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Happy Birthday KCCITYSTAR (Ariel)


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BTW, to finish the thread, when i was 19, I was just in college, and had just met my future wife on 11/12, was sporting my new hair cut, trying to grow as a rededicated Christian, and was still praying about leaving the country for some mission work in Asia. Shyeah. And I thought I was going to law school. Glad that didn't work out.

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This isn't exactly a brother-to-brother situation, but it should let you know something.

Ricky Ledee (former Yankee) was a teenager and his dad was a traveling musician. Before he went on another long trip he wanted to say goodbye to his son. Ricky refused to say goodbye because he was angry, and wouldn't tell him he loved him. Turns out that a little while after he left, his dad was killed in a car accident.

Seems like you never know the last words you tell someone, never turn the next page with angry words or thoughts.

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I will not "apologize" because this is always a repeated ocurrance. Coincidentally or not, that is the question. Why would my stepdad want to spend that much money the day before my birthday?

As for my step-father, I don't want anything from him, ever. Not a handshake, not a gift, not even a few sentences. If it isn't an "I'm Sorry", I'm not accepting it. There is a difference between admiration and envy, and it's a shame you cannot distinguish between the two. That is why I am upset. If it seems that I believed you were always trying to out-do everything that I do, that is the way I see things because somehow coincidentally my parents continue to blow money on you and every expensive thing that you have, someway, somehow you screw things up. Maybe the screwups are not immediate, but it's a progressive thing. Coincidentally.

If anything, yes, I am upset at my stepfather for making such a stupid "deal" at the worst possible time. Maybe on purpose, but I have nothing against the guy. I am also upset at my friend for not coming through with the Playstation 3. It was a case of "knowing a guy who knows a guy" as opposed to "knowing a guy". Then my mother tried to put a spin on it like "he wanted to purchase one because he wanted to play the xbox360 with you". I'd buy that for a dollar. He bought it on the 25th to play it from the 25th to the 26th with me? I don't get it.

So yes, I am equally angry with you, Big Jay, my stepfather and my friend, but I will not forgive you for not having a heart. You did not even stop and think "wait, it's Ariel's birthday, maybe he wants an Xbox360, let me call him up". If you would have called me, I would have gotten off the city bus and back on my way home. Sadly that was not the case. You went along with the deal as if nothing happened. I hope you do want a car or something very valuable for your birthday in the near future. I'll buy the hottest car on the market, and I'd drive donuts around the parking lot just to rub it in your face the day before your birthday too.

About the laptop and PC part? What the hell do you expect? I bought a PC because we had one and I never got to use it. I bought a laptop because the PC wasted alot of light causing the electricity bill to come in at a high price.

That is why most people use the PC for an hour or two and that is it for the day. It's not that hard staying away from the PC, I do it all the time when I come to visit, which is why I am rarely online 24/7.

Call me acting childish, that is something inexcusable. My "Father of the Year" proposing a deal the day before my birthday to give my brother an XBOX360 while I sat in my room looking stupid, stuck with a PS2 system. All of this happened on the trip to my friend's house to pick up the aforementioned PS3. I did not get there until he bought his 360. Sure, nobody can turn down a game system, but I agree that the timing was pure BS and that's all that mattered to me.

Anyway, I had fun, guys. I went and hung out with some friends, drank some malt liquor, joked, and basically had a blast. However 1% of the donation money came to fruition, but that's alright. Nobody's forced to donate anything.

I'm through discussing this topic with my brother any longer.

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