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U.S. officials: Hussein to hang this weekend


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Well. Some people wanna kill 'em, and others wanna keep 'em in jail for life so I can pay my taxes and keep the murderers fed, clothed, and sheltered for the rest of their natural lives (or 25 years, depending on whose definition of "life" you're going by). Well, since I don't feel like paying for murderers' dinners... and people seem to think killing them is wrong too... what could we do with them...?

Speaking of precedent...

...maybe we could ship all of our criminals to some isolated island somewhere. But where could that be?


G'day, mate!

(obviously, this is sarcasm).

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You might want to read that if you still think Saddam didn't have any WMD's. Back in 1981, the Israelis knocked out his nuke capabilities.

The fact is the man had nukes in the past, and its already proven he was about to build more. Now taking him down was good, but everything else after that is a disaster thanks to Rumsfeld and those other geniuses that lead this country.

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how do they actually know that it was him though? back during the Gulf War didn't they say he had something like 23 look-a-likes that were almost impossible to tell the difference between? since he was transferred to Iraqi control, who's to say they didn't do the 'ol switch-a-roo? scarry thought huh?

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Well. Some people wanna kill 'em, and others wanna keep 'em in jail for life so I can pay my taxes and keep the murderers fed, clothed, and sheltered for the rest of their natural lives (or 25 years, depending on whose definition of "life" you're going by). Well, since I don't feel like paying for murderers' dinners... and people seem to think killing them is wrong too... what could we do with them...?

you do know that executing a man is nearly 10x more expensive than keeping him in jail for the rest of his life, even if he's 18 don't you???

Its called mandatory appeals, lawyers, and your judicial system.

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how do they actually know that it was him though? back during the Gulf War didn't they say he had something like 23 look-a-likes that were almost impossible to tell the difference between? since he was transferred to Iraqi control, who's to say they didn't do the 'ol switch-a-roo? scarry thought huh?

1 word... DNA

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I just saw the real execution video (contact me via AIM if you want to see it since I will not post the link on this site) and Saddam didn't suffer one bit which p*sses me off. As soon as the ground fell out from under him his neck was snapped and that was the end of him.

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