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long live SS57

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I honestly have no idea what I'm doing.

I attempted to download TOTALMINORS '04 for MVP BASEBALL from the "Downloads" section of this site.

I downloaded the files. Then extracted them. Then pasted them in the MVP 2004 folder, replacing the files that were there. When I load the game the rosters are exactly the same as always and there are no rosters to load in "Load Roster." I've never used mods before and am relatively new to this site(duh), so if someone would point out what I'm doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.

I do have a backup and two copies of that backup, so that is not a worry.

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where are u copying them to? are u getting the windows "do u want to replace this file message"? also if u are looking in your dynasty rosters they won't change. it'll only change the defaults.

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