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end of game crash


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Once in a while when I finish a game (usually when I pull off a come-from-behind stunner) the game crashes when I click 'quit'. I figure it has something to do with the loading screen, but it hasn't happened at any other place in the game. Doesn't happen all the time. Pretty sure I installed everything correctly. Any suggestions?

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That used to happen to me last year before the 06 mod. Man i hope i don't run into this problem again.

Used to happen to me too, and then for a long time with the '06 mod it hadn't done it, but about 2 weeks it started doing it again and it really sucks. And no, as far as I've ever been able to figure out, between posting here for help and reinstalling the whole game several times, there isn't any way to fix it. Its just a hit or miss thing, sometimes it will crash and sometimes it won't.

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