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War in Iraq


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George Bush is a man who thinks he is the savior of the world. I truly believe he wants to be known as the greatest president ever. 9/11 was tragic, but Bush used that event to carry out his own agenda.

He is a terrible president, but probably, is a decent human being. That is the difference between him and Hussein. Hussein was a monster, Bush is just not a good president. He shouldn't be made out to be a monster, but he shouldn't be celebrated either.

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I may have missed this but I don't think anyone was placing "the Europeans" on a pedestal??

I saw the guy from Germany savaging American foreign policy but I don't think he was necessarily saying that historically European or German foreign policy was/is any better.

afaik the current chancellor of Germany supports the war anyway.

You're right, Hory, that has never been my intention. Angela Merkel does support the war and is getting flak for that, because the germans do not see the necessity of this war.

"stupid puppet"? Interesting choice of words. Puppet to whom? Big ol' mean oil companies? LOL

It sure is nice to get a lecture on ambivalent foregn policy from a German,,,,ahem, let's not forget our not so recent past, shall we? Say, 1933 to 1945.

Anyway, I lived in Germany for 2 years, and do have a bit of familiararity with the locals. The only thing I know for sure, is that as long as there are seperate countries/states/governments, etc., there will be differing agendas and political aims. This will always be debated, and people in Europe will hate Americans, and their elected officials, and accuse them of anything and everything, and Americans will do likewise to Europeans.

Now, mix in a little good old fashioned religious zeal, Chistian or muslim or Hindi or whatever, and you got yourself some fireworks.

Everyone will have their opinions about Bush as we've had our opinions about churchill, Hitler, Hussein, JFK, Clinton, Helmut Schmidt, Thatcher, Minh, Bin-Laden, etc.

Add to that our cultural upbringings, and you will see various forms of xenophobia.

I don't think you are anti-american, I just think you bring all your particular baggage to your point of view, same as I bring mine.

That's it.

I knew somebody would bring up Hitler and the dark past of Germany. That's alright, because everbody over here is well aware of the agony that Germany has caused to this world. This is the reason why Germany refused to participate in any kind of war until now. Germans, unlike in the beginning of the 20th century, now have a strong sense of democracy, freedom and equality. These values are -thank god- deeply rooted in the German nation and in its society, and prevent any kind of relapse in bygone times. The majority of Germans does not live in the past anymore and refuse to do so!

And btw. I was not trying to lecture anybody. I'm a son of an emigrant and was born and raised here in Germany. I have to deal with Neo-Nazism and racism from time to time because i'm a foreigner in this country. Being aware of the history of this country and experiencing such things made me who I am today: A human being who is extremely sensitized against any aggressor in this present world...

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If you people havent been to war save this discussion for those of us who have. I fought for freedom of speech, have you.

Yes, and by doing so I understood I was fighting for other rights to free speech not just my own

I'm sorry you did not get that memo

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George Bush is a man who thinks he is the savior of the world. I truly believe he wants to be known as the greatest president ever. 9/11 was tragic, but Bush used that event to carry out his own agenda.

He is a terrible president, but probably, is a decent human being. That is the difference between him and Hussein. Hussein was a monster, Bush is just not a good president. He shouldn't be made out to be a monster, but he shouldn't be celebrated either.

Both felt righteous and cared out their own ideas of what was right.

Both were wrong

Both lead to countless innocent deaths

Not so different HUH

Explain to me why Bush pulled out of the ICC treaty?

Fear he might be tried and hung as an international terrorist maybe?

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Maybe I should have. Would he want to hang Clinton for war crimes? Clinton bombed Kosovo-innocent people died so he could take attention away from Monica. These kind of people make me sick to my stomach. People like him will never be happy until his presumed "enemies" are all dead-he of course is probably perfect and without sin.

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I'm not even joking when I say this, but anyone who honestly supports Bush's new plan wants America to fail. There is no way his new plan will work.

I mean 20,000 ******* troops for an entire ******* country! 20,000 wouldn't even be enough for Baghdad, let alone the entire ******* country.

It's a ******* retarded plan, because Bush can't admit that he grossly underestimated how difficult the sectarian tensions would be(not a 20,000 troops underestimate, but more like 150,000 troops).

It's a horrible plan that is just going to get more Americans killed.

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If you people havent been to war save this discussion for those of us who have. I fought for freedom of speech, have you.

I didn't know that made you an International Relations expert. Congratulations.

Why do people honestly think this is an acceptable argument?

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Maybe I should have. Would he want to hang Clinton for war crimes? Clinton bombed Kosovo-innocent people died so he could take attention away from Monica. These kind of people make me sick to my stomach. People like him will never be happy until his presumed "enemies" are all dead-he of course is probably perfect and without sin.

Wow, someone is trying to blame Clinton for something else. Bosnia was a war that was done right, and you're full of ******* **** if you're trying to say he "Was trying to distract from Monica". Get your ******* history right, and talk to anyone who knows anything and they'll say Bosnia was the right thing to do. Was he trying to "distract" people from Monica when he sent those cruise missiles at Osama?

If you want to impeach Clinton for his own personal business, then impeach Reagan for the Iran Contra and impeach Bush for all of the lies he tells.

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it dosent make me an expert in relations, just death, pain suffering and killing. you people sit at home, get to sleep in a real bed without mortars, and rockets falling on your base every night. you think La gangs are the badest muthers on the planet, and that waiting more than 3 minutes in a checkout line is an outrage. the news censors everything to meet their own political veiws, cnn is by far the worst, but fox dose it too. you wanta know about iraq then go.

as for the soliders in iraq it is a volunteer army nobady made them enlist. the nation guard has no right to be in iraq, hello its the NATIONAL guard, but they took the same oath as every other member of the military. ive heard people say they got in the military or guard to go to school, well hello again its the frickin military not the WMCA RETARDS. People get killed in the military and we kill people too its what we do.

rember a hard day for you is your car not starting. but americans have died for your right to ***** since we became a country, do get off their backs

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No one is bashing the troops. If anything, they want the War to stop so they're not over there. It's not the fact that the troops are going to war, but the fact that they're going to a terribly planned war in one of the most volatile regions on Earth. The troops just aren't in "Harm's way", anyone who goes to war is. They're far beyond that, and you're kidding yourself if you think Rumsfeld, Bush, and Cheney have done their job by supplying their troops with adequate armor and have completely botched everything strategically.

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it dosent make me an expert in relations, just death, pain suffering and killing. you people sit at home, get to sleep in a real bed without mortars, and rockets falling on your base every night. you think La gangs are the badest muthers on the planet, and that waiting more than 3 minutes in a checkout line is an outrage. the news censors everything to meet their own political veiws, cnn is by far the worst, but fox dose it too. you wanta know about iraq then go.

as for the soliders in iraq it is a volunteer army nobady made them enlist. the nation guard has no right to be in iraq, hello its the NATIONAL guard, but they took the same oath as every other member of the military. ive heard people say they got in the military or guard to go to school, well hello again its the frickin military not the WMCA RETARDS. People get killed in the military and we kill people too its what we do.

rember a hard day for you is your car not starting. but americans have died for your right to **** since we became a country, do get off their backs

As long as losers and cowards say that we can win - we should stay the course, eh? So what has changed. How many soldiers has Bush shook hands with that have died or been horribly wounded in Iraq? Well surely not enough, right?

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rember a hard day for you is your car not starting. but americans have died for your right to **** since we became a country, do get off their backs

But wait...I didn't ask them to. They volunteered, didn't they? Which is it?

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