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How to eliminate the long sleeves shirts


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you can change your climate zone in mvpedit. climate 1 will wear sleeves about every night game. climate 2 will have them sometimes and climate 3 will almost never have them.

Cincinnati=climate 1

Arizona=climate 3

just go into the team option and set the climate zone. ;)

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man, just get mvpedit and import you roster. click on team then change their climate zone. after that export the roster back into the game by pressing export.

that is it. that is how you do it. don't say that mvpedit doesn't work on your computer. it works on everybodys.

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ok i got MVPedit to run, i imported my roster and changed the climate zone to unknown 3 then i exported the roster to MVP Baseball 2004/data, i played with the yankees and they still have long sleeves, then i tried with unknown 2 same result then with unknown 1 same %(&%$/&# result :banghead: :banghead:

one question for you jpup: did you get this (no sleeves) to work on your computer?

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