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Rocky Balboa


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I went and saw Rocky Balboa on Wednesday Night. I knew that I would like it, but I never thought it would compare to the original. Stallone captured all that was great in the original Rocky, and at the same time, breathed new life into one of the most beloved characters of all-time.

The training montage was classic, the fight was like watching an ESPN PPV, and a cameo by an infamous boxer, was classic also. As soon as you see that scene, you will know who I am talking about.

It was great to see Spider Rico, pretty cool of Stallone to have him through out the movie, and the he really captured the essence of Rocky...

If you love Rocky, run out and see it...It did over 6 million on opening night, so hopefully it will continue to do well.

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The first hour of the movie is really good, however the training and fight are a joke. They decided to ditch the 70's style of filming the fight scenes and show the entire thing like an HBO broadcast. You get terrible play-by-play throughout it, without the dramatic music in the background.

It literally is like watching a real fight, where you basically have no idea what is going on. The beautiful thing about the Rocky films is that they would take 5 seconds of fighting and turn it into an eternity of brutality. The fighters looked near death after the fight had ended. Not so much in this one.

Plus, Rocky lacks any sense of motivation for fighting this one. No grudge, no one really to avenge. Mason Dixon just happens to be the guy he is fighting.

I liked the movie, but it could have been a great one. Probably has the best character development since the first. The boxing, though, leaves alot to be desired.

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the best rocky opponents where in order:

1. Apollo Creed (love the whole bad to good thing... very sad when he died :cry: )

2. Ivan Drago (i loved how when he punched they made it seem like rocky was getting hit by a ton of bricks or something.....OHH YEAH ya gotta love him shooting up)

3. Clubber Lang

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It looks good, but if it even compares to the first Rocky's then Sly still has his stuff....

Also I heard that Stallone is gunna be in another Rambo movie as well....

In order to get the money to make this movie he had to agree to do another Rambo

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The first hour of the movie is really good, however the training and fight are a joke. They decided to ditch the 70's style of filming the fight scenes and show the entire thing like an HBO broadcast. You get terrible play-by-play throughout it, without the dramatic music in the background.

It literally is like watching a real fight, where you basically have no idea what is going on. The beautiful thing about the Rocky films is that they would take 5 seconds of fighting and turn it into an eternity of brutality. The fighters looked near death after the fight had ended. Not so much in this one.

Plus, Rocky lacks any sense of motivation for fighting this one. No grudge, no one really to avenge. Mason Dixon just happens to be the guy he is fighting.

I liked the movie, but it could have been a great one. Probably has the best character development since the first. The boxing, though, leaves alot to be desired.

Saw it yesterday - thought it was fantastic. The only bad part is the crappy play-by-play of the fight. Those announcers rivaled Buck/McCarver for worst announcers ever.

I have to disagree that he didn't have motivation to fight though. I don't want to give anything away, but I think he had just as much motivation as he did when he was chasing the title in the first and second movies. Proving something to yourself is, in my mind, a lot more motivating than worrying about rewards or accolades.

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This is off-topic, but only a little bit. The fact that this movie came out this year, reminded me a LOT of a sig I made a while back:


I guess that means Quiz's George-Brett-Style "Lifetime Contract" with the Royals was inked for the 1983 thru 2006 seasons. lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first hour of the movie is really good, however the training and fight are a joke. They decided to ditch the 70's style of filming the fight scenes and show the entire thing like an HBO broadcast. You get terrible play-by-play throughout it, without the dramatic music in the background.

It literally is like watching a real fight, where you basically have no idea what is going on. The beautiful thing about the Rocky films is that they would take 5 seconds of fighting and turn it into an eternity of brutality. The fighters looked near death after the fight had ended. Not so much in this one.

Plus, Rocky lacks any sense of motivation for fighting this one. No grudge, no one really to avenge. Mason Dixon just happens to be the guy he is fighting.

I liked the movie, but it could have been a great one. Probably has the best character development since the first. The boxing, though, leaves alot to be desired.

Wow it's like you read my mind, seriously I said the same exact thing. I enjoyed it also but it was not as good as the earlier movies.

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