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how to change icons in my computer


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Wondering if someone could help me out.

For some reason, the icon representing C: drive doesn't show up. I usually right click and go to properties and click on change icon to change the icon but I can't seem to find that option for my C: drive.

I have a feeling I have to go into regedit and change something inside of there but I have never played around with it and frankly I am kind of scared that I might mess up something big.

Here is a screenshot of how it looks.


Thank you very much for the help.

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I figured the change icon option would only be available for shortcuts but I thought there would be an option to edit the icon for drives by going into regedit and modifying it there. But the thing is I have no clue as to how to do it.

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Thanks for the link. I was able to download it but I am having problems trying to change the icon. It says that I need to register the software for me to change the icon of my C: drive. How were you able to change it? Thanks for the help.

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