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Knicks Nuggets Brawl


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I'm taking you know his story then. It's truly unreal.

yeah stabbed, shot, poisoned, drownt, and whatever else they did too him

thats the sickest thing ive ever read. he is like awsome for surviving all that

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thats a pretty dick move by denver leaving in all their starters like that. not to say that it was appropriate for that to incite a brawl, but you could understand that being frustrating.

two struggling teams just getting frustrated. you have to wonder what carmelo has going on in his head. hes lucky jeffries didnt beat the **** out of him. this is just hard to watch. there is nothing good about this.

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No more of this crap! More or less than 10 games?!?!? Fine the hell out of them, then toss them all for the entire season (loss of pay for each suspended game)...I guess the technical shots every other five minutes ain't gonna work. What a bunch of idiots. At least there is a calculated purpose for the enforcers in hockey. I wonder if something like that would work in Basketball or Football. LOL!

I can just see it now...TO dancing in the endzone, then when he is done wiggling his *** and waving the pom poms he turns around and gets the **** beat out of him by Donald Brashear as Marty McSorley (yes their working together in my little dream) holds him down for him for a better shot at TO's smack talking disrespectful pearly whites.

Or maybe they should just call the penalties by more direct names, why call it "taunting" or "unsportsman like conduct" anymore... I can just hear it now... whistle blows and play stops on the court as the ref announces "Unessessary Asssssholishness on Ron Artest - minus five points and ten grand!...now blay ball!"

What do they expect a quarter of these guys in Basketball and Football are real thugs who were pushed through college without opening a book, another portion are wanna-be thugs so they can't allow themselves to be "dissed, mad dogged or fronted" I'd get sick of these trash talking overly aggressive fools too. I wonder if some of them can even spell let alone define the word sportsmanship.

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Everyone on that court should be ashamed of themselves.

Nate is a little hypocrite thug who just wanted to start a fight. He started instigating JR Smith.

And Melo...wow, another drug-dealing p**sy. What kind of man throws a punch and then RUNS AWAY.

The NBA gets another black eye and has become a basketball league full of thugs.

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And Melo...wow, another drug-dealing p**sy. What kind of man throws a punch and then RUNS AWAY.

The NBA gets another black eye and has become a basketball league full of thugs.

It wasn't even a punch it was a b!tch slap, he thinks he's the tough guy in the league. I wish Nate or Jeffries got through and knocked the sh!t out of him.

That's what the NBA has been over the past 10 years, they think they're big tough guys carrying guns and sh!t but in reality there all b!tches.

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It wasn't even a punch it was a b!tch slap, he thinks he's the tough guy in the league. I wish Nate or Jeffries got through and knocked the sh!t out of him.

That's what the NBA has been over the past 10 years, they think they're big tough guys carrying guns and sh!t but in reality there all b!tches.

Fights are nothing new. The 80's and 90's generation of NBA players had more fights. But these new guys have no respect and no professionalism. Carmelo starts throwing punches and then runs away- WTF is up with that. If he wants to act like a "man" then stand your ground.

The biggest idiot in all of this is Nate Robinson, a little punk who was just looking for a fight. They could have hurt one of the fans in the stands. Thankfully, the MSG crowd didnt start rioting like the idiots in Detroit.

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One fight makes the NBA a joke?

Yes, it shows the players are immature. Instead of just walking away and setting a good example of how to be a REAL MAN, they start acting like high schoolers at a playground.

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Yes, it shows the players are immature. Instead of just walking away and setting a good example of how to be a REAL MAN, they start acting like high schoolers at a playground.

Hockey Players fight all the time. A Player gets hit hard he doesnt walk away he goes and fights the other guy who hit him but you dont hear people saying Hockey Players are Highschoolers
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One fight makes the NBA a joke?

It's not just one fight, what about the Pacers and Pistons fiasco, also the off the court incidents with S. Jackson, AI, Mello with all their gun and drugs crap.

These KIDS are making Millions and they still can't grow up.

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