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Happy Thanksgiving to you all


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Happy Thanksgiving.

I hope you all have a great weekend. I know many of you may be hurting whether it be in the area of family, work, friends, finances, whatever. Everything will be just fine. Keep your head up. Things are going to be great. You'll see-whether that is in a few weeks, months, or sometime next year. Things are going to be great.

So, having said that, what are some things you are all thankful for this year. Other than MVP Baseball. And hey, let's put a twist on it, use an emoticon for the list of things you are thankful for. I'll do mine later. -Mo

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I am thankful that I am blessed with a caring, loving family. That I have a roof over my head, a job, and good friends.

With that, I say Thank You Lord. :hail: :hail:

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my family

my friends

my life

this site

my site (see sig)

all the other baseball sites associated with this great community

good food

good times



the yankee's great history

my guitar(s)

my towel (the most useful thing on earth)

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Yes, its a wonderful time of year. I just wish Thanksgiving and Christmas would be two separate holidays!

And we are having 4 cornish hens instead of turkey this year.... :xmas: :wtg: :new:

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I am thankful for the following:

My family ( health included )

My wife, who God knows I wouldnt be me without her

My job, it helps me pay for my toys

My father is still around

Im thankful I was blessed with a brother for 19 years, wish it was longer, but we sure enjoyed the 19 years we had

...and in selfish land...im very thankful that we sign Soriano

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I am thankful that McNabb got hurt again. Go Giants!

Oh, I guess you mean no sports.

Thank you to my family, friends, wife

SPECIAL thanks to:

Jim- PFC1 medic 82nd (Iraq)

Dave- Capt. Rangers (Iraq)

Michelle- USMC (Afghanistan)

Jay- 42nd Infantry, NY Nat. Guard (Iraq)

And bless you all. I miss you all. Cant wait to get you all back home!!!!!!!

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happy thanksgiving to all... hopefully your wives and gf's go shopping! Mine insists on either taking me with her or staying home with me... so much for the whole guy's day of madden, battlefield, and basketball and football in the gym...

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Happy Thanksgiving to everybody here especially the modders, moderators and Admin, without them this site wouldnt be possible. I give thanks to my family, this site, my site(see abc006 sig), Ea Sports, My school and my friends and family, oh and sports.

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I'm thankful for my new wife, our families, the fact that I got my car fixed, that I only have one more class and a thesis before my Master's is complete, that the Astros haven't yet declared a period of rebuilding, that I inadvertently made a sig for Uncle Mo, and that I get turkey sandwiches (the best part of Thanksgiving) for the next week.


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My friends here at MVPmods,

I'd like to wish you all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. I've decided to go out of the box with the cooking this year. No turkey. Instead, I've been making a huge thing of chili that has been slow-cooking in the crock pot since 4:30 this morning. I hope everyone enjoys their football (and TNA Wrestling) this Turkey Day.

And now for the things I'm thankful for:

My family's health and well-being, my health and well-being, having a cool and fulfulling job as an apartment manager, having a fully-functioning computer, having cool and supportive friends here in Kenosha and abroad, the Yankees for getting rid of Gary Sheffield and his big mouth, having more reasons not to be a WWE fan anymore, John Cena's movie being a box office bust, and finally you guys here at MVPmods.com putting up with my crap almost every single day of the year. LOL. Happy Thanksgiving!

Rich Kuka

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happy thanksgiving to all... hopefully your wives and gf's go shopping! Mine insists on either taking me with her or staying home with me... so much for the whole guy's day of madden, battlefield, and basketball and football in the gym...

my gf gave up attempting to drag me out to "hell" last year - i will go to the mall one day between nov 1 and jan 15. and that one day sure as hell isn't going to be the biggest shopping day of the year.

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my gf gave up attempting to drag me out to "hell" last year - i will go to the mall one day between nov 1 and jan 15. and that one day sure as hell isn't going to be the biggest shopping day of the year.

Co-signed, thats what I'm thankful for.

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sfgiantsflgators, good job on not giving in. Keep tha' faith brutha'.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me in my mods. Thank you very much.

I'm grateful for my new house that is almost one year old.

I'm grateful for the fact that I have no desire to blow money trying to buy bigger and better things.

I'm very thankful that I got saved when I was a kid.

I'm very thankful that I always have food and veyr nice clothes when I know I could very well easily be without.

I'm thankful for my job.

I'm thankful for the amount I get paid. I know I could easily be on the street.

I'm thankful that I don't have a desire to play games all day every day. A lot of the games are the same darn thing over and over again (mohaa, cod, bf2, the list goes on).

I'm thankful for my best friend and wife. And that she looks so great and that she is born again as well.

I'm thankful for two cars that run well and that new cd player so I can actually have music in my car. So I guess I'm grateful that I'm not stuck with a cassette tape player and the radio.

I'm grateful for my monitor, and the ram and video card I was able to get this past year. I've never had an awesome PC setup.

I'm grateful for a forgiving wife.

I'm so thankful that I don't have kids. Or else I'd have to change my name to Papa Mo, MoDaddy, or whatever stupid name I can think of.

I'm thankful for MLB, and RAM and MarkB (and maybe BigBully) for unwittingly turning me into an MILB fan. Thank you both.

I'm thankful for my life being changed 10 years ago, and even more so this past year or two. Thank you Lord.

I'm thankful for me wrapping this up. I talk too much.

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Well i be in Canada so i already had my gobble gobble..but Happy Thanksgiving to those of you celebratin...guess i 'm thankful that i have 2 beautiful girls and a very handsome son and that my wife has actually stayed with me all these years even tho i can be very hard headed and that i was a little shortchanged...roflmao...j/k...ok i'm not :wynar:

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Yes, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I don't have alot that I am thankful for because I've never had much but here we go.

Thankful for:

My mom and dad, even though they've been divorced for like 17 years, they still get along when they see each other and don't argue when it comes to things dealing with me.

My little brother who means the world to me

My best friend of 19 years and my 2nd best friend of almost 8 years.

The girl who I've had a crush on for the last 6 or so months, sure we don't go out, but whenever I'm with her she puts me in the greatest comfort zone anyone could ask for

The fact that I have been able to bring myself out of depression and change my attitude and life with the help of only my friends into something that makes me well liked and caring to whoever I meet, that is unless they just **** me off =)

And last but not least, the whole punk/emo/screamo/hXc scene. Without this genre of music I also wouldn't be who I am today.

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