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Nintendo Wii


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I've done some research but can't find an exact answer for what I'm looking for. I know that the memory card for the Wii is an SD Card. I'm curious though if any SD card will work with the Wii, or do you have to buy specific Wii only SD Cards? I'm assuming that any SD Card would work, the system would just have to format the card so that it will work on the Wii. Like I said I've done research and tried to find the answer on the internet, but haven't had any luck. Maybe I'm just not looking for the right thing.

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sweet. thanks for the help. i have a 512MB SD card that I was planning on using. Here's another question for ya. Approximately how big are the save files? is 512 gonna be ok until i get a good library of games? or should i get a bigger one? (in case you haven't figured it out yet, I don't have the console. I have an extra controller and Zelda, and Red Steel. But haven't been lucky enough to get a console yet.)

thanks again.

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