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Tora, Tora, Tora should be on today and tonight. I know its on the History Channel at 3pm. If you haven seen it and your into history then try to dvr/tivo it. Shows both sides of the attack.


The History Channel will be showing Pearl Harbor related stuff all day so check it out.


Tora Tora Tora : The Real Story of Pearl Harbor is what is on @ 3pm. I miss read the channel guide description. I was set to watch the movie:(

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Was this true, that VCRs used to flas December 7th, just to stick it to us during the economic battles in the late 80's? I remember something like that when I was a little boy walking around with my mullet and three ring socks with Weird Al Yankovic playing in the background. But enough about bad childhoods.

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As the son of a WWII Navy vet, I grew up with a lot of appreciation for country, flag, and a large respect for what our service men and women do for our country.

My dad, like myriads of other young men in the early 40's enlisted after this horrendous tragedy. And, like many of the young men, he wasn't exactly 18 when he did it.

A huge thanks to the men and women currently serving, that have served, and especially to those who died 65 years ago today with no warning, and with no chance to defend themselves until it was too late.

Also, if you ever get the chance to see Pearl Harbor and the Arizona Memorial, do not hesitate. It's a wonderful tour - and very eerie to see the names of those who died on the wall above the Arizona.

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I was fortunate enough to visit the Memorial four times during my stay in Hawaii. I went there each time in uniform and it was a very respectful and humbling experience. There is a short boat ride out to the Memorial and then when you get there, you can look over on the sides and see the ship as she lay to rest since that day.

I recommend anyone if they have a chance to see this.

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I was fortunate enough to visit the Memorial four times during my stay in Hawaii. I went there each time in uniform and it was a very respectful and humbling experience. There is a short boat ride out to the Memorial and then when you get there, you can look over on the sides and see the ship as she lay to rest since that day.

I recommend anyone if they have a chance to see this.

ive been there once, it is pretty cool, and it made me respect the men and women of the u.s. army 100 times more. wow, 65 years.

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I salute to those who have lost their lives not only there, but in all wars that America has fought in. My grandfather was in the Navy when he was younger, around this time. But he was discharged because his parents wrote a letter to the head of something, saying that he was the the only child left to carry on the family name. I dont remember what ship he was aboard, but I'll post it as soon as I remember.

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My grandfather enlisted the day after the attack on Pear Harbor.

Wow.. Brave man.

I have also been to the Arizona Memorial, as sf said, it is eerie seeing all the names of the young men who died on that day.

As FDR would say,"December 7,1941 a date that will live in infamy"

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Here's a little known fact that you may or may not know. At Hickam Field, the Air Force base at Pearl Harbor, the buildings that were shot at by the Japanese planes still have the bullet marks on them. They've never been repaired.

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this has to do a bit with this - i've never been to the memorial, but it sounds really amazing. however, i have been to washington DC, where they have a memorial for WWII soldiers and one for the vietnam war. the WWII one is big, with waterfountains, and tall arches and everything, and it seems more like a park then a memorial. Then there's the vietnam memorial, which is just one long slab of black stone, with the names of every single american soldier that died in the war. it's just so much more effective, and powerful.



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this has to do a bit with this - i've never been to the memorial, but it sounds really amazing. however, i have been to washington DC, where they have a memorial for WWII soldiers and one for the vietnam war. the WWII one is big, with waterfountains, and tall arches and everything, and it seems more like a park then a memorial. Then there's the vietnam memorial, which is just one long slab of black stone, with the names of every single american soldier that died in the war. it's just so much more effective, and powerful.

The way I view both memorials is that they planned the WWII Memorial as a celebration towards what the war achieved and to honor those who gave their lives in order to achieve it...

...and that the Vietnam Memorial is a somber reminder of what could be considered a darker time in our history, both at home and abroad.

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I myself have never been there, but my Grandfather was there 65 years ago. He was 19 and fresh out on to the docks. He survived, and thank God because I wouldn't be here if he didn't, and went on to marry my Grandmother six years later. He has only been back to the memorial once, but always talks about seeing it again. I have heard countless stories of that day and will never forget any of them. A salute to those brave men and women who died for their country.

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  • 11 months later...

Time to resurrect an old thread from last year. It's now 66 years since the attack on Pearl and all federal agencies have their flags at half staff today.

I guess maybe why I pay attention to this certain event every year is that for awhile I actually lived right there in Hawaii. The respect given on this day in Oahu is genuine and touching. When I was there, many veterans made the pilgrimage out to the site to pay respect. I went there, but I stayed in the background because then I could only relate to the history of what happened. Those people were actually there.

Here's some more photos of Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor, around 1940

View of the Harbor looking southward. In the distance is Hickam Field.

The next two photos shows the Arizona burning after being hit


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  • 3 years later...

70 years ago at today between noon eastern today was that moment in time. a world away now, look back at the years starting with that (1), and seems like the year mean 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 01,11 in most years us history have had some event occurrence happen. 51 we were in the middle of the Korean war, 61 the very early beginning of what would be become the Cuban missile crises, 71 was full was Vietnam war, 81 was the Iran hostage finishing, 91 Operation Desert Storm, 01 say a day that that echo that day in in 41, but it s was the first even t with the us 48 states 60 years later, and this year 11 brought down Osama bin Laden killed and his group weaken we think, and brought huge world change in the middle east in movements toward freedom and brought a literal global shift the pant by 5 degrees with the earthquake, tsunami in the japan pacific region. that now us history, and what the year ending in 1 has broguth since 41,

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70 years ago at today between noon eastern today was that moment in time. a world away now, look back at the years starting with that (1), and seems like the year mean 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 01,11 in most years us history have had some event occurrence happen. 51 we were in the middle of the Korean war, 61 the very early beginning of what would be become the Cuban missile crises, 71 was full was Vietnam war, 81 was the Iran hostage finishing, 91 Operation Desert Storm, 01 say a day that that echo that day in in 41, but it s was the first even t with the us 48 states 60 years later, and this year 11 brought down Osama bin Laden killed and his group weaken we think, and brought huge world change in the middle east in movements toward freedom and brought a literal global shift the pant by 5 degrees with the earthquake, tsunami in the japan pacific region. that now us history, and what the year ending in 1 has broguth since 41,

You're right mcoll but you got the time wrong by two hours. The attack started at 7:50 am Hawaii time and that was 1:50 pm on the east coast.

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