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Indoor Bicycle Trainers?


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Im looking for a way to stay in shape over the winter. Im big on biking but hate going to the gym and waiting for a machine to open up. I lift here at home so I was wondering about these indoor bike trainers. To see what Im talking about:


I was wondering if anyone has used them before? If so, what brand do you use and do you get a reasonable workout? thanks.

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I sell exercise equipment, so I'm pretty familiar with bikes. I have an upright exercise bike, and it works fine, but if I had to choose, I'd easily go with the trainer. It's better in a couple different ways.

You get to ride your own bike, which is a huge plus. No more uncomfortable seat that upright bikes have.

The trainer could be less expensive, depending on what upright exercise bike you're looking at. Plus, the trainer is smaller than an exercise bike, so that's nice.

I'd easily invest in a trainer. I'm into cycling, so it'd be a good investment, especially if you're into distance biking.

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Running is a better exercise over a shorter period of time, but since you can ride a bike for literally hours at a time, it's better the longer you do it. Plus, biking is better for your joints/knees/lower body.

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Running is a better exercise over a shorter period of time, but since you can ride a bike for literally hours at a time, it's better the longer you do it. Plus, biking is better for your joints/knees/lower body.

Can you recommend a brand? I don't really want to spend $300 nor do I want to buy something thats cheap and doesnt work very well.

Also, I have a mountain bike with shocks. Will the trainer still work or will the shocks mess it up? Thanks for the replys.

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