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XBOX360 - Revision 2


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I hope you know that the XBOX in it's lifespan went through many revisions, same as the PS2. However this is the first major revision for the X360 and it's a catastrophic event for many people. The biggest gain for 360 in this revision is not the HDMI but the move to 65nm which will make for quieter and less heat failure prone console.

I don't understand the logic. "Oh geez, i just bought a 360 3 months ago, so i demand MS NEVER to revise the thing so I can sleep at night!". WTH? I bought a premium 360 and enjoyed every of the (few) seconds I could spend with it when it was the best there was, and that's all that counts. Tech obsolence is part of the game and it's not MS' fault. It's childish to expect MS never to touch their tech for tweakings or improvements just to deceive oneself in having made the best possible purchase for a lifetime. It's not like MS decide to upgrade the thing 2 months after the original, and operations like this can only stimulate the market. My 2 cents.

HDMI and whatever other technology they are releasing wasn't at all new when they originally released the 360.

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