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"Ace152" comes from my pitching days, Im also known to use the forum name "Bonny". Mid 30's, I like beer, mexican food and my wife and kids. MVP 2005 and RBI Baseball are the best video games ever created. Still pitch a bit, but my fastball left me 2 seasons ago. I dig punk rock, Hip hop from mid 80's to mid 90's, golf, yelling and Kansas City Royals baseball. I won an MVP award in 2004 and even scored a plaque, which hangs in my garage. I love maps and breaking up double plays.

Im also psychic.


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Kind of random right here, but you mentioned you like maps. I remember when I was a kid I would create imaginary maps of imaginary places, ranging from metropolises with 10 million people, small towns pop. 5000, entire countries, or even entire different planets. I just drew lots of imaginary maps, I don't know why, but when I dig them up they look really cool.

Might as well give a rundown of myself, since I don't think I've ever officially done it: My initials, contrary to popular belief, are not a.b.c., though I do take over James Bond's missions when he fails. I'm a teenager in high school, I live in a decent sized midwestern city with no professional baseball team. I like baseball, the Yanks specifically, statistics, maps (hey, why not?), peanut butter, lemons, writing, playing the blues my guitar (and, for that matter, music in general), world peace, cyclops emoticons, and the word "ditto." Oh, and karma. We shall never forget ye.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys, well, im 19 yrs old. I love music, art and of coarse baseball!. My favorite is the New York Yankees but don't worry I have a cousin whose a Red Sox/Mets fan so you won't hear anything bad from me. Anything else you'd like to know, you can ask.

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Co-signed, I like - the only problem is that the signature limit here is 475x125. Could you resize it? :)

Anyone had a chance to catch the new Wu-Tang album yet? I've seen quite a lot about it with a lot of the Wu members not being happy with the product and the way it was produced, but not had a chance to catch it yet myself.

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Well, it's only mentioned in...let's see, pretty much all of the Wu-Tang Clan albums, their old PlayStation game, and almost anything and everything to do with the Wu, so yeah, it rings a bell. :)

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My screen name is jay16509, jay for my name, and 16509 for the zipcode where I live. I am a huge Pittsburgh Pirates fan, and have loved them since I was six years old, when "We are Family, all my brothers, sisters and me" was their main song in 1979. Oh, my god, I just gave away how old I am to those who are literate in math. Anyhow, I love sports video games, especially baseball, where I have played everything from the old Earl Weaver Baseball, MicroLeague Baseball, Tony LaRussa Baseball, FPS Pro baseball 98, Out of the Park Baseball, Puresim Baseball, MVP Baseball, All Star Baseball, Ken Griffey Jr.s Baseball Games, World Series Baseball (when it was still good), and the MLB Series. Anyhow, I have rambled long enough.

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... Anyhow, I have rambled long enough.


That's what I sometimes do myself but I'll try not do it this time. Nice post.

Meteamo is the AOL name I chose a very long time ago. The Story behind it isn't that good but suffice to say, I use it for everything. I'm 32, liked the Mets since I was 10 and used to go to free Mets games behind home plate (back when they were bad and none of the players wanted their families to go). Although the tickets were free, we still paid a lot for food. I also like the Jets but that isn't turning out too well for me. The game that got me into PC Baseball was Front Page Sports Baseball from Sierra Sports.

I like almost all kinds of music ... anywhere from Sinatra to Wootang, from Duran Duran to the Fugees, from Mozart to Green Day, from America to Sugar Hill Gang and from Eric Clapton to U2. At one point, it would be nothing but the Riza, the Jizza, the Old Dirty Bast*rd, UGod, Ghost Face Killer and M-E-T-H-O-D Man 'cuz Cash rules everything in the Realm. (All roads lead back them.) Now, I'm just listening to Sports Radio and 1010wins hoping to hear something good about the Mets.

My work involves websites. I suffered from the Dot Com Bust but I'm slowly but surely coming back. I do Dot Net but that can be a challenge. I'm okay in Photoshop but not as good as many people on this site. I actually had a job interview in the World Trade Center a little before it unfortunately came down and was supposed to start my new job there a week later. Anywho, just like Jay said, i'll stop rambling (so much for the trying). :lol:

Go Mets !!!!!

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I'm KSig24! I was a major player in MVP05s forums and CAP making teams. I'm 27 now and I played college baseball and minor league baseball for four years. What is this magical place? I never heard of it, but I was looking at screens and I want very much to be a part of this world. Can someone let me know what is up? I am nothing less than excited to be here!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Gents, and I shall have a formal introduction...

I am 17 Years Old going on 18, and I am a man whom many have said that would love "to see whats in my head for 15 minutes" a la John Malkovich. I am a bum, plain and simple. I do have a life, sure, but I am a bum. The only notable thing I have done in my life was drop 100 pounds (285 to 185).

Cleveland Indians fan, and my dream is to work in a front office in MLB, however this is despite the fact I've never have played organized baseball (sandlot, yes). I have played organized hockey for 10 years though (will be 11 next year), and my favorite sport is hockey. Weird, but whatever.

I love the MVP 07 mod, and looking forward to more as they come. Woo!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all! My name is Matt, I live in the suburbs of Detroit, MI, I'm OLD (44 this August), and I'm a huge baseball fan. My favorite teams are the Tigers & Red Sox.

My name on here is from a company I once ran with my friend, Rob, called M&R Computers, but all of our customers would refer to it as MR. Computers, so the name kinda stuck. I've been building computers since roughly 1988 or so, boring old office-type machines right down to custom modded cases. I got out of the business when my buddy Rob moved out of state about 3 years ago, so now I just do computer repairs on the side of my day job, which is working on an assembly line for a tier-1 automotive supplier.

I'm married, have one daughter who is 25, and a grandson that just turned 2 back in November. My hobbies are music, sports and anything having to do with computers. I'm one of the worst coders ever, but I can build you a rig that hums along quite nicely, and looks good, too!! Software is definitely not my forte.

The MVP Baseball games are the best baseball games I've ever played, and I'm so glad I found this site! You all do an awesome job here!

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  • 3 months later...

Well...since I'm overly bored, and truly have nothing better to do with my Life...

I'm a guy. Yes, that's right. I'm from Northern New Jersey (hence the Mets and Rangers devotion), but I go to school at William & Mary in Virginia (freakin' Nationals and Capitals fans...). I'm going to be a junior next fall (I'm 20yo on Wednesday :o )...and I'm studying Biology.

Sports & music pretty much make my Life - if I could drop the whole academic thing and make a good living, I'd do it. But alas, the world doesn't always work that way. I never really played baseball at a competitive level, but I ran track for 4 years (Varsity Sprinter...).

MVP is awesome, and it's pretty much helping me get through 5 weeks of Summer class. Without it, I'd probably die of boredom.

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  • 1 year later...

Whats goin on everybody. I'm Leland. the name comes from my parents and i lack the creativity necessary to come up with my own nickname... lol. I'm a STL cards fan, and stumbled upon your site while looking for a way to get rid of the stupid fake advertisements in 2k10.

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Whats goin on everybody. I'm Leland. the name comes from my parents and i lack the creativity necessary to come up with my own nickname... lol. I'm a STL cards fan, and stumbled upon your site while looking for a way to get rid of the stupid fake advertisements in 2k10.

Welcome to the site Leland. Enjoy your stay and have fun. You'll find a lot of stuff for 2k10 here and there is more on the way.

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Whats goin on everybody. I'm Leland. the name comes from my parents and i lack the creativity necessary to come up with my own nickname... lol. I'm a STL cards fan, and stumbled upon your site while looking for a way to get rid of the stupid fake advertisements in 2k10.

Bah, even though you're a Cardinals fan.... Welcome to the site anyway. ;)

As Y4L stated, there are many mods for 2K10 here, just check the Downloads area. :drinks:

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