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Happy Birthday KCCITYSTAR (Ariel)


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Sunday, the 26th is KC's birthday! He's turning a whole whopping 19 years of age. So to celebrate I wanted to post this and make it kind of different that the usual. How different?

First, if you are over the age of 19, please drop a line and finish this sentence 'When I was 19 I....'. If you are under the age of 19 do the opposite, like this 'When I turn 19 I...'. I don't care what you finish it with just keep it clean for the kids that may use this site. Please!

Also, I was asking him about his birthday and he told me that since he was moving he won't have much money to use on himself to make it a special day. So, with that I propose to you that we do something out of the ordinary. KCCITYSTAR mentioned to me that he'd like to get a digital camera, one that has the Li-Ion battery, which is great so he doesn't have to buy new ones. Now this is where we come together as a community.

So I was thinking that we could all chip in. The total cost of the camera is about $185.00, which should be great because he could have said he wanted something expensive. So if everyone pitched in just 10 bucks here, 5 bucks there, or wanted to drop a $20.00 spot we could get him a digital camera. Here's what you do, go to paypal.com and send the small amount of money to his paypal account. Let's flood him up.

If anything, it could be a cool way to say thanks for the mods AND Happy Birthday. Me, I'm going to wait to see how much gets pitched in, then check in with KC later tomorrow on his actual birthday or early Monday morning and then dropping 10-20 bucks to his paypal email address after I see how much the total comes to. Worst case scenario, everyone here boos the crap out of me for trying to do something nice, I clam up and go hide, then KC years in therapy because no one likes him. Happens every day. :o)

Have a great weekend!



paypal email address: kccitystar @ optonline.net

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pretty sweet camera. wish i could do something, but i'm kind of young to be handing out money to strangers. :roll:

anyway, When I turn 19, I'll... vote. Because I'll be old enough to. And I'll... do something 19-ish. not smoking. because that's bad. i'll drive a car. YEAH. happy pre-birthday kc.

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So you want me to chip in and give money to KC? What the hell has he contributed to the site? So what. He made a couple of cheap uniforms that are barely even good.

Seriously though, if there's anyway to pay besides paypal or any online way, I would chip in.

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Happy Birthday man.

Just remember this...you're not gettin' any younger. Look at me, I'm on the computer at 1 am in the morning.

When I was 19....umm...who ever wants to know can pm me.

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This is awesome. To be honest this is the first time in a couple years an actual forum has praised my birthday. I appreciate it.


I spent the last couple hours just messed up partying hard and hanging out. :)

I'll update my progress later, b/c I am in a drunk state, lol I was quarantined:


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That's you right?

Funny if you drunkness made you post some random person from a google search.

Actually that is me, I've posted my pic many a time on this forum. You only need to search more. :stickman:

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