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WOW! But I do have some questions!


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This is AMAZING! I hadn't tried a dynasty game until just now and never knew there was so much added versuses an exhibition game! Kudos!

I have a few questions in regards to the settings. My ultimate purpose is to go for realism. I appreciate all of the settings that were automatically set for me but I wanted to get some inside knowledge on a few of them.

In no particular order...

1) Why is human foul ball at -50 while the AI is set to 50? I had always used 50 for both. I'm assuming changes were made in the 2006 version?

2) Variable strike zone is turned OFF. How come? I always enjoyed this feature. Is there an issue with using it?

3) Injuries being set to MLB only. Why were minors turned off?

4) Same thing for suspensions...turned off?

5) Auto return on pick off throws. I have always had an issue with the AI being WAYYYYYY too slow in returning my players. I tend to do this manually. Although, if changes were made to the intelligence here maybe I'll turn it back on???

6) Computer initiated trades off. How come?

7) Fair trades off. How come?

8) Energy off. How come?

9) Chemistry off. How come?

Hopefully there's someone out there in the know! Thanks. This is one impressive feat!

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Oh, so I can change all of this stuff and it will have no effect? What about sliders?

Isn't that stuff saved in the dynasty file? How would I have changed it from a fresh reinstall?

As far as I know from my experiences with dynasties, you can change the settings and sliders all you want within the dynasty without any adverse effects.

The settings, sliders, etc are saved in your profile file - if you deleted all your MVP files in order to do a fresh install, profile included, then any settings and sliders you had would have been deleted as well.

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