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Things you learned in 2006...


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I learned that Teachers refuse to learn after they graduate from college... meaning, they often refuse to admit they've ever done anything wrong, and even after they realize that they where the cause of something (although they never say it aloud), they act like it's still not their fault. And then they go through the whole cycle again, like it never stops. Don't you think they would've learned by the fifth time? Not to knock on teachers, because some of them are truly great people, but it's the other half that just sometimes drive me up a wall... also, it's the unwillingness to accept that people learn in different ways, speeds, and directions. And I'm not even just talking about myself, because I'm often a straight-A student, and hardly ever get in trouble. (Although this morning I walked out of the dress code, completely forgetting that for some stupid reason jeans aren't allowed anymore, but that's a story for another day.) But it's the whole class/grade/school/world-student-body who always seem to be annoyed by these things. And after all the mistakes they and people before them have made, they never seem to learn, and think, "maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I should try to change it" instead of just sitting there and doing nothing, pretending they did all they could to help you, when they really did just that - sitting there, and doing nothing.

I'm beginning to think I should start a blog... nah.

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I'm learning to seek Him in the good times, instead of forgetting Him.

People usually turn to God during the rough times and then when things get great we dump him like a bad habit.

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haha... i didn't think i would either

but 60 games in 70 days = pulled hamstring... not good

and my travel team has played 56 games since school started and now they're all tired of it (i was hurt over the fall and have only played in 5 games)

all this right after 60 games over summer break

P.S. nice sig ronmexico

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uh this doesnt have much to do with baseball but i learned that if you drink 40 beers theres a good chance youll wake up in the hospital the next morning

You had to LEARN that?

Isn't that ... like ... a GIVEN? lol.

Speaking of which - one of my friends went to NYC with one of his other friends - they went for New Year's...

...he woke up in the hospital. He had no idea HOW he got there or WHY he was there. He wasn't injured, nothing appeared to have been stolen - he just remembers waking up in the hospital.

WHAT THE?!?! Happy... New... Year???

So, basically - I learned NOT to travel with THAT guy. :)

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For me, to quote the Rocky Balboa movie, "it's not about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward...about how much you can take, and keep moving forward"

Very inspirational. I hope to conquer all of my goals this year, such as finding a girlfriend, choosing a major for college, and just finding a job in general.

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