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BCS Title Game!


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That's what everyone thought about USC/UCLA. It could be a terrific game between OSU and Florida, but on paper, it looks awful.

Yea but USC didn't take UCLA seriously they thought they were just going to run right through them like they did with ND. IMO The Rose Bowl is going to be the better game through out this whole BCS.

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My Michigan vs. OSU wetdream title game is no longer going to happen. It would've been the trifecta to the great championship games over the last few years (Miami vs. Ohio State, Texas vs. USC, Ohio State vs. Michigan) Damnit!

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Actually, I was one of those who thought UCLA had a chance against USC, not because I'm some kind of seer, but because I understand the impact of rivalry games.

Regarding the Michigan-Ohio State game, I should point out that Michigan lost a starter from their secondary, Willis Berringer, early in the game. That injury could have been overcome if it had happened before the game, but coming when it did, Michigan had to plug in a less experienced corner on the quick and Ohio State racked up a ton of yardage going after that spot. No excuse, just pointing out one of those little things that happen.

It will be fun to play USC in the Rose Bowl, much more fun than Florida will have playing Ohio State.

I'm leaving with the best quote I've heard all day:

"I don't think they (Florida) would have moved ahead of us if USC would have won the game," said Michigan coach Lloyd Carr.

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There are a few bowls that catch my interest:

Sheraton Hawaii

Arizona State vs. Hawaii - Hawaii's QB is a passing machine; I look for him to throw 11 or 12 TDs in that one...


Texas vs. Iowa: I'm going to guarantee an Iowa win


Tennessee vs. Penn State: Big Ten will continue to roll. PSU's defense will carry them to a victory

Capital One

Arkansas vs. Wisconsin: Terrific matchup. Wisconsin pulled the upset in this bowl last year against Auburn. They will have to stop McFadden to have any chance.

Rose Bowl presented by Citi

USC vs. Michigan: Probably going to get the highest ratings, and is, in my opinion, the best matchup this year.

Tostitos Fiesta

Boise State vs. Oklahoma: Boise State proves they're for real and that Oklahoma has no place in this game.

Tostitos BCS Championship Game

Florida vs. Ohio State

What are your favorite matchups?

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I love all the "Florida is going to get destroyed" talk. Keep it coming. It's the EXACT thing that Ohio State went through in 2002; everyone kept saying, "they'll lose...oh, they won?...ok, well they'll lose next week...they won again?...well not next week."

Finally, they got the title bid, then "Miami's gonna kick their ***...Ohio State sucks...Miami by two touchdowns." Can't remember - who won that game?

Didn't have anything against Michigan Fan until tonight - never once did I say they didn't deserve it...I just believed that Florida had the more impressive resume. But now, eat it Michigan Fan. Enjoy the Rose Bowl and your third place BCS finish. Last post about it until January. I'm out.

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I for one am very anxious to see USC and Michigan in the Rose Bowl. If I had to pick between the BCS Championship game and the Rose Bowl, I would pick the Rose Bowl.

Congratulations to the Gators. On paper, it looks like a big win for OSU, but in the locker room, you never know who wants it more. I am looking forward to a great game between the Buckeyes and Gators.

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I love all the "Florida is going to get destroyed" talk. Keep it coming. It's the EXACT thing that Ohio State went through in 2002; everyone kept saying, "they'll lose...oh, they won?...ok, well they'll lose next week...they won again?...well not next week."

Finally, they got the title bid, then "Miami's gonna kick their ****...Ohio State sucks...Miami by two touchdowns." Can't remember - who won that game?

Didn't have anything against Michigan Fan until tonight - never once did I say they didn't deserve it...I just believed that Florida had the more impressive resume. But now, eat it Michigan Fan. Enjoy the Rose Bowl and your third place BCS finish. Last post about it until January. I'm out.

Enjoy your tainted championship, oh wait... You guys are going to get creamed anyway. I don't know if you've seen Ohio St. this year but they didn't play Vanderbilt to a close game. I bet the Rose Bowl pulls in more viewers than the championship game. You know flat out that they made it in because people don't want to see a rematch. Nice broad generaliztion too. "I didn't have anything against the Michigan fans til tonight." I don't have anything against Florida fans, just you.

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You guys need to calm down. Its not like anyone on this board made this decision. You guys are attacking each other like no tomorrow. We all know this is the most flawed system in any sports. Chill out and just enjoy the games.

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Enjoy your tainted championship, oh wait... You guys are going to get creamed anyway. I don't know if you've seen Ohio St. this year but they didn't play Vanderbilt to a close game. I bet the Rose Bowl pulls in more viewers than the championship game. You know flat out that they made it in because people don't want to see a rematch. Nice broad generaliztion too. "I didn't have anything against the Michigan fans til tonight." I don't have anything against Florida fans, just you.

I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. I'm still fuming about that decision. Everyone wants their team to make it. I still think a large part of the choice was based soley on not wanting to see a rematch. Nothing against anyone personally here.

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I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. I'm still fuming about that decision. Everyone wants their team to make it. I still think a large part of the choice was based soley on not wanting to see a rematch. Nothing against anyone personally here.

I probably shouldn't have typed that last paragraph either and I apologize as well.

There's no doubt Michigan should be in the hunt too - and that Ohio State is going to be a very tough test; but it's driving me nuts that a team who goes 12-1 in the SEC, with the toughest schedule in the nation, can be considered unworthy of the challenge because they didn't win "the right way."

This is about as good a case as anyone's going to get to prove college football needs an overhaul QUICK. Even Tressel is under fire now because he didn't vote today.

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Fla is more of a running team, they ain't going to come back if their trailing late in the game. They have NO shot at all against OSU, I bet the point spread will be +14.

its actually 7-1/2 Ohio State.

i love all the trash talk about Florida. makes it even sweeter when they win.

and Florida a running team? That's been their problem all year, they cant run!

they run trick plays and wide receiver dashes to make up for it...but they do it oh so well!

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I really get the feeling that anyone besides Michigan would get destroyed by Ohio State. I think I'm one of the few people (And I'm dead serious) who thought UCLA had a chance against USC, just by judging how they've played against USC the last couple of years. Florida is good, but they're no Michigan. Michigan went into Ohio State and nearly beat them (I think they would have if it weren't for that Roughing the Passer late hit call). Florida has looked lackluster in a ton of games (No matter how good the SEC is) and that game against South Carolina at HOME was too close for them to be considered for the National Championship game. Yes, I know Michigan nearly lost to Ball State (Or was it someone else), but that was a tune-up phone-in "Don't really care" game against a lesser school. South Carolina coming into the Swamp should be an important game considering:

Spurrier is back

It's a conference game

There's no excuse for barely beating your former coach in a conference game.

there's no excuse for barely beating Ball State........

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I really get the feeling that anyone besides Michigan would get destroyed by Ohio State. I think I'm one of the few people (And I'm dead serious) who thought UCLA had a chance against USC, just by judging how they've played against USC the last couple of years.

why dont you look at usc/ucla score from last year before you make that statement, and besides two years ago, every year back...USC had beat them 7 straight times....

i guess i saw it coming too!

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I for one am very anxious to see USC and Michigan in the Rose Bowl. If I had to pick between the BCS Championship game and the Rose Bowl, I would pick the Rose Bowl.

Congratulations to the Gators. On paper, it looks like a big win for OSU, but in the locker room, you never know who wants it more. I am looking forward to a great game between the Buckeyes and Gators.

well by picking the Rose Bowl you show what type of college football fan you are. I'd take the National Title game if it was We Suck University v. We Blow University.

its the freakin title game dude!

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Enjoy your tainted championship, oh wait... You guys are going to get creamed anyway. I don't know if you've seen Ohio St. this year but they didn't play Vanderbilt to a close game. I bet the Rose Bowl pulls in more viewers than the championship game. You know flat out that they made it in because people don't want to see a rematch. Nice broad generaliztion too. "I didn't have anything against the Michigan fans til tonight." I don't have anything against Florida fans, just you.

I'll take a tainted National Title anyday of the week....what title are you guys playing for?

Yeah OSU didnt play Vandy to a close game, they were too busy trying to survive against Illinois....

I'll bet you my bank account the Rose Bowl doesnt pull in more viewers...National Title game is the highest rated college football game every year, and this year is no different...just how it goes....have fun watching a game between teams that combine for 3 losses...

there shouldnt be a rematch...lets see basically you are saying: "Ohio State, if you guys wanna be National champs you gotta beat michigan twice....but if they wanna be champs they gotta only beat you guys once..."

hmmmmmm sounds fair to me....

I cant wait to win the tainted championship....it'll taste even sweeter knowing how upset another school is about it...

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That's how it is in sports. A team might beat you all season but then beat you when it counts. Some teams thrive on pressure. If Ohio State won the first game on neutral field or at Michigan I could buy the beat them twice but they only won once argument. Fact is it has happened many times in sports where a team will get dominated by another during the regular season only to beat them when it counts in the playoffs. No hard feelings, but I still think Ohio St. 31 - 17. I think the Llyod Carr quote earlier in this thread was right. I don't think Florida would have leap-frogged Michigan had USC won. They were trying to get anyone besides Michigan in the title game if all possible to avoid controversy.

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wow TribeFan4Eva a sextuple post

Michigan desrves it....Florida deserves it.... I am just a Michigan Fan. But that Ball State scare really hurt us. We lost to the best college team in the nation by 3 points, so I think we should be there.

But Florida really deserves it too.

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I'm covering the game for my paper. Sitting in the pressbox taking it all in. I think it will be a runaway, OSU is just too good. Tressel is too good. Smith is too good.

I grew up in Ohio and I was pulling for OSU v. Michigan just for nostalgia and the stories that I could write for the paper, but this will make for an OK game.

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