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Vote for my profile


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If you're on MySpace, I'd love for you to help me out and vote for my profile. I'm not really expecting to win, I'm just curious as to how high I can climb in the standings -- just a little MySpace experiment.


You're either with me or you're with the terrorists. Vote for Jesse.

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Haha, I'm amazed to have this many responses so soon -- thanks for pitching in, fellas.

I'm not doing much promotion, just here and on facebook/myspace through my respective friends, so it'll be interesting to see how high I rank when the voting ends.

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So, here's a little update... apparently I'm ranked 36th right now, out of 3,400 something. After I got back up off the floor and in my chair, I realized if I took this a little more seriously, I might actually have an outside shot at wining this thing. Also, the fact that I just now saw there's a $1000 prize for first place has inspired me to try a bit harder, as well.

So once again, if you guys could spread the word and vote for me, that'd be great. And if I win, I'll give everyone in this thread a dollar. One whole American dollar...

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So, here's a little update... apparently I'm ranked 36th right now, out of 3,400 something. After I got back up off the floor and in my chair, I realized if I took this a little more seriously, I might actually have an outside shot at wining this thing. Also, the fact that I just now saw there's a $1000 prize for first place has inspired me to try a bit harder, as well.

So once again, if you guys could spread the word and vote for me, that'd be great. And if I win, I'll give everyone in this thread a dollar. One whole American dollar...

Just donate it to the site...I voted for ye btw.

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You guys are way rad. I've decided that the reason my votes are getting boosted is because I posted on this site.

And now again you guys have provided a voting boom and I'm ranked at #17!

Vote with every account you have and have all your friends vote, too! Don't forget about that dollar, ya'll!

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