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need 1 or 2 players caps please


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I am a big marlins fan, and I want create many young marlins players.

could anybody post me dan uggla, josh johnson, taylor tankersley, mike jacobs and ricky nolasco caps or tell me where I could found them.


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Well I'm new to all this, so I didn't want to open a new topic for something that I'm sure u guys have answer already. But anyways I downloaded kgbaseball’s 2007 Roster Overhaul v. 2.0 Beta (Plus), but I cant install it. I'm stuck where it says :


Install the u122a.fsh and u123a.fsh into your models.big using krawhitham’s installer or EAGE

Install the f123a.fsh into your uniforms.big using krawhitham’s installer or EAGE

Whats krawhitham’s installer or EAGE?? Thanks for your time,


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  \ said:
Well I'm new to all this, so I didn't want to open a new topic for something that I'm sure u guys have answer already. But anyways I downloaded kgbaseball’s 2007 Roster Overhaul v. 2.0 Beta (Plus), but I cant install it. I'm stuck where it says :


Install the u122a.fsh and u123a.fsh into your models.big using krawhitham’s installer or EAGE

Install the f123a.fsh into your uniforms.big using krawhitham’s installer or EAGE

Whats krawhitham’s installer or EAGE?? Thanks for your time,


kraw's Installer Thingy is up to version 2.4 and allows you to install prety much any mod with ease.

EAGE is the abbrevation for EA Graphics Editor which is another program you can install mods with.

They're both available on the site in the downloads section

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You can follow the directions included with each roster, but you can also...

1. Copy the contents of the database folder

2. Paste them at program files -> Ea Sports -> MVP Baseball 2005 -> data -> database

You can also use MVPedit (To open the .mbe file) to look at the ratings.

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  \ said:
could you post me their caps, your word for install mods is too technical for me, I don't understand them, sorry but like itell you english ins't my language !

Here: I have an easy tutorial for you:

First, go and download the following three things:

1. InstallerThingy 2.4 - http://mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=2727.html

2. Plus Models.big - http://mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=2148.html

3. kgbaseball's roster overhaul 2.0 - http://mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=3690.html

1. Extract the models.big file into the folder C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2005data (or wherever the data folder in your MVP Baseball 2005 folder is)

2. Extract kgbaseball

s roster overhaul 2.0 somewhere (like on your desktop).

3. Copy everything you just downloaded (from the 19852_19852_2.0 Beta (Plus)2.0 Beta (Plus)Roster Filesdatabase folder), into your MVP Baseball 2005datadatabase folder. Replace All.

4. Open Krawhitham's Installer Thingy 2.4. Select (Install uniforms or faces (models.big)), and click "Do It". A window should pop up where you can copy the files u122a.fsh and u123a.fsh, as well as the files in the Facial Hair folder. After you have copied the files into the popped-up window, click OK. Wait for it to finish.

5. Now open Krawhitham's Installer Thingy 2.4. Select (Install uniform select screens (uniforms.big)), and click "Do It". A window should pop up where you can copy the file f123a.fsh into. Then, click OK. Wait for it to finish.

6. All done! :alright:

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  \ said:
What happens if your game crashes while loading? Because thats what happen to me...I wonder why?

You've probably added players to your rosters lately right? Having more than 3250 players in the database causes the game to crash

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