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War in Iraq


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People have been complaining about the war in Iraq since day one. At the start, we had about a 70% approval rate of the war, and now, it's about 70% against. Late December 2006, the death toll in Iraq has reached 3,000 since the start of the war on March 20, 2003. And although this is a large number, people have to realize that this is war. People die in battle. And 3,000 is a lot of people. An average of 2.17 people a day. Although this is 2.17 people is 2.17 too many, we have to realize that this is a small number as compared to the 8.2 people from hunting accidents, 139.72 from car accidents, 8219.17 AIDS related deaths, and 438.35 Lung Cancer deaths that occur every day. In comparison to the average fatality in Iraq, these numbers are much worse. So unless people are willing to stop hunting, diving, smoking, and having irresponsible sex, these people shouldn't talk about bringing our boys back home and leaving Iraq hanging out to dry.

Most of the World already hates the United States. And us barging into Iraq didn't help things either. But imaging how much the world would hate us if we just pulled out and left Iraq to fend for themselves. Communism would easily take over the country. Just what we need is to have communism in the Middle East. Also, Most countries would either raise the prices of our overseas imports or just refuse to sell them to us. Imaging the price of Gas then, or food, or clothing. About the only thing that’s still made in America today are Rolls Royce’s and Firestone tires. So, the only solution, is to finish what we started in Iraq, and to finish rebuilding, training, and helping them become a self-dependant country. And hopefully this would strengthen the bond between the U.S. and other countries.

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Communism?? This is 2007, not 1967.

Even if this actually the 1960s and Iraq ends up as a communist state they'd be much better off than the Islamist theocracy they are heading towards now.

And as for your "death toll" of 3000 killed in Iraq, I guess the 100,000 to 700,000 dead Iraqis (depending on the figures you choose to believe) don't count since they aren't actually human beings to you.

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I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I said that they weren't human beings. Alot of poeple die during war. On Both sides. And how do you think Dictatorship is better than a Democracy?

Democracy- Majority rules

Dictatorship- Man with arym at you door and gun at your head wins

Name me one kind Dictator. Now name me one kind President.

If you prefer a Dictatorship, it shows that you care about people much less than anyone else here does.

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I'm still waiting on what the iraqi uniform looks like

Police or soldier? Police ones are blue blouse tops and the military ones are camo much like the American unis without the various branch patches and such. They also fit a bit more loosely.


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I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I said that they weren't human beings. Alot of poeple die during war. On Both sides. And how do you think Dictatorship is better than a Democracy?

Democracy- Majority rules

Dictatorship- Man with arym at you door and gun at your head wins

Name me one kind Dictator. Now name me one kind President.

If you prefer a Dictatorship, it shows that you care about people much less than anyone else here does.

No, I said a communist government would be better than a Islamist theocracy, which is what Iraq is moving towards.

Democracy is NOT simply "Majority rules", a real democratic government has checks on the power of the majority of the population, and is "a government of laws, and not of men".

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Sorry man, you list the tiniest sliver of credibility you had when you brought Communism into the mix. There's nothing a radically theistic insurgency loves more than an atheistic autocracy.

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I'm sorry' date=' I didn't realize that I said that they weren't human beings. Alot of poeple die during war. On [u']Both sides. And how do you think Dictatorship is better than a Democracy?

Democracy- Majority rules

Dictatorship- Man with arym at you door and gun at your head wins

Name me one kind Dictator. Now name me one kind President.

If you prefer a Dictatorship, it shows that you care about people much less than anyone else here does.[/quot

Dude, do you even know what the communisam is? Have you ever lived in the communist country? I did and it is not what you see on CNN. Of course no one is going to likes us when 5% of U.S population controls the 95% of the world. Iraq would be better off without us and 3,000 us lives would be saved. Who gave us the right to there and make the mess that we made there?

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Hell, I say bring Communism back as our main enemy. Hear that China? Quick, Toby Keith! Compose a knee-jerk reactionary anthem of violence! "Can't wait to feel my steel-toed boots slosh through that Chinese mud / Uncle Sam's gonna make you yellow-faced reds run red with your own blood." Grammy.

Things went all to hell when we tore down the Berlin Wall. "Terrorists"? James Bond doesn't even know who to kill anymore.


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James Bond doesn't even know who to kill anymore.

Maybe he can kill himself and save us the trouble of seeing another James Bond film that has the same story line and plot as the previous one.

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You know why you don't know what the Iraqi Army's uniform looks like? cuz we ain't killin' there army, we killin' them

um....... Ok, I respected you up to this point, so because of that I wont insult you. But the reason Iraq dosn't have an army is because we are training them. Soon after that, there being killed. BY THEIR OWN PEOPLE!

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By the way, I am from Argentina and when we used to live in dictartoship, USA gov. gave support to those "nice men". So... where were you when we need it?.

Oh! I realized that this is politics, so, there are lots of things we don't understand.

And stop believing the World hates USA, personally, I hated some politicians, but not the people who live in USA.


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Iraqis Say They Were Better Off Under Hussein

That comes as no surprise as you can't even go and buy flour without wondering:

Will I be

A. blown up

B. shot

C.kidnapped and murdered

Saddam was far from good, hell he was pure evil, but you knew what lines to cross. Now the line is gone and its a free fall to **** and death. That country needs to be split up because the other option is to put in another crazy dictator and let him oppress and nobody wants that.


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whatever happened to that Osama guy? What a mess we are all in. Syria and Iran will soon be thrown into this War on Terror or whatever Bush wants to call it.

This war came out of 9/11, as we all know, where 19 people hijacked 4 planes. Something that should have never happened for a ton of reasons. Think about this, 19 people killed a total of 2,973 on that day. Out of it came this war. 3019 US soldiers, 128 UK, and 123 other countrys for a total of 3270 (http://icasualties.org/oif/Statecity.aspx)have been killed in Iraq presently and 22728 wounded.


53,000-58,000 Iraqis killed


516 soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan.

19 hijackers/terrorists/murderers/illegal immigrants

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You know what nobody recognizes about Iraq? It's not that we went in there over a lie, or at best "questionable intelligence", but that we completely botched everything else. Think about this:

*In the first Gulf War, the majority of the costs of war were payed for by other Arab countries (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, others). Saddam is such a hated figure in the Arab world that if we had just gotten many of these Arab countries together and gotten them to chip in, we wouldn't be paying the price tag that we are now. There's no way that the Saudis, Iranians (People forget that before the war, many Iranians were Pro-U.S.), and Kuwaitis wouldn't have chipped in to get rid of Saddam.

*If we had actually decided to get a real coalition together (The next highest troop total is Great Britain, and I don't even think they broke 50,000), instead of blatantly disrespecting the European countries like France and Germany who could have helped us have real troop totals in Iraq. The amount of troops in Iraq is horrible, and the so-called coalition is worthless. Just compare the troop totals from this Gulf War to the last. This is also even more important when taking Afghanistan into consideration (Osama who?)

*If the War was about oil, that's been completely botched too. We haven't made very much off the oil in Iraq to even make a difference.

The biggest problem with Iraq is the ethnic groups. There's no way all three of these groups could co-exist peacefully (Sunnis, Shittes, Kurds) in a democracy. I don't think anyone has a solution for that, and I think that factors in to why we never went into Iraq in the first Gulf War.

As the most powerful country in the world, with all the goodwill after 9/11, we could've been able to go into Iraq with the reasoning "He's a dictator, if we work together we can do this". This war should've never been made into anything about WMD's (Let's not forget who gave him those, either), terrorism (There were no terrorists from Iraq, and now it's a hotbed for terrorism), or vendettas (Bush "The man tried to kill my dad"). If he had put the work into being diplomatic initially, we wouldn't have the disarray, financial problems, death count, and hatred towards us now.

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You know what nobody recognizes about Iraq? It's not that we went in there over a lie, or at best "questionable intelligence", but that we completely botched everything else. Think about this:

*In the first Gulf War, the majority of the costs of war were payed for by other Arab countries (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, others). Saddam is such a hated figure in the Arab world that if we had just gotten many of these Arab countries together and gotten them to chip in, we wouldn't be paying the price tag that we are now. There's no way that the Saudis, Iranians (People forget that before the war, many Iranians were Pro-U.S.), and Kuwaitis wouldn't have chipped in to get rid of Saddam.

*If we had actually decided to get a real coalition together (The next highest troop total is Great Britain, and I don't even think they broke 50,000), instead of blatantly disrespecting the European countries like France and Germany who could have helped us have real troop totals in Iraq. The amount of troops in Iraq is horrible, and the so-called coalition is worthless. Just compare the troop totals from this Gulf War to the last. This is also even more important when taking Afghanistan into consideration (Osama who?)

*If the War was about oil, that's been completely botched too. We haven't made very much off the oil in Iraq to even make a difference.

The biggest problem with Iraq is the ethnic groups. There's no way all three of these groups could co-exist peacefully (Sunnis, Shittes, Kurds) in a democracy. I don't think anyone has a solution for that, and I think that factors in to why we never went into Iraq in the first Gulf War.

As the most powerful country in the world, with all the goodwill after 9/11, we could've been able to go into Iraq with the reasoning "He's a dictator, if we work together we can do this". This war should've never been made into anything about WMD's (Let's not forget who gave him those, either), terrorism (There were no terrorists from Iraq, and now it's a hotbed for terrorism), or vendettas (Bush "The man tried to kill my dad"). If he had put the work into being diplomatic initially, we wouldn't have the disarray, financial problems, death count, and hatred towards us now.

Don't forget about these things, too. I haven't forgotten about WMD's nor have most people I know. It's not really an issue at this point. We're so far into this thing that we can't refer back to it and have any effect on whats going on over there now.

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