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XBOX360 - Revision 2


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Ever wonder why Microsoft hasn't released an HDMI cable for the Xbox 360, or whether the AV port was really capable of digital out? Well, here's your answer: we landed pictures of what appears to be the second Xbox 360 -- the Xbox 360 v2, if you will -- codenamed Zephyr. (The original Xbox 360, if you recall, was codenamed Xenon.) The long rumored about and awaited update to the console won't just feature a new, cooler 65nm processor, it's also finally added an HDMI port for full digital 1080p pleasure, as well as a 120GB drive, just what the doctor ordered. The 120GB drive may or may not come bundled with the kit, we don't yet know, just as we also don't yet know how much a Zephyr 360 is going to run (we imagine it'll go for the same price as currently so they can keep up a little on their expanding margin). But our very kind Xbox insider seemed happy to let us know we'd be able to get them "soon."



I am happy with my 360 but in the event mine overheats especially when I don't have a warranty, I'll purchase this one.

Here's to hoping this is the new premium and the core becomes the 20GB one. Maybe this is their european strategy for the PS3 launch especially w/ the rumored price drop.

I hope MS extended warranty covers "upgrades" ;)

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Since most of you own a 360, do ya know if you could plug in into a PC screen (maybe bad choice of word, but what can I say, I'm Norwegian ;) )?
yes you can thats what i use to play my 360 on you just need to buy VGA cables to plub it in
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I have found that games and HD-DVD movies actually look best using the 360 Component cables on a HDTV. Colors are more vibrant and contrast/brightness are better. Games only run on the regular DVD player, of course.

If you have the 360 HD-DVD player, you will get upconversion to 1080/720 for standard def DVDs only over the VGA cable and they look much better than on any other standard DVD player and on par with the stand-alone HD-DVD players. Forget about using the 360's regular DVD player for movies. It's pretty mediocre.

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How many gig hard drive the core version has?

The core does not come with anything really, just a wired controller, composite video cable and no hard drive.

If I were Microsoft, I would only make this revision if I could still keep 2 versions (Premium and Core) and use this hdmi version to replace the premium only. Keep the HD at 20 gig for the core and have 120 gigs for the Premium or sell it as an add-on @ $99 (with a way to transfer data through USB).

Personally I expect them to discontinue the core version, put the current premium at $299 and release this new console with HDMI and bigger hard drive at $399.

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This is great, I was just considering buying a 360, and now I suppose I will wait. I don't wanna spend too much money, cause games run you cash too, and such and such, but seeing this, I think I might consider it. Thanks for posting KC.

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This is great, I was just considering buying a 360, and now I suppose I will wait. I don't wanna spend too much money, cause games run you cash too, and such and such, but seeing this, I think I might consider it. Thanks for posting KC.

Yes, this is some sweet news. Many of us on the board will be purchasing 360's. :joystick:

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what the hell? how are they going to release a console and then a year later release the same console with "upgrades"?

that's just how they get a little extra money for those who eiter have the money to buy 2 360's in two years, or those who just absolutly have the best thing out there. personally, the only thing appealing to me is the 120 gb hd, but i'll probably just buy that seperatly when i absolutly need it. i've been downloading demos and all kinds of stuff and i still have 8 gigs free.

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what the hell? how are they going to release a console and then a year later release the same console with "upgrades"?

What did you expect from microsnot?

I personally think I will get it cause I don't have a 360 and really want one, or this will be the great opportunity for me to get the 'old' 360 for a lot cheaper. :D Score.

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well I have a 360 and I don't plan on buying another.. the only thing that seems interesting is the HDMI. How much better is that than component cables graphic wise?

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what the hell? how are they going to release a console and then a year later release the same console with "upgrades"?

I hope you know that the XBOX in it's lifespan went through many revisions, same as the PS2. However this is the first major revision for the X360 and it's a catastrophic event for many people. The biggest gain for 360 in this revision is not the HDMI but the move to 65nm which will make for quieter and less heat failure prone console.

I don't understand the logic. "Oh geez, i just bought a 360 3 months ago, so i demand MS NEVER to revise the thing so I can sleep at night!". WTH? I bought a premium 360 and enjoyed every of the (few) seconds I could spend with it when it was the best there was, and that's all that counts. Tech obsolence is part of the game and it's not MS' fault. It's childish to expect MS never to touch their tech for tweakings or improvements just to deceive oneself in having made the best possible purchase for a lifetime. It's not like MS decide to upgrade the thing 2 months after the original, and operations like this can only stimulate the market. My 2 cents.

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What did you expect from microsnot?

I personally think I will get it cause I don't have a 360 and really want one, or this will be the great opportunity for me to get the 'old' 360 for a lot cheaper. :D Score.

My exact thoughts. I was holding off on buying one just in case something like this happened or the price dropped.

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