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New direction to make sleeves?


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Just after doing some reading and hearing that some classic uniforms included sleeves, I figured it shouldnt be much work to put in the standard uniforms and see if they would still wear sleeves...


... which indeed did work. This allows you to pick when you want your team to wear sleeves, as in this picture, the cards are not wearing them. However, there are a few problems with this method ive noticed so far:

1. Classic unis dont have numbers on the back

2. Players legs bulge at the knees, because its still following the lines of the old pants that used to be bunched at the knees.

3. Players wear hats, and not helmets up to bat.

Ive only been messing with this for an hour or so, and not sure which of those issues can be remedied, if any, but I figured I would see if others had ideas to improve upon the idea.

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I've noticed that sometimes in the homerun derby players wear sleeves. It seems like a total random though.

Stupid that EA didn't connect the sleeves to location or schedule (west coast, east coast, october, april)

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I've noticed that sometimes in the homerun derby players wear sleeves. It seems like a total random though.

Stupid that EA didn't connect the sleeves to location or schedule (west coast, east coast, october, april)

From what I read in other threads, it was based on the stadium, only certain ones allow the players to wear sleeves... SBC Park and Safeco field being two of them. They also said that wind speed has something to do with it as well, and thus you could rename the stadium and play with the wind before the game and get the players to wear sleeves some of the time.

I was looking more for a solution that allows you to pick and choose when they wear them and when they dont. I didnt see threads regarding using the classis unis to get it done, but as mentioned about, im sure it was tried at somepoint, and the changes that need to be made are just not possible because of the games .exe coding.

Do any of the classic uniforms have numbers on the back?

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there have been other threads on it actually. and yes, it's linked to some factors as stadium and the climate during the game. and yes it is also linked to the classic uniform slots. it's just the way it is. no one here has figured out how to change it. probably not possible. it you were able to find a way to change the models of the uniforms, it would be quite something for this site. so unfortunately, you haven't done anything new yet. didn't mean to rain on your parade. sorry.

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