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Happy Birthday KCCITYSTAR (Ariel)


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I've received nothing.

Strange… I sent you $20 this morning. I checked my PayPal and its giving me this unclaimed crap. I’m starting to really hate PayPal. :headache: :headache: :headache:

Anyway I canceled the payment and resent it and it actually looks like it went trough this time so check your PayPal.

welcome to my world

If we paid you what you deserve we would all be broke.

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I see. Well, it has gotten off to a crappy start. Now that my birthday is here, I would like to go OFF on someone. A particular someone I know very well.

In the 24 hours before my birthday, let's see, I was screwed out of a PS3 deal, my brother got a 360 in a desperate attempt to screw me as he has always tried to do since I got my (in chronological order) Nintendo 64, PS2, PC, Laptop. I have worked hard to get to where I am at this point in my life. Even though it's not a part of reality, I mod countless uniforms that about 80% appreciate but won't care to donate b/c it's free, I help many members that are on this site, and I friggin' contribute to damn near every mod. My brother does nothing. He can't clean his room because he is lazy, he is failing in school, he doesn't do any household chores unless he is forced to do them, and my step-dad pleases him by purchasing an XBOX 360, the day before my birthday, after my bro has been wanting me to find out where he can buy a Nintendo Wii with his 250 dollars. Somehow out of 250 dollars he manages to pull out 567 bucks to purchase an XBOX 360 PREMIUM PACKAGE with GEARS OF WAR and TWO YEARS INSURANCE FROM BEST BUY, while I'm stuck with 300 given by mom, dad, and my grandparents. My mother claimed that my bro had sacrificed his christmas money, and his birthday money for an XBOX360. He was never interested in one until I told him I was going to attempt to buy a Playstation 3. I know my mother will not keep her word and try to purchase him a Wii for christmas as he is the youngest, so I will rub and continue to remind her of this event in her face. My birthday, in 24 hours and this guy pulls 567 dollars out of his **** to spite me and blow it on an XBOX360 for himself...with an assist by my stepdad.

Awesome. Spectacular. Magnificent. (insert adjective here). After my stepdad rubbing it in my face that my bro got an XBOX360, and then saying that I am rushing to get a next-gen console, that must make my stepfather what, father of the year?

I'd like to superglue a chainsaw to my arm and friggin do a wrestling chop to his chest for all I care. That is inexcusable, especially when he had the nerve to throw it in my face. My brother thought I would end up with a PS3 in my hand, and I didn't, and in the end he desperately bought an XBOX 360 to "keep up with the joneses". I hope it gets a 3 sided ring of death you jerk, thanks for ruining my birthday, ya dunce. I don't need your cheers, praise, admiration or comments.I hope you know I have as much pull on this site as Trues, Y4L, Mark B and the mods themselves and I will blackball you from every league, every attempt at participating in a mod, every friggin dynasty you make and abandon every two weeks, everything. I will make sure you permanently have limited access on this site and I will assure you that every popular member will never respond to your threads, and you will be stuck with noobs and posts with bumps created by you. I could care less that you are a brother of mine, pulling a dirty move on me will only force me to unleash my wrath on you through the internet on every site and even on IGN and all the countless other boards you visit, and offline with every thing you buy.

Every time my birthday comes up, knowing I will get something grand you try to out-do me because, well, I don't know, it must be a blow to your pride that I'm celebrating my own birthday or something. I left my house for a purpose, you stupid fool, because you ticked me off by buying something very expensive for youself just to try and out-do me when I said I was going to get a PS3.

My sister deserves all of your gifts before you do, and your work ethic is like one slot on a memory card compared to her 20 gig hard drive. I could care less now. It is not a big deal to me because eventually my mother will see the signs. You are always going to try to out-do me no matter what happens and you will fail miserably everytime you do. Again, thanks for ruining my birthday. I hope you get the Mitch treatment tomorrow, you punk:


Enjoy your christmas, when you get your Nintendo Wii and I am stuck with the 300 bucks given to me on this day, and the money donated by members I don't even know in person but respect me and I respect so much because they treat me like family unlike my own.

Consider this a mega rant and let it burn slowly in your soul.

I've had it. I'm through with this year-by-year BS. I don't care if this is a direct attack towards a member. I want to expose this punk no matter what the cause. You do nothing to deserve what you get, and I work hard moving my own things into my room, help clean with my grandparents, setup my own room, etc. Especially from my family. You have supported this **** clown throughout the years claiming that he is the youngest and that he should be given leniency. Let me tell you something, SCREW YOUR STUPID RULES, HE IS OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT HE IS BEING PAMPERED AND HE WILL TRY TO USE THAT TO HIS ADVANTAGE BECAUSE HE KNOWS YOU WILL NEVER SAY NO.

I'm drunk and this is my meaningless rant. Let that resonate throughout this thread. Eventually I will edit when I realize I was wrong, and that won't be happening anytime soon because I am right. After all, I am Kccitystar, I am the man, the alpha, the omega, one of the elite modders on this site.


Forgive me for my ignorance...but who is your brother?

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After reading KCs rant...I wouldn't show my face either.

After he bought the 360, today neither my stepdad or my bro said anything to me, which was funny because I had nothing to say to them after I got screwed over...then when they tried to come around and say goodbye because they needed to return to connecticut, I paid them no mind and kept playing some more of MLB 06 the show. I could care less now.

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I'm going to bring back that old Fuzz conspiracy and say that I think Kraw and Hory AND BigJay are all the same person. See if he's wearing a mask, KC!

Oh...and when I was 19, I started dating my wife. This could be a year of big things, buddy. Don't blow it!

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bigjay, in the future i reccomend pm'ing. if there is a future, that is...

Good post.

You guys can keep it in PM, I can tell both of you are heated right now about this, so keep it there or use the phone. Remember, above anything else, you are brothers. That's important.

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what the hell did bigjay do wrong, I've never seen a 13 year old that would turn down a game system.

KC should be mad at the stepdad (the timing of the system was BS) and the guy that fell through on getting the ps3

and when I was 19 I was dodging bullets, so you both have it pretty damn good

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Don't ever end a conversation with a grudge. Because if something happens, you'll never forget the last words you said to them.

Rant now, but if I were you I would settle things straight. Be the bigger man KC.

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it is his money...he can do whatever he wants with it.

and yet he picked the day before KC's birthday to drop $550 on you?

He was making a point, maybe you can not see it but he was.

From the sound of it

then when they tried to come around and say goodbye because they needed to return to connecticut

you and your dad came up to visit him for his b-day, why not buy the system after the trip and KC would not even have to know about it?

Only reason would be to make a point

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I am in a tough spot with what to post, since I turned 19 yesterday. Wait, sweet, I am a day older then KC. I am going to have to brag to him about this ;-).

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Don't ever end a conversation with a grudge. Because if something happens, you'll never forget the last words you said to them.

Rant now, but if I were you I would settle things straight. Be the bigger man KC.

The textbook ending for almost every movie.

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Listen you, do you think I would try and talk to you when you're pissed? No...I wouldn't want to get flung somewhere. Reason I got the 360 was because I was suppose to get a Wii and I got a 360 instead, which I have wanted for the longest. I thought you were getting a PS3, which I thought wouldn't matter. I honestly think you're hating on the wrong person. I did nothing to you. You may think I did, but I didn't. I didn't nag on anybody. He made me a deal...get it now and he doesn't get me nothing for Christmas or my Birthday. You know I wanted a 360 since it came out. Don't get pissed at me because your boy didn't come through in the "clutch". I am tired of your ****, man. I mean was it necessary to post all that crap? No. Was it necessary to treat me like a **** the whole day? No. I did nothing. ****, it was a gift from MY father. I am only 13! You are an adult. You are mad over the dumbest thing.

Honestly, grow the **** up. I did not mean to ruin your birthday. I look up to you...I never try and compete with you. ****, go ahead...get a PS3, Wii, 360 whatever the hell you want. I don't care.

About the laptop and PC part? What the hell do you expect? I bought a PC because we had one and I never got to use it. I bought a laptop because the PC wasted alot of light causing the electricity bill to come in at a high price.

Just so you know, you ruined your own damn birthday.

Also, don't **** at anyone...this is not my, my dad's, or anybody elses fault but yours. You got mad for no reason....wtf? I can't beleive I looked up to you...

Note: Ariel, you think you know me...but trust me....you don't. You know nothing about me....

Couldn't you two just talk face to face? ... just wondering.

edit: Ah, almost forgot, happy 19th, man, thanks for all you do around the site.

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