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Fielding cams tutorial on page 8


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Is it possible for you to make an installer because I dont know how to install the thing.... with the README or without its hard and it would make others happy.

I would love to use the CAMS

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Is there anyway that you can include orioday...orionite...propday...propnite...in your camera Mod 2 version...Thanks for all of your hard work on these camera Mods.....

look for it Saturday I am working on the cam editing tutorial now.

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Is it possible for you to make an installer because I dont know how to install the thing.... with the README or without its hard and it would make others happy.

to make it easier just put the txt files into your datafile folder.

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There’s no greater feeling then to be able to view your game

From wherever you feel like it. And for me viewing it from

The seats really gives you the chance to enjoy the game more

Then what any other baseball game allow you to.

So now it’s time to think outside the box and bring your views

To life.

Q: What file needs to be edited for editing camera views?

For fielding views you can use my mod text files, for example

Yanknite.txt which is the file the game looks for when playing night games at yankee stadium. Open the txt file in notepad and do

A word search for “fieldingview†there will be 3 different lines (fielding cams) that look like this one.

0xf8876c73 111<FieldingView1>;0 0;1 0;2 0;3 1;4 1;5 0;6 1;7 ;8 ;9 ;10 0;11 1;12 ;13 Hit Vector;14 1;15 0.000;16 0.000;17 10.000;18 0.000;19 80.00;20 -30.00;21 -155.00;22 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;23 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;24 0.000;25 2#0.000000e+000,8.200000e-001,3.142858e-002#3.141593e+000,9.500000e-001,0.000000e+000#;26 ;27 112.10;28 1;29 155.00 ;30 150.000;31 300.000;32 3.141;33 0.250;34 0.100;35 ;36 ;37 Ball;38 Waist;39 ;40 away_dugout_01;41 -40.000;42 -40.000;43 400.000;44 ;45 Ball;46 Waist;47 0.00;48 ;49 1;50 100.00;51 10.00;52 ;53 0.000;54 0.000;55 0.000;56 1;57 Pitch#Heading#Roll;58 Pitch#Heading#Roll;59 ;60 0.900;61 0.700;62 0.900;63 1.000;64 : 65 35.00;66 0;67 0;68 1.00;69 45.00;70 0.000;71 FOV;72 FOV;73 ;74 0;75 Throw Target;76 100;77 1.000;78 0;79 500;80 1.000;81 0;82 ;83 0;84 0.990;85 0.980;86 ;87 0;104 ;105 Default;106 8.0;107 20.000;108 0;126 5.000;127 90.000;88 0.900;89 0.300;90 0.0;91 0.82;92 -0.12;93 2.0;94 1;95 0.00;96 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;97 OffsetX#OffsetY#OffsetZ;98 0.0;99 0.67;100 0;101 0;102 1;103 ;

The area’s highlighted in yellow are the only one’s you have to worry about. Before each value there is a corresponding number

For this tutorial they will be 19 Xcoordinate/20 ycoordinate/21 zcoordinate/65 Field of view/ 29 relative distance of fov and 65 field of view.

Q What is x/y/z coordinates?


The X value would represent the distance the camera is from homeplate with home being 0 down the leftfield line. If you look at the value of 19 it shows that the camera is 80 feet away from home plate down the line.

The Y value represents how high the camera is from the field with

The field being 0. Y’s value shows -30.00 above the field. For some reason – values are required so it’s best to do different tests of heights.

The Z value represents the distance the camera is from homeplate with home being 0 down the rightfield line,Same logic as line 18.

Z’s value here is -155.00 feet on the rightfield line which means it will go opposite way. This will land you somewhere in the boxseats behind home.

Value 29 is a tricky one in which to this very day don’t know is relationship with the camera’s positioning but it is called Relative

Field of view. When ever you want a view in foul play match the value with either the x or z’s – value. This seems to work for me for better positioning.

Value 65 is Field of View. The higher the number the more of the field and stadium you can see on your screen. Going above 70 will

Give you a weird fish-eye view of the field. And a value of about 15 will give you an up close and personal look of the action.

Value 13 determines what camera will stay focus on. My cams I put “hit vector†which follows the balls flight. Or you can put “ ball shadow†in which the camera stays put on the field following the balls shadow.

Here are some x/y/zsettings for some spots to place your cam.

From this you can change to your tastes and then add what should be your camera focus and field of view value.

Right field pole box seats. X 12.000 / Y 19.000 / Z 345.000

Center field seats. X 290.000 / Y 19.000 / Z 290.000

Left Field seats. X 345.000 / Y 19.000 / Z 12.000

3rd base box seats X 80.000 / Y -30.000 / Z -225.000

1st base box seats X -225.000 / Y -30.000 / Z 80.000

Behind home box seats X -120.000 / Y -30.000 / Z -120.000

Remember to have value 29 match any value you have in the negatives on X(19) or Z(21).

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Thanks for putting the time in to do that tutorial. I'll have to try it.. Did you do that Tropicana view I sent the other day? It would be for both fielding and batting. Let me know if you can do it. I can just copy the datafile and rename for most of the stadiums...

Much appreciated.

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Thanks for putting the time in to do that tutorial. I'll have to try it.. Did you do that Tropicana view I sent the other day? It would be for both fielding and batting. Let me know if you can do it. I can just copy the datafile and rename for most of the stadiums...

Much appreciated.

here's a link to your request. I working on some other mods so it will be a while before i do more of those for you.


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With the Broadcast, Zoom and Ariel camera's in the game, What are they in the datafile? Which ones are Feilding view 1, 2 and 3?

Thanks again for the views......


Fieldingview1 = zoom

Fieldingview2 = broadcast

Fieldingview3 = aerial

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You're my new best friend. That's not necessarily a good thing, but you're my new best friend.

I like looking at the cam views during the intro video and wish we could see that incorporated into the game.

I guess one example where that should be safe to do without messing up the user's playing view is when a first baseman throws the ball to the pitcher and the pitcher automatically fields it to 1b for the out as the batter is running to 1b. When the pitcher automatically fields it -the user does not have to do anything with the controller in their hand at that time, so maybe even an awesome cam view for when the pitcher throws the ball would be cool. I don't know, but I'm glad you're heading in this direction a good bit. Thanks.

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thasainted40 -- How do I get rid of the big green object when the ball is hit in the air? Is that a fielding indicator or something? It's not a big deal just seeing if it can be removed or not.

Looking forward to your other projects....

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You're my new best friend. That's not necessarily a good thing, but you're my new best friend.

I like looking at the cam views during the intro video and wish we could see that incorporated into the game.

I guess one example where that should be safe to do without messing up the user's playing view is when a first baseman throws the ball to the pitcher and the pitcher automatically fields it to 1b for the out as the batter is running to 1b. When the pitcher automatically fields it -the user does not have to do anything with the controller in their hand at that time, so maybe even an awesome cam view for when the pitcher throws the ball would be cool. I don't know, but I'm glad you're heading in this direction a good bit. Thanks.

For the instant replays, I'm going for the type of cam angles you would see

during the playoffs on t.v plus new bullpen cams and between inning's.

Dawgpatch, is this happening in all stadiums?

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