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Things you learned in 2006...


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I have learned that this planet we call Earth, will only continue to become a much more dangerous place to live in. After watching the world continue to spiral out of control towards WWIII in 2006, I have learned to live everyday like it's my last.

Plus, I pray for an end to all of this "Hate", but fully realize it is never going to happen in my lifetime.

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Anything can be accomplished if you set your mind to it

Brief background of myself - grew up in California to parents in the dairy business and there is not one single person in my family, no matter how far down the line you go, that has a degree higher than a high school diploma.

2006 - At 25 years old, and as of December 14, 2006, I took my last law school exam; I will graduate with my JD in May, 2007, and I will be sitting for the South Carolina Bar Exam in July 2007.

For you younger members out there, and even for the older ones, do not listen to others regarding your future and desires. Once you set your mind to do something, work hard and you can accomplish that goal - regardless of what other's tell you.

Be safe tonight and let's look forward to a great 2007!!!

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I learned that my sports franchises are not just there to keep some disappointment in my life ;)

I also learned that if I put my mind to it, I can raise my averages to new levels, even levels over 100, which I never thought possible.

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Anything can be accomplished if you set your mind to it

Brief background of myself - grew up in California to parents in the dairy business and there is not one single person in my family, no matter how far down the line you go, that has a degree higher than a high school diploma.

2006 - At 25 years old, and as of December 14, 2006, I took my last law school exam; I will graduate with my JD in May, 2007, and I will be sitting for the South Carolina Bar Exam in July 2007.

For you younger members out there, and even for the older ones, do not listen to others regarding your future and desires. Once you set your mind to do something, work hard and you can accomplish that goal - regardless of what other's tell you.

Be safe tonight and let's look forward to a great 2007!!!

Nice post. :yeah:

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The mind is a far more powerful device than you should ever know.

Habits are hard to break no matter what. I have recently taken upon the art of stealing, which I know is wrong but I still cannot get away from it. $750 in clothing tonight, it's just a high for me.

Hip-hop is not dead!

Your kidding right?????????

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I am sad to say that I am not kidding about the stealing fetish. This is another reason why the mind is a powerful device. My friends have occasionally stolen, and I have seen what they can get. So my mind wanted to one up them. I would not one up them in a murder or any life threating act, but here I wanted to see how it was. My one friend successfully stole $1,000 worth of clothing from a sporting goods store in the span of a semester. In five days after Christmas, I took $1,250 worth of clothing. Ranging from Ralph Lauren button down polos to Under Armour shirts. Tonight I went back out after a three day break, took $750 worth of stuff like Ralph Lauren short sleeve shirts, Lacosste shirts, Under Armour, and authentic jerseys. So DJEagles, it is true. I hope to get out of the habit soon.

Get to know me better. I'm Don.

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I am sad to say that I am not kidding about the stealing fetish. This is another reason why the mind is a powerful device. My friends have occasionally stolen, and I have seen what they can get. So my mind wanted to one up them. I would not one up them in a murder or any life threating act, but here I wanted to see how it was. My one friend successfully stole $1,000 worth of clothing from a sporting goods store in the span of a semester. In five days after Christmas, I took $1,250 worth of clothing. Ranging from Ralph Lauren button down polos to Under Armour shirts. Tonight I went back out after a three day break, took $750 worth of stuff like Ralph Lauren short sleeve shirts, Lacosste shirts, Under Armour, and authentic jerseys. So DJEagles, it is true. I hope to get out of the habit soon.

Well, first time I have met an honest thief...no offense...I hope you are able to break the habit before you are caught.

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I am sad to say that I am not kidding about the stealing fetish. This is another reason why the mind is a powerful device. My friends have occasionally stolen, and I have seen what they can get. So my mind wanted to one up them. I would not one up them in a murder or any life threating act, but here I wanted to see how it was. My one friend successfully stole $1,000 worth of clothing from a sporting goods store in the span of a semester. In five days after Christmas, I took $1,250 worth of clothing. Ranging from Ralph Lauren button down polos to Under Armour shirts. Tonight I went back out after a three day break, took $750 worth of stuff like Ralph Lauren short sleeve shirts, Lacosste shirts, Under Armour, and authentic jerseys. So DJEagles, it is true. I hope to get out of the habit soon.

That is just shameful. I don't know what's worse, the act of stealing or the fact that you are bragging about it. You have a lot to learn. I hope you get caught.

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That is just shameful. I don't know what's worse, the act of stealing or the bragging about it. You have a lot to learn.

I am slowly retiring from the game of stealing as is. That is why I learned about the evils and stuff. This thread was about what you learned in 2006. I learned about this. I am not bragging about it, I am only asked about it, and I told. Is that shameful?

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"Retiring from the game of stealing"....WTF?!?!?! It's not a sport. I know you are going to say that you aren't hurting anyone, but come on. Your a thief, probably a kid looking for thrills, and that isn't the way to do it.

Dude, I would stop, before you get in way over your head...before you are addicted to it, and need to steal.

Career Criminals have to start somewhere, and I would hate for that to be you...

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"Retiring from the game of stealing"....WTF?!?!?! It's not a sport. I know you are going to say that you aren't hurting anyone, but come on. Your a thief, probably a kid looking for thrills, and that isn't the way to do it.

Dude, I would stop, before you get in way over your head...before you are addicted to it, and need to steal.

Career Criminals have to start somewhere, and I would hate for that to be you...


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I learned that life can really suck.

Life can push you down, but you have to make yourself get back up.

...Something like that atleast.

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