybe the second from bottom folder isnt the default folder.

Unfortunately no other folder had the name either so im pretty sure the folder that i edited as Logitech Rumblepad 2 USB was the origional folder for the dual PSX-USB Adaptor.

so despite me re-naming the correct OEMName the computer doesnt seem to recognise it and remains naming the controller as Dual PSX-USB Adaptor as seen in my jpeg post

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i noticed you have an extra folder that i don't have you tried folder 0003 and 0004 in the registry?

i dont quite get what you mean sorry.

that last folder 0004 has no gmae pad in there, not sure if i should delete it or try to configure the controller in there?

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hi thanks for that, i cam across that post the other day, unfortunately it can only fix the exit replay problem but not the R3 and L3 buttons.

Because the keyboard doesn't have these buttons in the game it means i cant assign them to my pad :(

if i can get the PC to recognise my controllers as LOGITECHS like before all my problems are solved. The one problem that wont got away is how to do this? :(

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