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BCS Title Game!


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Funny to see Michigan fans now, trying to play it off like they didn't **** all over Florida for over a month. If I wasn't still riding the high of the game, I'd go back and paste the great insight from earlier posts. Instead, I'll just look at the National Champion pictures some more.

The biggest Michigan **** is Desmond Howard - what a ***. Michigan fans can suck it. Congrats on doing absolutely nothing with your season.

Jesus, don't start this again. It's not like I'm not mad about Michigan not making it. My life doesn't depend on a team that I don't play for in a sport that I don't play. I was just trying to give Florida props for smashing Ohio St. Honestly, you can't tell me that you wouldn't have been angry had Michigan made it over Florida. I won't lie, I did bad mouth Fla. I said those things because I really thought U of M should have been there. It was particularly bad because USC lost that day to UCLA and I was pumped that Mich wouldn't get screwed. Then I saw that Auburn Florida score roll across the screen and I realized they had no shot. It was an emotional high straight into demorilizartion (is that a word?). Either way let's just drop it. I apologize, Florida is a good team and they have a shot next year as does Michigan.

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In the SI this week they have the top 10 as:

1. USC

2. LSU

3. Florida

4. OhSt


6. Wisc.

7. Michigan

8. Louisville

9. Texas


Sleepers UCLA, SC, South Florida

They only thing I really agree on is USC at #1 and UCLA as a sleeper.

I would probably put Wisconsin and Michigan ahead of Ohio State. All three play each other next year so that should settle the Big Ten debate in the end. LSU was #2 in my mind before Russell said he was leaving.

I think those are postseason polls so it doesn't have anything to do with next year. It looks about right although I don't like Louisville up there.

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I think those are postseason polls so it doesn't have anything to do with next year. It looks about right although I don't like Louisville up there.

Nope they are for next year. Each team has a description next to them detailing who they losing to the draft and who's coming back. Although they still have Pittman for OSU as returning which he's leaving because he said he was holding a press conference at hig High School on the 15th.

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Jesus, don't start this again. It's not like I'm not mad about Michigan not making it. My life doesn't depend on a team that I don't play for in a sport that I don't play. I was just trying to give Florida props for smashing Ohio St. Honestly, you can't tell me that you wouldn't have been angry had Michigan made it over Florida. I won't lie, I did bad mouth Fla. I said those things because I really thought U of M should have been there. It was particularly bad because USC lost that day to UCLA and I was pumped that Mich wouldn't get screwed. Then I saw that Auburn Florida score roll across the screen and I realized they had no shot. It was an emotional high straight into demorilizartion (is that a word?). Either way let's just drop it. I apologize, Florida is a good team and they have a shot next year as does Michigan.

Well, I'll take you out of that group of Michigan fans then. But, for everyone one of you, I've run across 10 Desmond Howard's that bashed Florida for a month, talking all sorts of BS - then did a complete 180 five minutes after the game, saying they knew Florida had a chance and that Chris Leak was a god in cleats. Those are the Michigan fans that my statement should be directed at.

Nope they are for next year. Each team has a description next to them detailing who they losing to the draft and who's coming back. Although they still have Pittman for OSU as returning which he's leaving because he said he was holding a press conference at hig High School on the 15th.

Florida-wise, Jarvis Moss and Ryan Smith have officially declared for the draft and Andre Caldwell is returning for his senior season. And it appears that the "Eraser," Reggie Nelson, is gone as well. Now we're waiting on Derrick Harvey and Brandon Siler - neither of which I think will stay.

The offense won't drop a bit - with Tebow there full time and Harvin with a years experience, it very well could be one of the most exciting in the league. There are some solid underclassmen on the defensive side of the ball but it will be interesting to see if they can produce the next couple of years like the team has the past few.

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Really, wow, already polls for next season. But still, Louisville is nothing special in my opinion. I say Duke takes the whole thing next year :)

they arent anything official. I was just throwing SI's opinions into the talk. Im sure it will change in the spring or whenever the 1st polls come out.

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Heh...well, it's official - 9 of the 11 defensive starters are leaving Florida. The four junior departees are: Reggie Nelson, Brandon Siler, Ryan Smith, Jarvis Moss...or, in statistical terms (from just those 4):

31% of the team's tackles (238 of 767 total)

32% of the team's tackles for loss (25.5 of 79 total)

31% of the team's sacks (10.5 out of 34 total)

66% of the team's interceptions (14 of 21 total)

75% of the team's blocked kicks (6 of 8 total)

The Gators have the talent from both depth and recruiting to fill in - but those are big shoes to fill.

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They relied a ton on those blocked kicks this year, that could end up hurting them.

Field goal wise, it was basically Moss and his 80ft vertical (give or take a foot). Punt wise, the rush schemes they ran should continue to show results.

Meyer and his defensive coaching staff will definitely have their work cut out for them next season.

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