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Merry Christmas!!


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and for the people who celebrate Hanukkah, Happy Hanukkah.


Thanks, and to everyone else who celebrates christmas, I have one question. How hard is it to fall asleep on Christmas eve, knowing the Christmas is the next day?

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Thanks, and to everyone else who celebrates christmas, I have one question. How hard is it to fall asleep on Christmas eve, knowing the Christmas is the next day?

it can be hard, the hardest part is sleeping late, its impossible, you will wake up at like 6 AM and you won't be able to go back to bed...

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it can be hard, the hardest part is sleeping late, its impossible, you will wake up at like 6 AM and you won't be able to go back to bed...

that's a true thing. Merry christmas and a happy new year MVPmods members and admins! or like we say here in México:

Feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo miembros y administradores de MVP mods.

Enjoy the hollidays with your family and friends. :party1: :wishes: :mrgreen:

Greetings from mexico.


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Thanks, and to everyone else who celebrates christmas, I have one question. How hard is it to fall asleep on Christmas eve, knowing the Christmas is the next day?

Last year I was up 2 hours before finally falling asleep, then waking up early and having to wait another hour or two before the rest of my family wakes up.

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Christmas sucks. Half the people who celebrate it don't even know what the hell there celebrating. It's just another occasion where people blow money on stuff that will end up in the back of the closet.

Merry Christmas.

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Christmas sucks. Half the people who celebrate it don't even know what the hell there celebrating. It's just another occasion where people blow money on stuff that will end up in the back of the closet.

Merry Christmas.

I agree up to a point. People overspend on Christmas and they dig themselves in a hole that they have to dig out of for most of the next year, and then they do it again.

I have mixed feelings about Christmas. I like what it means and what it stands for. The birth of Christ, the time to spend with your family. That's what I like. What I hate is the push, push, push that the retailers do, the 24 hour Walmarts that are open, the crowds, the rudeness and all the hassle that goes with it.

Merry Christmas to you all in here, and for those of you guys that have this week off from school, enjoy it!!

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I agree with Y4L there is no reason that people should be trampled over a playstation 3. But, Christmas brings families together that might not see each other normally because they live in a different city, state, or country.

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I agree with Y4L there is no reason that people should be trampled over a playstation 3. But, Christmas brings families together that might not see each other normally because they live in a different city, state, or country.

Exactly what I mean, thank you. So many times I see on the news that fist fights break out between people for something that isn't even worth fighting for and all because WalMart has an extra ten dollars off it. I rag on WalMart a lot because I hate that store and every time I go in there (when I am forced to and have no choice) it is a bad experience for me.

And on the other hand, I have relatives that I only see on the holidays. Sometimes that is a good thing and sometimes I wish I could see more of them.

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Exactly what I mean, thank you. So many times I see on the news that fist fights break out between people for something that isn't even worth fighting for and all because WalMart has an extra ten dollars off it. I rag on WalMart a lot because I hate that store and every time I go in there (when I am forced to and have no choice) it is a bad experience for me.

And on the other hand, I have relatives that I only see on the holidays. Sometimes that is a good thing and sometimes I wish I could see more of them.

yeah there is no reason Nintendo wii should be sold out and my dad has to wait till 3 weeks after christmas to gain the courage and venture out for one
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I like Christmas.

I like seeing family and seeing friends. I like watching the good Holiday movies, and listening to all the songs. I like all the memories I have of times when Christmas was the best time of the year, when I was excited about every second of it, about ever stupid tradition I had, about everything I did and would do.

I like presents, sure, but I don't really remember what I got five years ago, but I do remember when we went to Baltimore to see my God-Parents, and saw all the overly-decorated houses.

Presents are nice, but I don't remember them as well, or at all, compared to all the things I did and saw.

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